Tattoo's on women

Tattoos on women

  • They make a woman look cheap

    Votes: 100 41.8%
  • I'm a freak I like them on women

    Votes: 42 17.6%
  • I'm a woman I like freaky

    Votes: 9 3.8%
  • I'm a woman and I just like them

    Votes: 88 36.8%

  • Total voters


aka Mrs. Giant
gumbo said:
I'm not the one throwing a tantrum nor I'm I the one wishing for reinforcements from other forum members.
So get another Tattoo , one across your forehead that says Beotch.
You replied how offended you are about my post , so now I give you something to be offended about and your still not happy :spank:
So why am I a "beotch"?! :confused: Because I hold a different opinion? Because I consider yours' one that represses females? Because I stand up for myself? Or because I have tattoos? :confused:

Well, I don't consider myself a beotch. I am actually a pretty nice person. But I am not a doormat, and I am pretty opinionated. Ican be called stubborn too. But I really dislike bullies. And I really dislike people who think by name calling and trash talking that they can belittle or humilate me.

BTW, do you attempt to degrade me because I am a woman who disagrees with you or because I am an American citizen on equal footing with a varied opinion? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
gumbo said:
Oh and womens hormonal changes don't ever make them irrational or over emotional :shutup:

I'm sending someone over to pick you up.
They will be driving :shortbus:

no one is denying that hormonal changes can affect a woman's emotions but to assume that any opinion that disagrees with yours MUST be a result of hormones is purely sexist and disrespectful.


migtig said:
So why am I a "beotch"?! :confused: Because I hold a different opinion? Because I consider yours' one that represses females? Because I stand up for myself? Or because I have tattoos? :confused:

Well, I don't consider myself a beotch. I am actually a pretty nice person. But I am not a doormat, and I am pretty opinionated. Ican be called stubborn too. But I really dislike bullies. And I really dislike people who think by name calling and trash talking that they can belittle or humilate me.

BTW, do you attempt to degrade me because I am a woman who disagrees with you or because I am an American citizen on equal footing with a varied opinion? :shrug:
Probably because yet once more you have shown to be inconsiderate.
I am entitled to feel about this subject how I feel without you drawing conclusions and making assumptions about how I feel.
You clearly insulted me by being insulted ,so there ! :drama:


terbear1225 said:
no one is denying that hormonal changes can affect a woman's emotions but to assume that any opinion that disagrees with yours MUST be a result of hormones is purely sexist and disrespectful.
It was a joke, Retard! and I'm glad your offended :lalala:
Now go away before I decide to pummel you with red stuff


aka Mrs. Giant
gumbo said:
Probably because yet once more you have shown to be inconsiderate.
I am entitled to feel about this subject how I feel without you drawing conclusions and making assumptions about how I feel.
You clearly insulted me by being insulted ,so there ! :drama:
OH I think I see, let me paraphrase:

You think women who have tattoos are either cheap or freaks. Since I feel that this is a stone age male chauvinist remark, and call you on it, I must be menstrating or a beotch or both. Thereby, with you name calling and insulting me for daring to hold a differing opinion as a female, then I am inconsiderate and have insulted you. (And for terbear calling you on the menstrating comment - the best policy must be to threaten him/her with red karma). However, if I had been a man, I wouldn't have been menstrating nor a beotch, I would have simply been a man who likes freaks.

I get it. I appreciate the male posturing for what it is.


gumbo said:
Further more if my feelings of a subject offend you then this would make you the bigot not I, for the world does not revolve around you and your feelings only.

This is probably the worst argument I've ever seen.

You do know what a bigot is, correct?

Taking your statement above, and carrying it to the logical extreme, any black, jew or Catholic who says they are offended by the Klan's principals is a bigot.

gumbo said:
Where in the hell did I say trashy and where in the hell was I directing this thread toward's you :spank:

Being a public forum, I would say that it was pretty pointedly directed at any woman with a tattoo, or any man dating or married to a woman with a tattoo.

Are you saying it wasn't?

Consider the following poll:
Bulgarians are big stupid foreign retards. True or False

Who do you think that's directed towards?

gumbo said:
The word cheap does not mean trash?
A Neon looks cheap next to a BMW , does this mean a Neon is trash :confused:

Correction: THIS is the worst argument I've ever seen.

Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame. Are you SERIOUSLY trying to say that by "Cheap" you meant.... inexpensive? Or anything OTHER than trashy?

Do you have so little respect for the intelligence of the people in this forum?

gumbo said:
Somebody is flowing heavily today :confused:

Look in a mirror, Sparky.


Well-Known Member
gumbo said:
It was a joke, Retard! and I'm glad your offended :lalala:
Now go away before I decide to pummel you with red stuff

sheesh, and I thought DoWhat was the most obnoxious person on here! :whistle:
Oh Gumbo...I guess you see your baby sis as cheap looking....:lol: j/k

I'm not sure which one I should choose...but I do know that I don't like a lot of tats on anybody and it looks worse on women...IMO.
I didn't get mine till I was 32. I had mine put on my ankle...I love it but I wish I had chose a different location for it. It looks like screamin' sheot when I have to wear a nice business suit for work.


Luvin Life !!!
sweetpea said:
Oh Gumbo...I guess you see your baby sis as cheap looking....:lol: j/k

I'm not sure which one I should choose...but I do know that I don't like a lot of tats on anybody and it looks worse on women...IMO.
I didn't get mine till I was 32. I had mine put on my ankle...I love it but I wish I had chose a different location for it. It looks like screamin' sheot when I have to wear a nice business suit for work.

I have to agree. I have only one on my ankle and I love it but when wearing a dress, capris or shorts it sticks out like a sore thumb and detracts from a professional appearance in the workplace. In retrospect I should have chosen another location that is less visible.


New Member
As fun as its been to read...
Who gives a shat this day and age what a woman puts on her body?
Self expression is what the century is all about and if ya don't like it just keep your opinion to yourself.

I think you all are friggin retarded.