Tattoo's on women

Tattoos on women

  • They make a woman look cheap

    Votes: 100 41.8%
  • I'm a freak I like them on women

    Votes: 42 17.6%
  • I'm a woman I like freaky

    Votes: 9 3.8%
  • I'm a woman and I just like them

    Votes: 88 36.8%

  • Total voters
BuddyLee said:
Christy, Nickel, Dems, Morgan, Migtig, Ftts, TIGERLILY, Sweetpea, Jameo, and any other dame I missed; you all looks cheap as stated by Gumbo 7/18/05.
I knew it, I just knew it! Why didn't anyone ever tell me???:bawl: :bawl:
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gumbo said:
I hope to he11 your not referring to yourself as intelligent or referring to respecting an idiot like yourself or that of a MPD that can't tell :sarcasm: from a hole in the floor.

You're right. I wouldn't know sarcasm if it bit my on the rear-end.

gumbo said:
Being cheap and looking Cheap are two different subjects.[/b]

Don't be dense.

Being cheap vs. looking cheap was not the point.

Looking "cheap" vs. looking "trashy" was.

You implied that by "cheap" you meant something less insulting than "trashy". I didn't buy that then, and I'm not buying that now.

gumbo said:
So look again. The top poll says Looks cheap, key word being Looks


Your "Looks" argument is sheer pedantry, and a cheap diversion.

Now, to more clearly express my point from before, since you've obviously missed (or more likely, ignored) it: if you can't tell what sort of an effect your words are going to have on people, that is your problem, not the problem of the people who read a pisspoor attitude into the pisspoor words you wrote.

And your words made you look like an intolerant horse's ass.


I wasn't able to pick a poll choice, because none of them fit my opinion. I love my tatoo, but it has meaning to me (most tatoo'd people will tell you this though), it is not just a 'thing to do'. I was also careful to place it somewhere most people will never see it (it is for me more than 'them'), and yet, when I want it to be seen, it is not publicly (and I stress 'publicly' only because it seems to be the majority 'social' opinion) heinous (like a giant flaming wanker with a sword through it dripping blood or anything).
I don't think there is anything wrong with anyone wanting a tatoo- even the type I just described, and with regards to those who find them offensive, I am sure that the tatoo'd person would tell you that is fine- they aren't concerned about that. Those who like them, hang out with those who have them and vice versa. I would like to stress that I thought seriously for YEARS before taking the plunge because I saw how people were initially treated who had them. I have come to learn that tatoos, though not as mischaracterizing as they used to be, are still not the social norm- and no matter how much it 'isn't fair', people will judge you by the first impression they have, and unfortunately tatoos are one of those things that people use to make those first impressions - right or wrong. Example: I knew a guy who was a fantastic, professional chef. Problem was, he also loved his very hard 'won', Japanese inked tatoos- which were ALL over his torso. He 'collected' them. He had the most incredible fish and dragons everywhere, in phenomenal colors. He wore long sleeve shirts, buttoned up to his neck, even in the summer because no matter how good he was, people just naturally freaked when they saw him arranging their food. It is just the way it is (again- right or wrong, 'they' are the majority holders of the 'socially' respectable, who make the 'rules' about this stuff)- and if that doesn't bother you, great! But if it may someday bother you, or you are going to get violently defensive about the 'whatever' on your bicep every time someone gives you 'that look' (you all know what I am talking about) you should really think about what, where, and why you are getting one- making a statement is great if you understand not everyone will agree with you, but getting stupid about it because you think everyone else's opinion is wrong is just as bad as the church lady who doesn't even know you and yet tells you that you are going to hell for it.
Sooo to answer the poll the long way opinion isn't the one that really matters. How does the woman feel about her tatoos? Does she think they make her look good? I can guarantee that someone agrees with that and finds her attractive. I don't think it is important to force people into the 'socially appropriate' mold if they don't want to go. If everyone were the same, the world would be an exceptionally boring place. Look at the fun conversation this particular thread has lent itself to! People love to talk about the unusual or offensive or strange and intriguing...its human nature.

TWLs wife

New Member
I have a Tigger Tattoo on my ankle. I like my tattoo & I want one or two more. I want to get a tattoo w/ my kids names on it.


Toxick said:
You're right. I wouldn't know sarcasm if it bit my on the rear-end.

Don't be dense.

Being cheap vs. looking cheap was not the point.

Looking "cheap" vs. looking "trashy" was.

You implied that by "cheap" you meant something less insulting than "trashy". I didn't buy that then, and I'm not buying that now.


Your "Looks" argument is sheer pedantry, and a cheap diversion.

Now, to more clearly express my point from before, since you've obviously missed (or more likely, ignored) it: if you can't tell what sort of an effect your words are going to have on people, that is your problem, not the problem of the people who read a pisspoor attitude into the pisspoor words you wrote.

And your words made you look like an intolerant horse's ass.

You and a few others seem to over look the obvious that this is posted in a public forum and is a poll for the public.

If the public can not see the tattoos unless someone wishes them to be seen or they are small dainty ones that the public doesn't notice , then how can the public even notice that they look cheap ?
So it's only obvious of what I am referring too by this thread (unless your a moron).
Or your narrow minded ?
To further clarify this I made post 37.

This blows your pisspoor theory back into the toilet along with your head.

As for your other accusations , if I meant trashy I would have used the words Trashy, Ho, Bimbo or even Slut. So by reading what I have to say so far you can see I have no problem being harsh, rude or obnoxious.

This blows your bullshit theory back into the toilet along with your head.

Now that your head has been cleansed with nice clean toilet water , you might be able to be enlighten on the argument of Migtig and myself , the one that you her knight and shinning sheot for brains decided to step into.

First off Mig read down to post 30 where her dear friend uses the word Trashy and takes the thread out of context, if she would have read down 7 more posts she would have seen the clarification.
But noooo she posts with her ass up on her back calling me narrow minded on post 45, because she seen her friends post and with out noticing the Obvious as in the second paragraph stated in this post to you.
Further more she states that her tattoos are not seen , but yet is offended :confused: Why ? She must be narrow minded, because she over looked the Obvious she over looked post 37 (clarifying the subject) and put the words trash used by her friend in my mouth , hence comes the word bigot and inconsiderate , not to mention some other inconsiderate incident that ruined my Sat evening and her not having the common courtesy to formally apologize, after the weekend.!
I'm too drunk phone call at the last moment is not an apology for ruining someones evening. :spank:
Not that its any of your business , but your real slow at reading between lines.

So yes my Idiot friend you stepped into the big worm can of animosity. :dead:

BTW what prompted my thread ,were two young ladies with tattoos on their arms and necks walking into my office wanting a estimate , so feel free to twist what words around you like.

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New Member

I like 'em sweet, I like 'em with a heart of gold.
Yeah an' I like 'em brassy, I like 'em brazen and bold.
Well, they say that opposites attract, well, I don't agree
I want a woman just as tacky as me.
Yeah, I like my women just a little on the trashy side.

Yeah, an' I like my women just a little on the trashy side,
When they wear their clothes too tight and their hair is dyed.
Too much lipstick an' er too much rouge,
Gets me excited, leaves me feeling confused.
An' I like my women just a little on the trashy side.


I've never understood why a beatiful woman would won't to destory her delicate body with tattoos and piercings, to me that is just discusting.


aka Mrs. Giant
Sensuous said:
I've never understood why a BEAUTIFUL woman would WANT to DESTROY her delicate body with tattoos and piercings, to me that is just DISGUSTING.
Her line of reasoning probably requires intelligence which you do not have. :shrug: But in truth, you said it, it is HER body.

And Gumbo darling, if you are ticked that I hang out with my friends getting drunk instead of with you, you should have either 1) come and get me like a real man or 2) accept it and move on. At least I gave you a call. I have walked away from better men on a daily basis and have had much much better men come pick me up when I am too drunk to drive. :kiss:

My offense is with your choice of wording - "CHEAP" and "FREAK" in the poll selection.
Cheap means inexpensive. Nope, my tattoos were not what one would call inexpensive. Cheap also means of low quality or inferior. Nahh, my inkwork looks really good. Cheap also means vulgar. Gee. Vulgar huh? Yep. I am offended by the insinuation that a woman is vulgar just because she has tattoos.

And when I brought up my opinion with your poll selections and commentary, you proceded to imply I must be menstrating (last week baby) and call me a beotch. Yep real mature adult like responses to a different opinion than your own.

But now I know all this macho ego driven persona is because you are insecure in your manhood, and a woman whom you have never met and spoke to twice on the phone destroyed your fragile male psyche. :loser: