Well-Known Member
gottcha, pulled it directly from the rear you did.......elaine said:Did I say it was scientific? Did I link you to a source?
gottcha, pulled it directly from the rear you did.......elaine said:Did I say it was scientific? Did I link you to a source?
Midnightrider said:gottcha, pulled it directly from the rear you did.......
forever jewel said:But why must non-smokers cater to someone else's filthy habit. I'm sorry if smokers don't enjoy smoking outside in the rain or beside a dumpster. If they don't like it, they don't have to smoke while they are out.
Are non-smokers supposed to limit our dining options, so those who smoke can have their cigarettes? How is that fair? :shrug:
well, if you are in St marys, they have no emissions testing yet. everywhere else there re certain exceptions, either they fall under these exceptions or are likely registered in St Marys. But in general there are restrictions and most cars have to meet them. As for deisel trucks, they are a compromise, we need them for commerce to continue, however, there are numerous restrictions on deisel and currently there is this: http://www.ucsusa.org/clean_vehicles/big_rig_cleanup/diesel-emissions-reduction-act.htmlelaine said:Well, what's your take on these smoke bombs on the road? What can you pull outta' your ass?
Midnightrider said:As for deisel trucks, they are a compromise, we need them for commerce to continue,
dems4me said:In response to your paragraphs (sorry I don't know how to quote peice by peice...)
Same theory along the lines of - I get migranes from perfume... I don't insist you NOT go out to a public place wearing that stinky crap... even though it's detrimental to my health and some people don't care to smell your stench even without the health factor :shrug: If its bothering me, I pull up my big girl panties and leave and go elsewhere, I don't demand EVERY ENTIRE FREAKN' bar and restaurant estabilshmentment in the ENTIRE freakn' state cater to me, of which HALF of them I'll never even think about setting foot in. I think its just wrong and self-centered in a world we share with other human beings. Why does it have to be one way or another… why not have y'all pick out 2,500 restaurants in the state you want to be perfect and nonsmoking and we can pick out 2,500 that does allow for our "filthy" but sane lifestyle. :shrug:
As for the "if they don't like it they don’t' have to smoke while they are out" is just crap… have you ever been around someone that has exceeded their "no nicotine tolerance limit" it's not a pretty site, but then again, I guess you wouldn't know anything in your bubbleized and sanitized perfect world. No one is asking the nonsmokers to "cater" to someone else's "filthy habit", just go to a place that you know in advance is nonsmoking and smokers can go to a place they know in advance that is smoking. … why does it have to be all or nothing scenario.
As for the last paragraph... "Are non-smokers supposed to limit our dining options, so those who smoke can have their cigarettes? How is that fair? :shrug"
That's crap. Do you not already "LIMIT your dining options" because one place serves alcohol, one places doesn’t. Do you not already "LIMIT your dining options" because of crowds, one is crowded one is not. Do you not already "LIMIT your dining options" because one place serves Chinese the other place serves steak and you feel like Chinese? Do you not already "LIMIT your dining options" because one is more kid friendly like Chucky Cheese and another isn't? Do you not already "LIMIT your dinig options" because one is more of a biker bar than a nice dining area? Do you not already "LIMIT your dining options" because one place is more expensive than theother? Do you not already"LIMIT your dining options" because one place has faster and better service than another place? Do you not alerady "LIMIT yoru dining options" because one place is closer to where you live? See FJ, you are already limiting your dining options everytime you choose to go out to eat already… I don't see what the problem is, now having to add smoking or nonsmoking etablishment to your list of weeding down the most perfect restaurant to sit your perfect azz in. I think its selfish of any group to take away the rights of another when there can be such an easy compromise. You are already narrowing down your options each time you go out, just factor in smoking or nonsmoking :shrug: If you want a nonsmoking restaurant to patron than go to one and drive the extra distance, just the same as if you wanted to go to a Chinese resturant instead of steak house for dinner. Don't expect someone to change their lifestyle just because you might one day in the next decade decide to want to eat Steak instead of Chinese for lunch. I'm sorry FJ, I just don't agree and never will agree with the all or nothing logic. There are too many resturants in the state to NOT be able to reach an amicable compromise. :shrug:
As opposed to the rest of the county?forever jewel said:Oh I know. My family used to raise tobacco. But my comment was referring to the many 7th residents that not necessarily raise tobacco but smoke it.
elaine said:I'm really enjoying your feedback on this issue.I must add, however, that your logic does not suit their little bubble world.
yeah, just like the compromise where you get to keep smoking just not in restarauntes and bars......elaine said:Now there's a word. Compromise. What a f'n concept!
But the fact remains that ALL restaurants and bars (not to mention bingo halls) have ALWAYS had the capability of being a non-smoking establishment. So if not allowing smoking increases business, why didn't they do it of their own volition?kwillia said:Fox 'n Friends was talking about the smoking ban that has been in effect for a while now in NY. Apparently it has increased business considerably in all areas.
I'm thinking you will most likely see the same effect. Lots of people stay away from the bingo halls because they can't tolerate the smoking. Those folks will most likely come out now.
vraiblonde said:But the fact remains that ALL restaurants and bars (not to mention bingo halls) have ALWAYS had the capability of being a non-smoking establishment. So if not allowing smoking increases business, why didn't they do it of their own volition?
This is a pure logic trail. If business truly increases when restaurants don't allow smoking, then why didn't they go non-smoking on their own? They're in business to make money, right?
I only know first-hand about my own observations, and that is that bars/restaurants that allow smoking are typically busier on a Friday or Saturday night than ones that do not allow smoking. If more people want a non-smoking environment, why aren't they patronizing the businesses that are ALREADY non-smoking? Why aren't there lines of people waiting for tables at the existing non-smoking restaurants?
Personal polls won't matter because what people say they want, and what they REALLY want are many times two different things.dems4me said:Maybe we should do a poll, has one been done yet? ... the question can be... Will nonsmoking bars and restaurant's increase my personal patronage?? - Something like this???
I don't see it as self-centered...just self-preservation. Lord knows my asthmatic lungs hate me whenever I'm near smoke.dems4me said:I think its just wrong and self-centered in a world we share with other human beings.
No one is perfect. Both my parents at one point in time smoked. My mother quit when I was six, but my father was smoked all of my life (at least). When I am at home, choose not to hang around my father when he smokes.dems4me said:As for the "if they don't like it they don’t' have to smoke while they are out" is just crap… have you ever been around someone that has exceeded their "no nicotine tolerance limit" it's not a pretty site, but then again, I guess you wouldn't know anything in your bubbleized and sanitized perfect world.
dems4me said:That's crap. Do you not already "LIMIT your dining options" because one place serves alcohol, one places doesn’t. Do you not already "LIMIT your dining options" because of crowds, one is crowded one is not. Do you not already "LIMIT your dining options" because one place serves Chinese the other place serves steak and you feel like Chinese? Do you not already "LIMIT your dining options" because one is more kid friendly like Chucky Cheese and another isn't? Do you not already "LIMIT your dinig options" because one is more of a biker bar than a nice dining area? Do you not already "LIMIT your dining options" because one place is more expensive than theother? Do you not already"LIMIT your dining options" because one place has faster and better service than another place? Do you not alerady "LIMIT yoru dining options" because one place is closer to where you live? See FJ, you are already limiting your dining options everytime you choose to go out to eat already… I don't see what the problem is, now having to add smoking or nonsmoking etablishment to your list of weeding down the most perfect restaurant to sit your perfect azz in.
So what would you consider and easy compromise?dems4me said:I think its selfish of any group to take away the rights of another when there can be such an easy compromise.
forever jewel said:So what would you consider and easy compromise?
Should we take a state-wide vote on how the Somd.com forums, classifieds and website in general should be run and what type of communication we should allow?dems4me said:A compromise would be maybe vote on which restaurants are smoke free and which arn't... let the majority rule
It doesn't matter what you or I or anyone thinks. The MD legislature has already decided that there will be NO smoking in ANY bar, restaurant, or private club. O'Malley has already said he would sign a smoking ban.dems4me said:I definately think the majority of bars should allow for smoking though.