vraiblonde said:
Should we take a state-wide vote on how the Somd.com forums, classifieds and website in general should be run and what type of communication we should allow?
Because that's what it boils down to - the government taking control of small businesses.
I think it just sucks.... but here's what is proposed for the 2009 agenda...(here's an exerpt)
709.B.1(a) All websites owned by small businesses should have no blinking or moving banners (smilies included) as epileptic groups object
709.B.1(b)All websites owned by small businesses should have sound to assist the hearing impaired
709.B.1(c)All websites owned by small businesses should have font sizes bigger than 12 pt. to help those visually challenged
709.B.1(d)All websites owned by small businesses should only operate between 9-5 on M-F so that it can be easier to monitor by the government...
All this monitoring of course is because people can't choose for themselves which website to visit or not and which is more instep with their lifestyle and simply sticking to those. It's easier to have EVERYTHING the way they want it than for them to simply make a choice. It was made apparent by the no tolerance and no compromise movement of zealot nonsmokers who are unable to make a decision whether to go to a smoking establishment or one that was made nonsmoking by each particular establishment's owner - afterall that would involve that awful "c" word - "compromise".
I look at restaurants and bars as people's homes in a way... if its nonsmoking, I don't light up and respect their wishes, if it is than I'll smoke if I feel like it. Its what a person own's, not the government. When will these people have the government tell me I can't smoke in my house because I have people over... then those people get upset coming over to watch a Redskin game, contacts a wuzzy Senator or Congressman who then caves in and then there's a law that if you have guests over to your house you can't smoke. Why doesn't the person just decide not to come over any more to watch a Redskin game with me if smoke bothers them. As for the small business aspect, I still don't see how government can make this a clear cut decision - I think its outrageous. What part of "small business OWNER" is the government and the nonsmoking folks not understanding. I just don't think it's fair
I'm done.. I got real work to do now, ran out of tangent time for today