T.O.'S Season Done with Eagles

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Now see???

Well you are an idiot, most of the time, that's why I like you - KK

THAT'S how you leave karma komments!

Now, if only I can figure out who KK is...

It could be a stutterer named K...

It could be...

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
THAT'S how you leave karma komments!

Now, if only I can figure out who KK is...

It could be a stutterer named K...

It could be...
Probably some Krazy Kousin of yours. :biggrin:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...he ain't been accussed of murder or witnessing any.

He hasn't been busted for dealing drugs.

He didn't do steroids.

He ain't a pot head.

He hasn't pulled a gun on anyone.

He hasn't been busted for drunk driving.


New Member
I only heard his agent talking for him..with him behind and his eyes didn't show any remorse. When do we here his speech?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You people are harsh!

"Sorry, I beat my wife and got locked up for a weapons charge!"

Oh, OK, Steve McNair, come on back! Team, baby!

"Sorry, I didn't not see no guys get stabbed to death by my not friends."

OK, Ray Ray. Come on back! Bring Jamaal with you...once he gets out of jail. What's a few K's among friends? Team! Team!

"Kiss my ass, I ain't talking to nobody."

OK, Shawn Taylor. Just put the guns away and come on down! 'Shawn' spells team in Smith and Wesson-ese.

"I'm pissed we're losing. Get me the ball more and we'll win more!"

Sorry, TO, sticks and stones may break bones but words REALLY hurt our widdle feelings. You a bad, bad man. Why don't you prove your love and go buss a cap in somebodys ass and then, maybe we can see you are a TRUE team mate. Until then, well, we're just feeling very, very bad. May I have a tissue?

Give me a FREAKING break! Eagles are TITANIC crybabies. Terrel say some MEAN things! Boo hoo!

wah wah wah.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

tomchamp said:
I only heard his agent talking for him..with him behind and his eyes didn't show any remorse. When do we here his speech?

...read a statement before Drew said boo.


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
...he ain't been accussed of murder or witnessing any.

He hasn't been busted for dealing drugs.

He didn't do steroids.

He ain't a pot head.

He hasn't pulled a gun on anyone.

He hasn't been busted for drunk driving.

The difference is, other than the drug issues, none of those things directly effects the team. And a pro team is all about winning. If a player gets a DWI and has to have someone drive them to the games it doesn't adversly affect the team. If a player beats his wife, unless he is in jail during the season it doesn't affect the team. Lets face it, with out pro sports a lot of these guys would be garden variety thugs, check out cracksmoker.com

What TO was doing was affecting team morale, and thats the quickest way to bring a team down. Also, what he was doing was apparently against the team rules, and there was even a claus in his contract about this sort of behavior. So he broke the team rules he should face team displine. If he viloated the law, then the legal system would handle it, like with ray lewis et al


Football addict
Did anyone else see TO's expression after a reporter asked his agent "what else have you done in these past 5 months besides getting TO kicked off the team?". TO just smiled and winked at the reporter while his agent :blahblah:.:lmao:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Eagles Place Owens on Suspended List

PHILADELPHIA - The Philadelphia Eagles have placed Terrell Owens on the reserve/suspended list, meaning he cannot practice or play with the team.

Hoping to overturn his dismissal from the Eagles, an emotional Owens on Tuesday apologized to coach Andy Reid, quarterback Donovan McNabb, the team's owner and president, and fans.

"The mentality that I have, my greatest strength can also be my greatest weakness," Owens said, reading a statement outside his house. "I'm a fighter. I've always been and I'll always be. I fight for what I think is right. In doing so, I alienated a lot of my fans and my teammates."

"This is very painful for me to be in this position," he said. "I know in my heart that I can help the team win the Super Bowl and not only be a dominant player, but also be a team player. I can bring that."

His agent, Drew Rosenhaus, said Owens made a public apology in hopes of returning to the Eagles immediately.

"We hope he plays right away," Rosenhaus said. "We hope he plays against the Dallas Cowboys" on Monday night.

Team spokesman Derek Boyko said the Eagles had no comment.


You made your bed, TO. Now lie in it. :dork:


New Member
<----- * hysterically laughing at T.O *

Had a great time watching the newly humbled T.O. make his apology statement yesterday. Guess what you arrogant ass...you finally got what you've had coming. Just because you have talent and money doesn't mean you can get away with being a low class idiot. You've just been "Keyshawn'd". Now please shut up for the rest of the season. (yeah...that'll happen...)

Laughing at the Eagles too. They got what they paid for...the full T.O. Experience. Ooops.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You say tomatoe, I say...

Midnightrider said:
The difference is, other than the drug issues, none of those things directly effects the team. And a pro team is all about winning. If a player gets a DWI and has to have someone drive them to the games it doesn't adversly affect the team. If a player beats his wife, unless he is in jail during the season it doesn't affect the team. Lets face it, with out pro sports a lot of these guys would be garden variety thugs, check out cracksmoker.com

What TO was doing was affecting team morale, and thats the quickest way to bring a team down. Also, what he was doing was apparently against the team rules, and there was even a claus in his contract about this sort of behavior. So he broke the team rules he should face team displine. If he viloated the law, then the legal system would handle it, like with ray lewis et al

...I say working with a loudmouth crybaby WHO IS DOING HIS JOB is way less of a distraction to me than working with a bunch of CRIMINALS.

Bottom line; TO was getting the job done on the field and to say a bunch of grown men are going to have their morale ruined by a loudmouth, especially a guy YOU KNEW was a loud mouth, from the get go, is, I think, an absolute insult to the players.

The Eagles crying foul over getting what they bought is beyond absurd.

So, no one, the players, the owners, the coaches, none of them can function when one guy is lipping off?

TO was on his way to a record season.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How come you get it...

Kerad said:
<----- * hysterically laughing at T.O *

Had a great time watching the newly humbled T.O. make his apology statement yesterday. Guess what you arrogant ass...you finally got what you've had coming. Just because you have talent and money doesn't mean you can get away with being a low class idiot. You've just been "Keyshawn'd". Now please shut up for the rest of the season. (yeah...that'll happen...)
Laughing at the Eagles too. They got what they paid for...the full T.O. Experience. Ooops.

...and the Eagles don't?

I would be a little understanding if TO was not putting out, but he is, big time.

Just like they hoped on the field.

Someone in that organization HAD to say "What if TO acts like...TO anyway AND is playing great?




Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:
...I say working with a loudmouth crybaby WHO IS DOING HIS JOB is way less of a distraction to me than working with a bunch of CRIMINALS.

Bottom line; TO was getting the job done on the field and to say a bunch of grown men are going to have their morale ruined by a loudmouth, especially a guy YOU KNEW was a loud mouth, from the get go, is, I think, an absolute insult to the players.

The Eagles crying foul over getting what they bought is beyond absurd.

So, no one, the players, the owners, the coaches, none of them can function when one guy is lipping off?

TO was on his way to a record season.

I'm guessing you haven;t been on many teams or worked in groups. You have heard the saying about 1 bad apple, right. They put the "a-hole" claus in his contract for a reason, he is not the first player to F a team up by thinking he was their savior.

But the Eagles were only 1 game abve 500 after 7. There is some disconect there.


Football addict

Larry Gude said:
...I say working with a loudmouth crybaby WHO IS DOING HIS JOB is way less of a distraction to me than working with a bunch of CRIMINALS.

Bottom line; TO was getting the job done on the field and to say a bunch of grown men are going to have their morale ruined by a loudmouth, especially a guy YOU KNEW was a loud mouth, from the get go, is, I think, an absolute insult to the players.

The Eagles crying foul over getting what they bought is beyond absurd.

So, no one, the players, the owners, the coaches, none of them can function when one guy is lipping off?

TO was on his way to a record season.
That's like working for a company and some noobie comes along and for a few years straight exclaims to everyone in the company "I'm the greatest f*cker here, bwhahahaha". After two years of that anyone would want to rip that guys head off. Nah, most would rather keep their job, that is more important, this nut will get his eventually. When this company is known for functioning as a team and that there is certainly no 'I' in 'TEAM' this nutty employee will either work with the team or against it. If he works against it he'll get the shaft. Ried knows what he's doing, Gibbs is doing the same exact thing. As if this relates, I would like to quote a wrestler:lol: "The Rock says shut your mouth and know your damn role".


Football addict
Larry Gude said:
I saw the organization giving him numerous chances and then taking a final stand. They don't care for it much now, only TO and the media, you want crybabies talk to them.