Terry Schiavo has died


canuk woman

morganj614 said:
I don't know how it works in Candna, but she's been dead for 15 years here, in the good old U.S. of A.
The Royals play polo, and it was the courts here that upheld the law, not the poloticians.

actually she been BRAIN dead


Why don't they just ask you the recessitation question on your drivers license under the line for being an organ donar and both will be reflected on your drivers license and then you can rethink your decision every soo many years when you renew your license. :shrug: (and if you opt to leave the option boxes blank for the question, you are waiving all rights and the government will step in and decide for you) :shrug: Call it Shaivo's Law, Shaivo's Act, something liek that :shrug:

(in case anyone missed where I suggested this previously...this is not my idea personally, but one that I am backing).

Too many people in the media, etc... are STILL focusing on the problem... sorry but its a done deal... :shrug: They need to get out of the problem and now step into the solution -- I back the drivers license idea. Dilema solved :shrug: :yay:
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Football addict
canuk woman said:
excuse me but if i was brain damaged would i be able to type anything on here? huh? of course not would i talk? no maybe you should think before you type
This is an April's fools joke, right?

canuk woman

elaine said:
This is just too funny. Canuk, where is your feeding tube inserted? Down your throat, through your belly, or up your ass?

elaine i'm not brain damaged i am smart in fact in my last report card i got nothing under 70 all i got were B's and A's and let's not fight anymore what if i gave you some g's to make it stop actually i'll do it later because i've given enough reputation to people today
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professional daydreamer
canuk woman said:
elaine i'm not brain damaged i am smart in fact in my last report card i got nothing under 70 all i got were B's and A's and let's not fight anymore what if i gave you some g's to make it stop

I wasn't insinuating that you're dain bramaged. I was insinuating that you are dain bread.


24/7 Single Dad
elaine said:
I wasn't insinuating that you're dain bramaged. I was insinuating that you are dain bread.
Insults just seem to lose something when the spelling is'nt there. :killingme