That's it. I'm moving to Colorado


professional daydreamer
Larry Gude This does't excuse the slow poke in the hammer lane said:
Why are people assuming that because we're annoyed with the left hand loafers that will road raging? If I can't get by, I settle in until I can. It doesn't make the guy holding up traffic any more considerate.


professional daydreamer
Railroad said:
Really? Mind telling that to all the folks using 235 between the base and Rte 4? All lanes are used full-time as rights of way. The only passing lanes I know of are the far right lane, and any lane with an opening big enough to accommodate passing. North or south of the area I'm referring to, the passing lane is apparently the shoulder.

I had to come back to this one. I realized when I left work and got into this traffic that it's never a problem because everyone is doing mach 5 with their hair on fire. :lmao:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
dems4me said:
I agree and am amazed at the amount of left lane loafers that can't take a hint when they see cars whizzing around them and then having to pass on the right at twice the rate of speed. :cussing:

I was cussing someone out for this one day, calling them every name in the book, started tailgating, etc... I'd had it !!! I was yelling and ranting about it and calling the guy in front an fcuking idiot, was venting full force to my friend in the car. Come to find out as I finally got a chance to pass the azzhole, turned out it was my friend's uncle that was in the car and they waived at each other and everything :blushing: I felt terrible :frown: Now I just keep my comments to myself if there's others in the car. :frown:
Too bad you can't do smilies in sign language, that would have made all good... :duh:


Routinely Derailed
elaine said:
I had to come back to this one. I realized when I left work and got into this traffic that it's never a problem because everyone is doing mach 5 with their hair on fire. :lmao:
Now THERE we agree!!! :lmao: :lmao:


Routinely Derailed
Larry Gude said:

To say that someone driving a car 'causes' road rage is simply wrong and the sooner we all accept that the later it will be that we're the dumb ####ing ####### who was in so much of a hurry that WE ended up getting crippled in an accident.

In any event, it is a form of mental illness to 'road rage'. You can sit there and get all bent out of shape over a complete stranger if you want to but it's wrong and it's dangerous for everyone around you on the road.

This does't excuse the slow poke in the hammer lane, but, as dad likes to say, 'two wrongs don't make a right.'

You're only gonna make it worse if you get pissed and start driving dangerously.

Believe me, I sympathize, but you can't do it.

Let it go. For your own sake and the sake of those around you who have nothing to do with it but might be saved from the accident that doesn't happen if you just chill.
Good answers all!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Why are people assuming that because we're annoyed with the left hand loafers that will road raging? If I can't get by, I settle in until I can. It doesn't make the guy holding up traffic any more considerate.

Good for you! My problem is I start fantisizing that I have pulse lasers and photon torpedo's or maybe twin .50's in the wheel wells. I visualize vaporizing the 'offender' before me so, I can't even go there. Bad ju ju.


It's like that guy with the mohawk on madmax "kill them...grr....KILL THEM!!!"