That's it. I'm moving to Colorado


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'll bet you guys REALLY go crazy on the beltway. Shoot, it sometimes takes me 3 hours to get from Frederick to Solomons because of all the slow moving traffic.


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
I'll bet you guys REALLY go crazy on the beltway. Shoot, it sometimes takes me 3 hours to get from Frederick to Solomons because of all the slow moving traffic.

I won't even drive on the beltway, and YOU know that.


elaine said:
Neither does she, she just decided to post in this thread because it's active and she isn't getting enough attention in her special olympics thread.

Toxic... it was a while ago, I'll send you a pm. :lol:

Vria you are correct.... its now Dems, Tigger and Elaine... Back in action :clap: :jet: :getdown:

Elaine, its rare that I ever agree with you, this just happened to be one of the few remote things I do agree with you on.
As for the olympics thread... I didn't kick canuk's cage and I'm certainly NOT one of the folks comparing her to me which has set her off.
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vraiblonde said:
:killingme :lmao: :roflmao:

Elaine, please take a picture of your face right now and post it.


:nono: :mad: Elaine is a nice person, just like me and Tigger... :huggy:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The problem our society has is one of not enough...

The left lane slow pokes DO cause road rage


To say that someone driving a car 'causes' road rage is simply wrong and the sooner we all accept that the later it will be that we're the dumb ####ing ####### who was in so much of a hurry that WE ended up getting crippled in an accident.

In any event, it is a form of mental illness to 'road rage'. You can sit there and get all bent out of shape over a complete stranger if you want to but it's wrong and it's dangerous for everyone around you on the road.

This does't excuse the slow poke in the hammer lane, but, as dad likes to say, 'two wrongs don't make a right.'

You're only gonna make it worse if you get pissed and start driving dangerously.

Believe me, I sympathize, but you can't do it.

Let it go. For your own sake and the sake of those around you who have nothing to do with it but might be saved from the accident that doesn't happen if you just chill.


vraiblonde said:
Some would say EXACTLY like you and Tigger :yay:

:killingme :lmao:

:frown: I think you chased her away :frown: Once again, me and tigger are left to pick up the peices :duh:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
I think you chased her away
No, she's on her way home from work. I hope she goes straight home and doesn't have an appointment or isn't meeting someone for drinks. I'm impatient for her to come back to this thread.


vraiblonde said:
No, she's on her way home from work. I hope she goes straight home and doesn't have an appointment or isn't meeting someone for drinks. I'm impatient for her to come back to this thread.

not me... :frown: and especially after a few drinks



New Member
vraiblonde said:
I'll bet you guys REALLY go crazy on the beltway. Shoot, it sometimes takes me 3 hours to get from Frederick to Solomons because of all the slow moving traffic.
That's why I leave Rockville no later that 2:00 on Fridays.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...counseling. To say that someone driving a car 'causes' road rage is simply wrong and the sooner we all accept that the later it will be that we're the dumb ####ing ####### who was in so much of a hurry that WE ended up getting crippled in an accident. In any event, it is a form of mental illness to 'road rage'. You can sit there and get all bent out of shape over a complete stranger if you want to but it's wrong and it's dangerous for everyone around you on the road. This does't excuse the slow poke in the hammer lane, but, as dad likes to say, 'two wrongs don't make a right.' You're only gonna make it worse if you get pissed and start driving dangerously. Believe me, I sympathize, but you can't do it. Let it go. For your own sake and the sake of those around you who have nothing to do with it but might be saved from the accident that doesn't happen if you just chill.
You know Larry, yesterday I really tried to let it go. I really did. I wish I could!! Heck no it wouldn't hurt me to drive slower than the speed limit. I cannot explain why it bothers me so greatly. It just does.

I do want to clarify that I do not pull the typical road rage stunts. I simply wait for my opportunity to pass and do so. Yes, I slam the pedal to the metal and I give the slow poke a quick scowl when I go by but then it's over. The clouds part to reveal a blue sky, the birds start singing, I smile and drive on happy as a lark.

I also wear my seatbelt and helmet (on the bike) but I dissagree the Govt. had any right to pass a law forcing me to do so. The only harm would be to me if I elected not to do either. I just happen to agree with using these safety devices. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I hear you.

You know Larry, yesterday I really tried to let it go. I really did. I wish I could!! Heck no it wouldn't hurt me to drive slower than the speed limit. I cannot explain why it bothers me so greatly. It just does.

There are times when I have to actively, consciously think to myself;

"Your have your wife in the car. Your kid is in the car. Is this worth risking their lives? How would you feel if your wife or kid or mom was in the slow car and some ####### (like myself) pressed them to hard, scared them or slammed into them because something DID happen up ahead and I, you, any #######, could not stop?"

It's moment of anxiety/anger/whatever and you just need to find a method of allowing it to pass. I've learned to just laugh. Think of stupid reasons they're going so slow.

They're Fench.

It's John Kerry and he's debating whether the gas is on the left or right.

They're having a heart attack and will, thankfuly, be dead soon.

It's Terri Schiavo and she IS fine but getting used to driving again.

It's Candid Camera and they're looking for people who will lose their mind on the road so they can be an azz to the world.

It's that kid on the way to the reservation school and if you don't tailgate him, he'll call the whole thing off.

Just let the moment pass


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ps.... ain't about the speed limit. I wanna FLY.

Just gotta be patient sometimes. Hell we go to NYC or somewhere with a lotta highway driving and if we get to crusie along for awhile at 80-85 I get PO'd if I gotta slwo down to 70.

Perspective is another good word. However slow they're making you go, it could be worse. Much worse. They could go 1 mph slower and your head will explode, right?

I KNOW the feeling.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
"Your have your wife in the car. Your kid is in the car. Is this worth risking their lives? How would you feel if your wife or kid or mom was in the slow car and some ####### (like myself) pressed them to hard, scared them or slammed into them because something DID happen up ahead and I, you, any #######, could not stop?" Just let the moment pass
:killingme (reasons) :notworthy (above) If I had a wife and/or kids, I wouldn't be posting in this thread or maybe I'd be on the other side. No doubt, those are reasons to drive slower. Being single and believing life is too short, I feel I need to get everywhere (including work) as quickly as possible.

I used to curse the school busses too until someone said "If YOUR kids were on that bus, wouldn't you want the operator driving slow & safe?" Hmmmmm...... ok Mike, no more fussing about school busses boy!

I will remember some of your reasons though and I'll probably laugh. Maybe even relax..... I'll keep ya posted!! :patriot:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry, you're doing much better these days, sweetie. :huggy:

I don't understand it. I mean, God knows, I can get pissed and lose my mind but driving just isn't one of the things that sets me off. Maybe because I don't have to drive in traffic every day to get to and from work. If I had to do that, I might start getting squirrelly.


This Space for Rent
Larry Gude said: ain't about the speed limit. I wanna FLY.

Just gotta be patient sometimes. Hell we go to NYC or somewhere with a lotta highway driving and if we get to crusie along for awhile at 80-85 I get PO'd if I gotta slwo down to 70.

That statement makes me miss Texas a bit. Long open spaces between towns! VROOOOOOOM! The left lane loafer tends to be doing 75-80. :lmao: