Terry Schiavo has died


The Pegster
For Terri... May she rest in peace.

The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name' sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies;
Thou annointest my head with oil; My cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.


I bowl overhand
vraiblonde said:
I hope that, should your daughter fall ill, you wouldn't wring every bit of publicity out of it that you could in order to exploit her situation for your own selfish wants and attentionwhoring.

I'd hope you wouldn't slander her husband and call him a murderer who strangled your daughter when, in reality, she collapsed of heart failure due to bulimia.

I'd hope you would respect her privacy and not blast videos of her grunting and groaning to the whole world.

I'd hope you wouldn't call out the likes of Randall Terry and Jesse Jackson to turn her illness into a media circus complete with clowns.

If I were Michael Schiavo, I wouldn't have let them near her. Ever.

Making note of this on my PDA. 31 MAr 05, Vrai and I agree on something!!

But agree totally with this statement. Mom and Dad made this into a circus when they should have let her pass with dignity 7 years ago. My heart goes out to her husband...


But wait, there's more...
vraiblonde said:
I hope that, should your daughter fall ill, you wouldn't wring every bit of publicity out of it that you could in order to exploit her situation for your own selfish wants and attentionwhoring.

I'd hope you wouldn't slander her husband and call him a murderer who strangled your daughter when, in reality, she collapsed of heart failure due to bulimia.

I'd hope you would respect her privacy and not blast videos of her grunting and groaning to the whole world.

I'd hope you wouldn't call out the likes of Randall Terry and Jesse Jackson to turn her illness into a media circus complete with clowns.

If I were Michael Schiavo, I wouldn't have let them near her. Ever.
No, I don't foresee doing any of those things to my daughter ... but let's be real here ... how many of us have ever buried one of our children? :shrug: Just like anything else, it's kind of hard to say what you would/wouldn't do or how you'll react until it happens to you. I probably wouldn't be in the right frame of mind 100% either ... but I do think I have enough sense to not step in front of a camera during those moments as well. :ohwell:

I'm not saying I condone all of the family's actions; but just like him, they weren't charged/convicted of any crime either, and they shouldn't have been prevented from spending that time with her. It's sad, really, that the entire family couldn't just put the drama behind them all for her sake, and shared those final moments. When my grandmom died, as many of us as possible were there by her side when she took her last breath. I'm thankful of my grandfather for allowing us to share her final moments with him vs. closing everyone off from her. :frown:

Great, now I gotta go get a tissue. :bawl:


crabcake said:
Yep! :ohwell:

I don't think it's so much that they want her stuffed and mounted to keep her in their presence; rather, for religious reasons, they're of the "intact burial" mind.
How "intact" is a body after the morticans have had a go at it anyway? I never understood that belief anyway. If your soul goes on to heaven when you die what good does the body do for you?


But wait, there's more...
alex said:
How "intact" is a body after the morticans have had a go at it anyway?
Damn, where is NP when we need her? :tap: She'd be able to provide an all-out detailed explanation about this.


But wait, there's more...
alex said:
If your soul goes on to heaven when you die what good does the body do for you?
I believe this is a religious issue ... ask a bible thumper. :shrug:


Lord, I apologize.
alex said:
How "intact" is a body after the morticans have had a go at it anyway? I never understood that belief anyway. If your soul goes on to heaven when you die what good does the body do for you?

Well, when they saw her skull open to view the brain, the line of exploration should be within the hairline.......but since she's going to be cooked, who cares? :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
alex said:
If your soul goes on to heaven when you die what good does the body do for you?
Shhh. You're not supposed to question it, just nod your head and go, "uh huh...uh huh..."


vraiblonde said:
Shhh. You're not supposed to question it, just nod your head and go, "uh huh...uh huh..."
Sorry Vrai - I never could get that attitude down. Maybe why I don't belong to any organized religon.:ohwell:

Okay I get it, churches own cementaries and the SELL they plots to their members to get even more money from them. So they have to push burial over cremation. (not meant to be disrepectful to anyone).
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Salt Life
alex said:
Okay I get it, churches own cementaries and the SELL the plots to their members to get even more money from them. So they have to push burial over cremation.
:yay: You also have to pay for a headstone.


But wait, there's more...
Chasey_Lane said:
:yay: You also have to pay for a headstone.
semi-:offtopic: But has anyone thought about just how much longer it'll be till we run out of cemetery space? Personally, I wanna be baked medium-well when I kick ... but I just can't imagine -- with the earth's population running full-speed ahead the way it is -- that we're gonna have much more room in the next 30-40 years for folks to take a dirt nap. :ohwell:


But wait, there's more...
crabcake said:
semi-:offtopic: But has anyone thought about just how much longer it'll be till we run out of cemetery space? Personally, I wanna be baked medium-well when I kick ... but I just can't imagine -- with the earth's population running full-speed ahead the way it is -- that we're gonna have much more room in the next 30-40 years for folks to take a dirt nap. :ohwell:
Oh, I hope I'm alive when this starts up. :rubbinghandstogether: The environmentalists fighting with the religious folks over the destruction of rainforests and protected lands for burial plots. :popcorn:


Salt Life
crabcake said:
semi-:offtopic: But has anyone thought about just how much longer it'll be till we run out of cemetery space? Personally, I wanna be baked medium-well when I kick ... but I just can't imagine -- with the earth's population running full-speed ahead the way it is -- that we're gonna have much more room in the next 30-40 years for folks to take a dirt nap. :ohwell:
Nope; I want to leave this world on fire! :cool: I hear in Europe they bury people on top of each other. :shrug:


Swinging on Vines
crabcake said:
Oh, I hope I'm alive when this starts up. :rubbinghandstogether: The environmentalists fighting with the religious folks over the destruction of rainforests and protected lands for burial plots. :popcorn:
I want this!

Then I'll be worth more dead than alive!!


But wait, there's more...
Chasey_Lane said:
I hear in Europe they bury people on top of each other. :shrug:
I think that is what is done now here with couples or family plots ... they stack 'em in to maximize plot space/sales.

Down in New Orleans (I think that's where it's at), they can't even bury 'em in the ground b/c of the ground water levels. :frown:


Lord, I apologize.
crabcake said:
Down in New Orleans (I think that's where it's at), they can't even bury 'em in the ground b/c of the ground water levels. :frown:

Yep, too many floaters.......:ohwell:

I think they need to re-cycle the bodies for the carbon. :yay: