Teen Pregnancy Prevention in St Marys



I mean we are already paying for it, teenage pregnancies in general.

Id like to see a welfare survey....how many on the doles were teenage parents. I would be willing to bet that it is over half.

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by Heretic
Id like to see a welfare survey....how many on the doles were teenage parents. I would be willing to bet that it is over half.
My mother was a teen mother, but she married while still in high school, and didn't conceive her first child until after her wedding. She went on the dole only after her divorce at age 25, and she remained on it throughout her single motherhood, her second marriage and for the rest of her life. As a child, I didn't get off welfare until I left and moved in with my grandmother at age 15. (Going on what I knew my mother's second/last husband to be doing while I was still under his roof, I'm sure that jerk is still bringing in as much welfare as he can, by whatever means he can. That is, if he's not dead.)
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bertha, you've had a tough life. And you seem to have managed to overcome it. It surprises me that you're a liberal.
Why isn't anyone talking about the jerk who got a 14 year-old pregnant?
Archimides, because it's the woman who pays, that's why. We can talk about the boy all we want but, at the end of the day, he can go on with his life and the girl is still pregnant. I'd like to see that change in our society but I don't expect it to happen anytime soon.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I'd like to see that change in our society but I don't expect it to happen anytime soon.
Vraiblonde, this comment cracks me up. I have a vision of society placing a harness of some sort on the boy, slowly adding weight to it over a nine-month period (enough to cause swollen ankles and a continuously sore back), medically altering his hormonal balance to simulate those affects of pregnancy, and then creating a kidney stone the size of a pea for him to pass threw his tool to simulate delivery. Maybe if they did something like that there would be less impregnation attempts by the male youth of our country, who knows?


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
Maybe if they did something like that there would be less impregnation attempts by the male youth of our country, who knows?

Or a huge increase in the number of men who claim to be gay


Not too talkative
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I'd like to see that change in our society but I don't expect it to happen anytime soon.

As the father of just daughters, I dread the day the boys come sniffing. But I hope I will have instilled some sort of beliefs by them that keep the girls from making some of these errors in judgements.

Of course my biggest fear is the older boys who prey on the younger girls. We have, in are area, a young man who should be in high school (because of age) but is still in middle school, who likes to "meet" the new six graders.

But we have to remember, it is not just the girls fault. Yes they end up carrying the brunt of it, while the boys are "glorified" for scoring. When we as a society start holding the boys more accountable, such as requiring them to pay child support for their childs life (yes, even if the father is 14 at the time) they may start looking at the repercusions and keep the zipper up.


Teen Pregnancy is a Nationwide crisis. Statistical Data I am always interested in people who hold the opinion that "It takes a Village to raise a child." :frown:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Teen Pregnancy is a Nationwide crisis. Statistical Data I am always interested in people who hold the opinion that "It takes a Village to raise a child." :frown:
That data is 7 years old, is there anything newer or did this quit being a problem during the Clinton years?


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Archimides, because it's the woman who pays, that's why. We can talk about the boy all we want but, at the end of the day, he can go on with his life and the girl is still pregnant.

Again, this is a parenting issue. If parents bought up their children to have responsibilities the boy would be doing his part.


Endless proof.......

that responsibility for ones actions has been lost. All of us are sexually focused at times, but you have to take great care as to were you sow those seeds.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by tys_mommy
If parents bought up their children to have responsibilities the boy would be doing his part.
Yes, if. But the fact is, they don't. Which leads me to...

Kain, I'm all for the It Takes a Village concept. Parents can't be everywhere and several Mommies and Daddies are better than one. Unfortunately, parents are so defensive about what a crappy job they're doing raising their kids that they'll jump all over you if you tattle on their kid. Plus that, I think a lot of people are uncomfortable speaking frankly to their kids or getting in their business.


Vrai - I agree with you. We need to attach more shame to this issue for both sexes. When I was in school you never saw pregnant girls. They stayed home and were tutored or got their GED. They did not attend school while pregnant.

Also, I really hate having my tax dollars provide childcare centers in high schools for these teen mothers. I followed the rules and had to pay for childcare when we had our son. But if I didn't and had a child while in HS now they would provide it free. What does this do to help those parents who are trying to teach their kids the right way?

We have talked to our son about this issue since he was 10. We have told him that there will be girls who "think " they are in love with you and want to have your baby, etc. We told him there will be boys who will brag that they "did it" when in fact they haven't, that you NEVER talk about what you do with a girl to others, and that there will be girls who "think" they are in love with him and want to have his baby. We told him he better be prepared to pay child support and help take care of it. Because "Grandma" is not becomming his baby sitter. Also, HE WILL be paying child support.

There are other western countries (that provide more welfare help as well) that have much lower teen pregnancy rates then us. What are we doing wrong that ours is so high?


Happy Camper!
Originally posted by alex
What are we doing wrong that ours is so high?

I think some are doing nothing wrong. I do blame the parents for not being in the child's life enough to know what is going on with them but the kids do have minds of their own. They are going to do what they choose, whether it's having sex or smoking or drinking or what ever else bad they decide to do.


New Member
Originally posted by alex
Vrai - I agree with you. We need to attach more shame to this issue for both sexes. When I was in school you never saw pregnant girls. They stayed home and were tutored or got their GED. They did not attend school while pregnant.

Also, I really hate having my tax dollars provide childcare centers in high schools for these teen mothers. I followed the rules and had to pay for childcare when we had our son. But if I didn't and had a child while in HS now they would provide it free. What does this do to help those parents who are trying to teach their kids the right way?

I was a senior and pregnant with my daughter. My counselor and several teachers thought it would be a good idea for me to attend one of those 'centers.' :rolleyes: If I didn't have a problem going to school pregnant, why should they? I graduated with a 3.75 GPA! :diva:

I pay rent, a car note, insurance, credit cards..etc. and I don't get any financial assitance from the state. I must be doing something right...:bubble:

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Bertha, you've had a tough life. And you seem to have managed to overcome it. It surprises me that you're a liberal.
Really? Why?
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Archimides, because it's the woman who pays, that's why. We can talk about the boy all we want but, at the end of the day, he can go on with his life and the girl is still pregnant. I'd like to see that change in our society but I don't expect it to happen anytime soon.
In the meantime, why is it so important to shame the young women? Yes, she messed up, and she needs to learn not to do it again. But in my experience actively shaming someone doesn't teach them anything. Love (tough love, if you prefer) does. Shame just keeps them down. It does not have the deterring affect some would wish.

Anyone ever read A Tree Grows In Brooklyn by Betty Smith? A classic of American literature from the late 1940s. If you've read it perhaps you remember a character named Joanna who had a "bastard" child.


New Member
Originally posted by kwillia
:clap: Great for you, Sxy... but you must have had support/help from somewhere if you didn't get it from the state....
Don't most parents have some kind of support...somewhere? My parents have helped me tremendously, but they've never paid my daycare costs, or helped with my bills.

No, I'm not the 'norm' but I could have been. I chose to NOT depend on the state to live.

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by Ken King
Vraiblonde, this comment cracks me up. I have a vision of society placing a harness of some sort on the boy, slowly adding weight to it over a nine-month period (enough to cause swollen ankles and a continuously sore back), medically altering his hormonal balance to simulate those affects of pregnancy, and then creating a kidney stone the size of a pea for him to pass threw his tool to simulate delivery. Maybe if they did something like that there would be less impregnation attempts by the male youth of our country, who knows?
Not a bad idea. But after he passes the stone, he has to be given the responsibility to care for an infant 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with little help and no respite. Simulating pregnancy & childbirth would help, but those are temporary measures. Give the boy the full responsibility of his four seconds of cross-eyed bliss; maybe then he'll think about acutally using that condom in his wallet--or better yet, respecting himself, the girl, their parents, and, most of all, the potential new life, he'll STOP.

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by Makavide
As the father of just daughters, I dread the day the boys come sniffing. But I hope I will have instilled some sort of beliefs by them that keep the girls from making some of these errors in judgements.
More power to ya.

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by alex
There are other western countries (that provide more welfare help as well) that have much lower teen pregnancy rates then us. What are we doing wrong that ours is so high?
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