forever jewel said:
In all seriousness, just because people have the liberty to smoke, does not give them the authority to contaminate the air of the non-smokers. There is a reason why non-smokers are called NON-smokers. If those who smoke must have their cigarette, they can go outside. Cold or not, you'll feel better after that cigarette, won't you?
Somehow I don't see it stopping there. If folks go outside for a smoke, most folks will go in front of the restaurant... then the perfect people will complain about having to go through all the smoke just to get in the doors, then we'll be moved outside by the dumpters out of the way of the perfect people. At the last place I worked we were allowed to smoke outside only, and even that was dictatated where outside we could smoke. The smoking area was by dumpsters in a back alley... took 10 minutes just to walk to it. We can smoke outside but give us some seats and dont' have the people that think they are perfect biatch about going through a cloud of smoke to get to the restaurant and I'll be ok. But, I still don't see why though we have to be the ones to jump through hurdles and why it has to be an all or nothing deal. :shrug:
For example, if you go to a church and don't like the pastor or the message, you don't insist on the church changing its beilefs and the pastor being outsted, you go elsewhere to another church that is more in line with your beilefs. You can't just expect the world to cater to you just because you live closer to the church, its more convenient for you and you happen to like their choir…thereby demanding you get your way and have everything change. There are numerous other places you can go to to find another church. Same as restautrants… there's plenty of restaurants in the tri-county area YOU could go to that don't have smoking or have a better nonsmoking sysetm set up. For nonsmokers to insist and now for the government to now legislate it is just wrong. :shrug: It takes away choices, compromise and tolerance. If you don't like it, leave and find another place, there are plenty around to choose from. Why demand it be ALL restaurants and bars, half of which YOU will never personally patron. :shrug: Doesn't sound fair to me. :shrug: