Teen Pregnancy Prevention in St Marys

Bertha Venation

New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
The Dad remarked to Larry that, when she's old enough (16 to serve), he's going to send her to work at the golf club - "With her looks and body, can you imagine the tips she'd get?"

Now. The very last thing we'd want for our daughters is to send them to work at a place where older male pervs will be gawking at their bodies and making suggestive remarks to them (which is what they do). But this Dad was all for trotting his daughter out so she could make a couple of bucks. What lesson does that teach our daughters?
:barf: Déjà vu.

IMO not just what message it sends your daughters . . . in your shoes, I'd watch Larry's pal's daughter for signs of the unmentionable. Dear God forbid.


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by kwillia
:yeahthat: Her father brought her. :frown:

yea, the apple of his eye, no doubt :duh:

I think it comes down to "some" (not all) parents who are more concerned with their kids 'fitting in' and letting them do more things than they probably should at a certain age ... wearing hoochie clothes, going out on dates before they grow their first ...
I keep going back to my own experience as a kid, and as a grown-up, I often wish my parent's had been harder on me growing up than they were. Once your kids are out of the house (18), it's on them. Before that, it's on you. :ohwell:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
You can get any man to do anything for you at any time?
"Here's your one chance, Fancy - don't let me down." :bubble: That's not what we have in mind for our girls.


Originally posted by crabcake
yea, the apple of his eye, no doubt :duh:

I think it comes down to "some" (not all) parents who are more concerned with their kids 'fitting in' and letting them do more things than they probably should at a certain age ... wearing hoochie clothes, going out on dates before they grow their first ...
I get this all the time. "Her parents let her do this and her parents let her do that" :boo:

It's total :bs: what some parents let their children walk out of the house wearing.


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by justhangn
I get this all the time. "Her parents let her do this and her parents let her do that" :boo:

My answer: "Her parents don't love her as much as I love you, or they wouldn't let her walk out the door looking like a $2 whore." :cool:


Originally posted by kwillia
long story short... the daughter never developed her self-esteem... she has grown up thinking the norm is to use her looks/body to get guys to do things for her and give her stuff... she never took the responsiblity of her actions serious, including taking the pill... she is 19 now and my friend is a Grandma now.... :frown: I want more for my daughter than that.
Sounds like someone on the boards here.


Originally posted by crabcake
My answer: "Her parents don't love her as much as I love you, or they wouldn't let her walk out the door looking like a $2 whore." :cool:
That's pretty close to what I tell my little one as I send her butt back to change whatever it is I don't like ...... :whip:

BUT my daughter doesn't own any clothing that I don't like.......usually it's some kind of shoe issue that gets her in trouble or she'll have some kind of wierd hairdo that has to go.


Originally posted by kwillia
Don't know nothing about that... but the 'friend' I'm talking about doesn't post here... I just hope the teen I'm talking about wants more for her new daughter and will break the cycle... :ohwell:
VERY unlikely....the acorn usually doesn't fall far from the tree.


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by justhangn
VERY unlikely....the acorn usually doesn't fall far from the tree.

:yeahthat: you hope that kids who had less-than-intelligent life forms for parents somehow see that, and don't recycle their parents techniques with their own kids. :ohwell:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by kwillia
Just think of how many hootchie-mamettes-to-be he is exposed to daily...
We always call these girls what they are - sluts. And we disparage them and look down on them every chance we got. Our son got the message and never brought one home - the girls he dated were nice girls who dressed and acted appropriately. Our daughters seem to be getting the message and they don't dress like a bunch of whores.

Last year, our oldest daughter decided to wear a short skirt, tank top, fishnets and FMPs to her school dance. When she came upstairs I said, "You look like a streetwalker." This infuriated her and she started going off about how I always pass judgement, yadda yadda. *yawn* says I - go change. So she put on a longer skirt and ditched the fishnets - still looked like a tramp but I let her go. When we got the pics back, she took one look at them and saw her outfit as others would see it. Needless to say, she was embarrassed and we haven't had to send her to change since. But that may not work with the other two - time will tell.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by crabcake
My answer: "Her parents don't love her as much as I love you, or they wouldn't let her walk out the door looking like a $2 whore."
That's my line, too! :clap:


New Member
Originally posted by crabcake
Call it tough love, but if you start early on, I think it becomes ingrained in them ... like learning to speak proper english. Wait until they've been exposed to the negative to teach them right, and you've waited too long.

It's not "tough" love. It's love period. If you love your children, you do everything you can to teach them to be productive, respectable members of society. At times they WILL hate you for it. But if you love them, you do it anyway and you live for that time when they realize how much you loved them and do the same thing to their own kids.

Permissive parents, the ones who don't want their kids to hate them, don't love their kids. They don't even love themselves. They are seeking approval from their children because they need someone to love them. They have low self-esteem and seek the esteem of their children. What they don't realize is that if you don't love yourself, you don't feel worthy of love and you push away everyone who might love you. You can't get esteem from your children if you haven't taught them to esteem themselves and how are they supposed to learn that without an example to follow?


Originally posted by Lucy
It's not "tough" love. It's love period. If you love your children, you do everything you can to teach them to be productive, respectable members of society. At times they WILL hate you for it. But if you love them, you do it anyway and you live for that time when they realize how much you loved them and do the same thing to their own kids.
Yep, I heard, "I hate this family" when I wouldn't let her do something yesterday. Ahhh, heathens....I mean kids. :smile:


New Member
I didn't dress like a hoochie in school (jeans & t-shirts) and I rec'd excellent grades. I was on the student council and played soccer and field hockey. When I got pregnant my entire family was stunned. They never thought such a bright, pleasant, well-rounded young girl (such as myself) would be that foolish. Well...things happen...for a reason!


My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
I didn't dress like a hoochie in school (jeans & t-shirts) and I rec'd excellent grades. I was on the student council and played soccer and field hockey. When I got pregnant my entire family was stunned. They never thought such a bright, pleasant, well-rounded young girl (such as myself) would be that foolish. Well...things happen...for a reason!

That was the point I was trying to get across, Sxy. Sometimes, I think it's the "sleepers" you gotta worry about. The hoochies' bark can be worse than their bite.


Originally posted by SxyPrincess
They never thought
That says it all right there.

It always makes me shake my head ruefully when I hear a parent say something like this, it's like they totally forgot what being a kids is like.


Originally posted by kwillia
I'm confused... how were they stunned when they knew you were out clubbing and such...:confused:
This was before the seal thing.


New Member
Originally posted by cattitude
That was the point I was trying to get across, Sxy. Sometimes, I think it's the "sleepers" you gotta worry about. The hoochies' bark can be worse than their bite.
In all reality, I don't think we can be 100% certain which teen girls will come home pregnant. We can only hope for the best. :ohwell:


But wait, there's more...
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
They never thought such a bright, pleasant, well-rounded young girl (such as myself) ...

:shrug: what happened to you?

:lmao: sorry, you walked into that one :wink: