Taking bets

Outcome of spots

  • Kiss your ass goodbye, its cancer

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • dirt on film

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • cysts nothing to worry about

    Votes: 15 57.7%
  • heart meds causing problems, change medications

    Votes: 3 11.5%

  • Total voters


bcp said:
at this point I still have no answer, so now according to the doctor, they should have the results by monday, or they will call the MRI place to speed up the process.
as far as not funny, I know, Im really not laughing about it too much for real, but I have one of two choices, let it consume my every action until I know, or go on and just do what I do until I know for sure.

I refuse to spend too much time sulking or worrying about the results that could come back negative.

I will know the deal by tuesday I suppose.

Im hoping for cysts on the kidneys,
Im thinking that the heart meds Im on have done a job on the liver and I might have to change those drugs.

as far as the back pain, I think I did something to cause the area that I broke years ago to flair back up again. That is my major concern right now, the pain is going down my leg and leaving my foot numb and tingling, so I know that the is from pressure on the nerves.

until then, we go on joking about it.

I had some fractured / compressed vertabrae about 20 years ago and then strained my back reeling in rock fish 9 years ago and went through all that leg foot numbness it took almost a year before it completely subsided :shrug:


New Member
virgovictoria said:
Perhaps his birthmark is more like a mini work sign or warning label or street sign:

"Heavy Machinery"
"Contamination May Cause Nausea, Vomiting and Diarhhea"
"No U Turn"

Maybe it's in the shape of a bottle of a nice Chianti


In My Opinion
morganj614 said:
A birthmark on your liver? How interesting :snacks: Is it in the shape of anything, like say the Eiffel Tower or skull and cross bones?

Its in the shape of the virgin Mary and baby Jesus.
I will be listing it for sale on E-Bay shortly.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
I said "kiss your ass goodbye" and here's why:

Whenever I'm prepared for the worst, it never happens. And anything besides what I chose would be a pleasant surprise. I will start planning your eulogy right now, which means your test will come back just fine.

This thinking has only failed me once in 42 years, so it's looking really good for you :yay:


In My Opinion
Ok, now the back thing is getting to really piss me off.

over a month now trying to get an answer from the back doctor.
first a couple weeks for him to look at the MRIs, then he says he wants to see a CAT scan and a regular Xray of the spine.
now a few more weeks have passed since that and he still has not looked at the films.
My family doctor called his office yesterday to find out what the deal was, they claimed he would be reading them today.
today I call his office and its closed.


Im making an appointment with a different doctor in the morning.
I am now at the point that I can walk no more than 30 feet or so before the pain is too much to go further.

In the meantime I have tried to set up an appointment with a pain management place, cant get in until mid january

Would the jury convict me if I beat the doc with the baseball bat now?

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
bcp said:
Ok, now the back thing is getting to really piss me off.

over a month now trying to get an answer from the back doctor.
first a couple weeks for him to look at the MRIs, then he says he wants to see a CAT scan and a regular Xray of the spine.
now a few more weeks have passed since that and he still has not looked at the films.
My family doctor called his office yesterday to find out what the deal was, they claimed he would be reading them today.
today I call his office and its closed.


Im making an appointment with a different doctor in the morning.
I am now at the point that I can walk no more than 30 feet or so before the pain is too much to go further.

In the meantime I have tried to set up an appointment with a pain management place, cant get in until mid january

Would the jury convict me if I beat the doc with the baseball bat now?

:poorbaby: Good luck finding an attentive doctor. I've had past issues with doctors that had $$$ in their eyes when I visit them :rolleyes: They could care less about their patients, as long as their bringing in the doe.


bcp said:
Ok, F-HIM.

I am now at the point that I can walk no more than 30 feet or so before the pain is too much to go further.

In the meantime I have tried to set up an appointment with a pain management place, cant get in until mid january

he would just walk 35 feet away from you and then what would you do :popcorn:


It's Great to be American
bcp said:
he said he is going to wait a week to do the MRI.
Dont know why, but Im just going along for the ride.

If the doctor is going to wait a week to do the MRI, he must not be too worried about his initial findings. If you feel nervous about it, I suggest getting a second opinion.