T.O.'S Season Done with Eagles



Larry Gude said:
14??? Where'd all this generosity come from? How about 12 or 10? My 14 year old hasn't acted this dumb since she was 6. Point is, HE can get away with it; she can NOT.

Here's TO, IMHO: "Yeah, I can see why they don't like me saying Donovan ran out of gas in the Super Bowl, but he did, damnit. I was ready. I came back hard to play to win. Donovan playing bad hurts me. I want to WIN and if I gotta call somebody out, well, isn't it worth it? Isn't it the only way?"

Also, TO may not be correct to say the team is better off with Favre but he IS correct to say that Donovan is NOT playing as good as he can or should. In TO's mind, you call the man out. You say you are doing you're job as a super star. You say otehr super stars should do their job to.

TO calls teamates and coaches out. He does it in an immature, un-preffesional, selfish fashion.

And the Eagles KNEW that.

Maybe he wanted to be on a winning team and tonned down his Dennis Rodman antics in the beginning and the Eagles fell for it :shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Don't tell me...

dems4me said:
all in all, I think teamwork is important... there's no I in team and TO has yet to grasp that...:shrug: You just shouldn't go around biting the hand that feeds you... it creates bad moral and a bad example for all the other playesr on the team :shrug:

...tell the idiot Eagles. TO is part of a milionaire sports culture that allows, that promotes some guys saying "There ain't no 'we' in team either."

Come on. He made a commitment to the 49'ers and screwed them.

He had a deal in place, at least everyone in Baltimore thought so, and screwed them, to.

I can't STAND some beyotch standing around, playing victim when THEY get screwed to. "He'd NEVER do me that way!" said the Eagles. How arrogant. How holier than thou. How stupid.

In the mean time, the thing he gets paid to do, CATCH THE BALL, he was on his way to a record season.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

dems4me said:
Maybe he wanted to be on a winning team and tonned down his Dennis Rodman antics in the beginning and the Eagles fell for it :shrug:

...yeah, ask the Ravens all about his wonderful behavior in order to get on a winning team.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

dems4me said:
Maybe he wanted to be on a winning team and tonned down his Dennis Rodman antics in the beginning and the Eagles fell for it :shrug:

...I don't know if you meant to, but you make THE point:

Rodman NEVER toned down his antics and was part of how many championships BECAUSE of his performance???

Larry Gude

Strung Out
In any event...

...THANK you all for discussing this. I am enjoying it and mean no offense to anyone if any was taken.

I think it's a great topic.


Football addict
Larry Gude said:
Who the hell is Reggie Brown?

TO: 100 TD's

RBrown: 1
That is an unfair comparison, you know this. Who was TO with but one touchdown? Everyone has their start.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I agree it's unfair...

BuddyLee said:
That is an unfair comparison, you know this. Who was TO with but one touchdown? Everyone has their start.

...but I didn't bring it up. Brown is not yet even close to TO or they could have just let TO go last summer and then they would have had the integrity point they seem to be after now.

As it is, they're using TO to excuse McNabbs poor play.


Football addict
Larry Gude said:
As it is, they're using TO to excuse McNabbs poor play.
I agree.

but I didn't bring it up. Brown is not yet even close to TO or they could have just let TO go last summer and then they would have had the integrity point they seem to be after now.
No, I said Mr. Brown held up his own. Do you expect Mr. Brown to fulfill TO's record in but one game? TO has been in the game longer, Brown...not so long.


Set Trippin
I don't care how great Owens is, I'm sure glad he aint a Redskin...

(Of course he probably is too but that's beside the point) :roflmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'll say this...

BuddyLee said:
I agree.

No, I said Mr. Brown held up his own. Do you expect Mr. Brown to fulfill TO's record in but one game? TO has been in the game longer, Brown...not so long.

Mr. Brown game across the field on a blown coverage and went the distance. On one play. He wasn't even open the rest of the game and I was very happy for us that Mr. Owens was not on the field.

I was there and the Skins pass coverage was outstanding. That McNabb got 300 yards was based on 4 bigger plays, including Mr. Browns, but, the rest of the time, the Eagles were covered and TO, like Randy Moss, are two of those rare guys who can either get open or catch it even with great coverage.

Who knows? You may well be pointing out the begining of the next super stars career.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
he was on his way to a record season.

You've said the above over and over...Thats great for TO and maybe the Eagles would benefit from a record season, but they were 4-3 with him. Bottom line, if they want to eat the contract and say screw you, TO; more power to em. He's a cancer and he is getting his just desserts...Why should the Eagles play him and let him pad his stats when it appears they want him to rot in hell?? It's the Eagles' money, it's the Eagle cap space they have already hosed up, why can't the Eagles say, take a hike TO, and don't let the door hit ya in the azz. It seems to me its much, much harder to do what they are doing than to just ignore his BS and let him continue with his antics.

Only 1 ex-NFLer has even TRIED to back TO up in all this and that was the weasel Irvin, who played TO like a fiddle. You can't tell me that all the crap TO has pulled hasn't affected the Eagles' locker room. The Eagles are a better team right now without him...PERIOD


Larry Gude

Strung Out
You know what...

mainman said:
I don't care how great Owens is, I'm sure glad he aint a Redskin...

(Of course he probably is too but that's beside the point) :roflmao:

...on Sundays, I wish he was.

I know how you feel but, I was at FedEx opening day, Dione Sanders first game as a Skin vs. the Panthers. I HATE that guy and to make matters worse, he was not only a 49er but a COWBOY as well. When he got introduced, that building EXPLODED and every time he went back for a punt..he was one of US.

Of course, turns out he was done career wise, and I could comfortably go back to hating his guts.

If I'm an Eagle fan, I want TO on the field.


Set Trippin
otter said:
You've said the above over and over...Thats great for TO and maybe the Eagles would benefit from a record season, but they were 4-3 with him. Bottom line, if they want to eat the contract and say screw you, TO; more power to em. He's a cancer and he is getting his just desserts...Why should the Eagles play him and let him pad his stats when it appears they want him to rot in hell?? It's the Eagles' money, it's the Eagle cap space they have already hosed up, why can't the Eagles say, take a hike TO, and don't let the door hit ya in the azz. It seems to me its much, much harder to do what they are doing than to just ignore his BS and let him continue with his antics.

Only 1 ex-NFLer has even TRIED to back TO up in all this and that was the weasel Irvin, who played TO like a fiddle. You can't tell me that all the crap TO has pulled hasn't affected the Eagles' locker room. The Eagles are a better team right now without him...PERIOD

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I know...

otter said:
You've said the above over and over...Thats great for TO and maybe the Eagles would benefit from a record season, but they were 4-3 with him. Bottom line, if they want to eat the contract and say screw you, TO; more power to em. He's a cancer and he is getting his just desserts...Why should the Eagles play him and let him pad his stats when it appears they want him to rot in hell?? It's the Eagles' money, it's the Eagle cap space they have already hosed up, why can't the Eagles say, take a hike TO, and don't let the door hit ya in the azz. It seems to me its much, much harder to do what they are doing than to just ignore his BS and let him continue with his antics.

Only 1 ex-NFLer has even TRIED to back TO up in all this and that was the weasel Irvin, who played TO like a fiddle. You can't tell me that all the crap TO has pulled hasn't affected the Eagles' locker room. The Eagles are a better team right now without him...PERIOD


...you're right. I was just trying to see how long you'd put up with it.