Terry Schiavo has died



For all of you who thought this was over... stand by. Here's the latest hogwash from the Schindlers:

1. Statement: Michael Schiavo wouldn't allow them to be present when she died. Fact: The Schindlers have been with her for most of the past two weeks. Schiavo requested that they leave for a little while so that he could spend some time with Terri before she died, without them being there. Not an unreasonable request for any husband, yet alone one that's been accused by her parents of being a thief, murderer, wife abuser, gold digger, adulterer, evil, etc (I wouldn't want to be in any room with those scumbags myself.) The fact that Terri died during Michael's time with her was coincidental.

2. News Reports: The Schinders requested an autopsy, but Michael does not. Fact: Both sides requested an autopsy... Michael so that he can prove what Terri's true condition was, and the Schindlers because they are looking for some form of abuse.

Lastly, Michael wants to have Terri's remains cremated and interned at a family plot in PA. The Schindlers say they will fight to have her burried near them in FL.

Some people just can't let go!

As a BTW... they were interviewing a lot of the protesters down here, and they were all saying stuff like "Terri's complete now," "Terri's happy now," "Terri's finally at rest," and "Terri's looking down on us and smiling", while they're also claiming she was murdered, killed, abused, and never wanted to die. :confused:



Lovin' being Texican
Bruzilla said:
1. Statement: Michael Schiavo wouldn't allow them to be present when she died. Fact: The Schindlers have been with her for most of the past two weeks. Schiavo requested that they leave for a little while so that he could spend some time with Terri before she died, without them being there.

WUSA Channel 9 just broadcast that the hospice staff, not Michael, requested the Schindlers leave the room because they were becoming disruptive and confrontational. So much for the caring and agrieved and abused family who was denied the opportunity to be at Terri's side at the time of her physical death.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Sharing my SPAM

Living will is the best revenge
By ROBERT FRIEDMAN, Perspective Editor
Published March 27, 2005

Like many of you, I have been compelled by recent events to prepare a more detailed advance directive dealing with end-of-life issues. Here's what mine says:

  • In the event I lapse into a persistent vegetative state, I want medical authorities to resort to extraordinary means to prolong my hellish semiexistence. Fifteen years wouldn't be long enough for me.
  • I want my wife and my parents to compound their misery by engaging in a bitter and protracted feud that depletes their emotions and their bank accounts.
  • I want my wife to ruin the rest of her life by maintaining an interminable vigil at my bedside. I'd be really jealous if she waited less than a decade to start dating again or otherwise rebuilding a semblance of a normal life.
  • I want my case to be turned into a circus by losers and crackpots from around the country who hope to bring meaning to their empty lives by investing the same transient emotion in me that they once reserved for Laci Peterson, Chandra Levy and that little girl who got stuck in a well.
  • I want those crackpots to spread vicious lies about my wife.
  • I want to be placed in a hospice where protesters can gather to bring further grief and disruption to the lives of dozens of dying patients and families whose stories are sadder than my own.
  • I want the people who attach themselves to my case because of their deep devotion to the sanctity of life to make death threats against any judges, elected officials or health care professionals who disagree with them.
  • I want the medical geniuses and philosopher kings who populate the Florida Legislature to ignore me for more than a decade and then turn my case into a forum for weeks of politically calculated bloviation.
  • I want total strangers - oily politicians, maudlin news anchors, ersatz friars and all other hangers-on - to start calling me "Bobby," as if they had known me since childhood.
  • I'm not insisting on this as part of my directive, but it would be nice if Congress passed a "Bobby's Law" that applied only to me and ignored the medical needs of tens of millions of other Americans.
  • Even if the "Bobby's Law" idea doesn't work out, I want Congress - especially all those self-described conservatives who claim to believe in "less government and more freedom" - to trample on the decisions of doctors, judges and other experts who actually know something about my case. And I want members of Congress to launch into an extended debate that gives them another excuse to avoid pesky issues such as national security and the economy.
  • In particular, I want House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to use my case as an opportunity to divert the country's attention from the mounting political and legal troubles stemming from his slimy misbehavior.
  • And I want Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist to make a mockery of his Harvard medical degree by misrepresenting the details of my case in ways that might give a boost to his 2008 presidential campaign.
  • I want Frist and the rest of the world to judge my medical condition on the basis of a snippet of dated and demeaning videotape that should have remained private.
  • Because I think I would retain my sense of humor even in a persistent vegetative state, I'd want President Bush - the same guy who publicly mocked Karla Faye Tucker when signing off on her death warrant as governor of Texas - to claim he was intervening in my case because it is always best "to err on the side of life."
  • I want the state Department of Children and Families to step in at the last moment to take responsibility for my well-being, because nothing bad could ever happen to anyone under DCF's care.
  • And because Gov. Jeb Bush is the smartest and most righteous human being on the face of the Earth, I want any and all of the aforementioned directives to be disregarded if the governor happens to disagree with them. If he says he knows what's best for me, I won't be in any position to argue.

canuk woman

Voter2002 said:
FOX News reporting that Terry has passed away according to her husband's attorney.

totally sad *makes sign of the cross with body*

canuk woman

vraiblonde said:
Living will is the best revenge
By ROBERT FRIEDMAN, Perspective Editor
Published March 27, 2005

Like many of you, I have been compelled by recent events to prepare a more detailed advance directive dealing with end-of-life issues. Here's what mine says:

  • In the event I lapse into a persistent vegetative state, I want medical authorities to resort to extraordinary means to prolong my hellish semiexistence. Fifteen years wouldn't be long enough for me.
  • I want my wife and my parents to compound their misery by engaging in a bitter and protracted feud that depletes their emotions and their bank accounts.
  • I want my wife to ruin the rest of her life by maintaining an interminable vigil at my bedside. I'd be really jealous if she waited less than a decade to start dating again or otherwise rebuilding a semblance of a normal life.
  • I want my case to be turned into a circus by losers and crackpots from around the country who hope to bring meaning to their empty lives by investing the same transient emotion in me that they once reserved for Laci Peterson, Chandra Levy and that little girl who got stuck in a well.
  • I want those crackpots to spread vicious lies about my wife.
  • I want to be placed in a hospice where protesters can gather to bring further grief and disruption to the lives of dozens of dying patients and families whose stories are sadder than my own.
  • I want the people who attach themselves to my case because of their deep devotion to the sanctity of life to make death threats against any judges, elected officials or health care professionals who disagree with them.
  • I want the medical geniuses and philosopher kings who populate the Florida Legislature to ignore me for more than a decade and then turn my case into a forum for weeks of politically calculated bloviation.
  • I want total strangers - oily politicians, maudlin news anchors, ersatz friars and all other hangers-on - to start calling me "Bobby," as if they had known me since childhood.
  • I'm not insisting on this as part of my directive, but it would be nice if Congress passed a "Bobby's Law" that applied only to me and ignored the medical needs of tens of millions of other Americans.
  • Even if the "Bobby's Law" idea doesn't work out, I want Congress - especially all those self-described conservatives who claim to believe in "less government and more freedom" - to trample on the decisions of doctors, judges and other experts who actually know something about my case. And I want members of Congress to launch into an extended debate that gives them another excuse to avoid pesky issues such as national security and the economy.
  • In particular, I want House Majority Leader Tom DeLay to use my case as an opportunity to divert the country's attention from the mounting political and legal troubles stemming from his slimy misbehavior.
  • And I want Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist to make a mockery of his Harvard medical degree by misrepresenting the details of my case in ways that might give a boost to his 2008 presidential campaign.
  • I want Frist and the rest of the world to judge my medical condition on the basis of a snippet of dated and demeaning videotape that should have remained private.
  • Because I think I would retain my sense of humor even in a persistent vegetative state, I'd want President Bush - the same guy who publicly mocked Karla Faye Tucker when signing off on her death warrant as governor of Texas - to claim he was intervening in my case because it is always best "to err on the side of life."
  • I want the state Department of Children and Families to step in at the last moment to take responsibility for my well-being, because nothing bad could ever happen to anyone under DCF's care.
  • And because Gov. Jeb Bush is the smartest and most righteous human being on the face of the Earth, I want any and all of the aforementioned directives to be disregarded if the governor happens to disagree with them. If he says he knows what's best for me, I won't be in any position to argue.

that little girl that fell down the well don't you mean baby jessica????

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
As cold as it sounds, maybe with this over, our illustrious politicians can get back to doing thier job instead of pandering to popular sympathy in order to secure thier repective jobs. Sadly, there are much larger things that still need to be tended to rather than a woman in Florida.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
Sadly, there are much larger things that still need to be tended to rather than a woman in Florida.
See, and I see this as so much bigger of an issue than the death of some woman I don't even know. When the feds start getting involved with your personal business and want to make your parents your next-of-kin instead of your spouse, which is as it should be, that's a little more government intervention than I'm comfortable with.

And when the governor petitions the court to take legal guardianship of a private citizen in order to thwart the judicial process, that's a BIG problem.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
See, and I see this as so much bigger of an issue than the death of some woman I don't even know. When the feds start getting involved with your personal business and want to make your parents your next-of-kin instead of your spouse, which is as it should be, that's a little more government intervention than I'm comfortable with.

And when the governor petitions the court to take legal guardianship of a private citizen in order to thwart the judicial process, that's a BIG problem.
But the courts stopped it. It's a dead issue now.


Bustem' Down said:
But the courts stopped it. It's a dead issue now.
Not if Terri's parents and their supporters have their way. I would not surprise me if they push for laws that prohibit the right of people to refuse life sustaining treatment even in cases with no hope of recovery.

Here is a thought, when someone says they have a living will or advance directive most of us think that means they have left specific instructions on what type of treatments they want and when to stop it. WHAT happened if the majority of people starting creating these documents and stated that they wanted to be kept alive as long as modern medicine could - that they wanted every treatment possible even if the majority of medical opinions said you are a hopeless case?

Where do we keep these people? Who pays for their care? If it gets to be too expensive WHO gets to make the decision to stop treatment? What criteria would they use? I can see a nightmare in the making.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
alex said:
Where do we keep these people? Who pays for their care? If it gets to be too expensive WHO gets to make the decision to stop treatment? What criteria would they use? I can see a nightmare in the making.
Texas has a law that says, basically, if a person is a lost cause, they can pull the plug even AGAINST the wishes of distraught loved ones. That baby a few weeks back, for example - Sun something-or-another.

We're such a nation of touchy-feelies that many people have a real problem with accepting death as part of life. Terri Schiavo's parents are a great example. Since modern medicine can keep just about anyone alive, regardless of their condition, many folks seem to think that means they SHOULD be kept alive.

I mean, if someone's not going to get better and will lay drooling in a hospital bed for the rest of their days, unaware and unable to do anything except moan and groan, what's the point in keeping their body functions going?


Swinging on Vines
HollowSoul said:
I feel red juju in my future for saying this....
but am i the only person in the world who is GLAD it's over!?
I'm tired of seeing the misfortune of this warped family....there are better things to report, :duh:
No you aren't the only one. :howdy:


vraiblonde said:
I mean, if someone's not going to get better and will lay drooling in a hospital bed for the rest of their days, unaware and unable to do anything except moan and groan, what's the point in keeping their body functions going?
I totally agree with you on this issue. I just thought this was an interesting point to make. But I can see it causing many more problems. If you use the arguments from the Shiavo case then NO ONE has the right to pull the plug on you if you did not leave instructions. Pres. Bush says we should always err on the side of life.

Plus, it opens the door for lawsuits on why they pulled the plug on Johnny but not Jane. Was it political connections, $$, etc. Are we now going to only pull the plug on based on your economic status? your political connections/party? your race? your sex?


vraiblonde said:
Living will is the best revenge
By ROBERT FRIEDMAN, Perspective Editor
Published March 27, 2005

Like many of you, I have been compelled by recent events to prepare a more detailed advance directive dealing with end-of-life issues. Here's what mine says:

  • In the event I lapse into a persistent vegetative state, I want medical authorities to resort to extraordinary means to prolong my hellish semiexistence. Fifteen years wouldn't be long enough for me.

  • And because Gov. Jeb Bush is the smartest and most righteous human being on the face of the Earth, I want any and all of the aforementioned directives to be disregarded if the governor happens to disagree with them. If he says he knows what's best for me, I won't be in any position to argue.

I have printed this and had it notorized. I will mail you a copy for your records.

canuk woman

Bustem' Down said:
As cold as it sounds, maybe with this over, our illustrious politicians can get back to doing thier job instead of pandering to popular sympathy in order to secure thier repective jobs. Sadly, there are much larger things that still need to be tended to rather than a woman in Florida.

if those poloticians didn't sit on their butts holding that DENIED stamp in every turn then she'd still be alive (and yet michael shiavo wouldn't get lost)


Yo Gabba Gabba
canuk woman said:
if those poloticians didn't sit on their butts holding that DENIED stamp in every turn then she'd still be alive (and yet michael shiavo wouldn't get lost)

canuk woman

BuddyLee said:
Perhaps Canuk should have taken her place.:shrug:

excuse me but if i was brain damaged would i be able to type anything on here? huh? of course not would i talk? no maybe you should think before you type


Yo Gabba Gabba
canuk woman said:
excuse me but if i was brain damaged would i be able to type anything on here? huh? of course not would i talk? no maybe you should think before you type
Oh lord, I almost peed myself when I read that one...:killingme :killingme