That's it. I'm moving to Colorado


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Oh for piss sake :rolleyes: You'd think cops in Colorado would have better things to worry about than some road rager taking 1 minute longer to reach their destination.

:rolleyes: and :rolleyes: again.


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
Oh for piss sake :rolleyes: You'd think cops in Colorado would have better things to worry about than some road rager taking 1 minute longer to reach their destination.

:rolleyes: and :rolleyes: again.

I think by ticketing the left lane loafer, they're reducing the incidents of road rage. There are reasons road rage exists. This is one of them.


elaine said:
I think by ticketing the left lane loafer, they're reducing the incidents of road rage. There are reasons road rage exists. This is one of them.

I agree and am amazed at the amount of left lane loafers that can't take a hint when they see cars whizzing around them and then having to pass on the right at twice the rate of speed. :cussing:

I was cussing someone out for this one day, calling them every name in the book, started tailgating, etc... I'd had it !!! I was yelling and ranting about it and calling the guy in front an fcuking idiot, was venting full force to my friend in the car. Come to find out as I finally got a chance to pass the azzhole, turned out it was my friend's uncle that was in the car and they waived at each other and everything :blushing: I felt terrible :frown: Now I just keep my comments to myself if there's others in the car. :frown:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
There are reasons road rage exists. This is one of them.
I get behind laggards all the time and I don't have road rage. People rage because they have anger management issues and other drivers are a handy target.

I'm sitting at a corner the other day waiting for some kid to cross the street in front of me. This nut behind me starts honking and yelling, like I should run the kid over or something. After the kid passed, I took my sweet time getting started again - la de dah de dah.....

He probably went home and beat his wife.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
I was cussing someone out for this one day, calling them every name in the book, started tailgating, etc... I'd had it !!!
You should think about counseling.


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
I get behind laggards all the time and I don't have road rage. People rage because they have anger management issues and other drivers are a handy target.

I'm sitting at a corner the other day waiting for some kid to cross the street in front of me. This nut behind me starts honking and yelling, like I should run the kid over or something. After the kid passed, I took my sweet time getting started again - la de dah de dah.....

He probably went home and beat his wife.

Exactly. So why antagonize someone with anger management issues who's driving a giant weapon? I don't have a problem with slow drivers, but when you're talking about 10-20 mph under the limit and blocking the passing lane, that's just stupidity and those people have no more business behind the wheel than the guy that's on his way home to beat his wife.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
Exactly. So why antagonize someone with anger management issues who's driving a giant weapon?
Because I'm not the type of person who lets bullies intimidate me. Actually, I was kind of hoping the guy would get out of his car and approach me.


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
Because I'm not the type of person who lets bullies intimidate me. Actually, I was kind of hoping the guy would get out of his car and approach me.

I appreciate your patience, but the left lane is still the passing lane.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
I appreciate your patience, but the left lane is still the passing lane.
I agree. BUT many times I'll switch to the left lane when I'm approaching an on-ramp so the cars trying to get on the highway can access easier. If there is a series on on-ramps, I'll stay in the left lane until I'm past them. Since I typically drive the speed limit (maybe 5 miles over), the speed demons behind me get irritated and make rude gestures. I have to restrain myself from slowing down.

Just to put it all in perspective:

If you have a 20 mile drive and the speed limit is 60, it will take you 20 minutes to get there if you consistently drive the speed limit. If you drop down to 40mph, it will take you 30 minutes to reach your destination. Now, 10 minutes might mean a lot to some people but, to me, it's hardly worth getting upset about.


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
I agree. BUT many times I'll switch to the left lane when I'm approaching an on-ramp so the cars trying to get on the highway can access easier. If there is a series on on-ramps, I'll stay in the left lane until I'm past them. Since I typically drive the speed limit (maybe 5 miles over), the speed demons behind me get irritated and make rude gestures. I have to restrain myself from slowing down.

Unless you can't get over. You do have the right of way, that's why the traffic coming onto the highway has the merge sign instead of you. I do that, too. Then when it's clear, I move back to the right lane. That's being a courteous driver. Driving in the right lane and passing in the left lane is also courteous.


New Member
Finally laws about common sense!! The left lane slow pokes DO cause road rage. If they stayed right, I'd go about my day happy as a lark. Way to go CO.!!! Now I'd like to see MD follow suit!!


Routinely Derailed
elaine said:
I appreciate your patience, but the left lane is still the passing lane.
Really? Mind telling that to all the folks using 235 between the base and Rte 4? All lanes are used full-time as rights of way. The only passing lanes I know of are the far right lane, and any lane with an opening big enough to accommodate passing. North or south of the area I'm referring to, the passing lane is apparently the shoulder.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Mikeinsmd said:
The left lane slow pokes DO cause road rage. If they stayed right, I'd go about my day happy as a lark.
Let's explore this. Why does someone driving slow in the hammer lane upset you so much and ruin your day?