JPC said:

It is tricky wording but disposable income means 65 percent after taxes and FDIC. It is actually a mathimatical trick that I have calculated before.
Take 65 percent of the take home pay is the exact same amount as 65 percent of the gross pay minus the taxes and FDIC.
So disposable income means that taxes and social security must be garnished first and then 65 percent of whatever is left, thus disposable income.
The link still tells us 65% can be garnished for child support which means pillage and plunder and impoverish the paying parent. Inslave the separated parent. 65 percent is slavery thus the parent rebels.

OK stool sample. I have explained this as clearly as possible. Follow along.
1. Your child support is calculated based upon what you earn. Regardless of what you make your support is less than 40% of your gross income.
2. You are OBLIGATED to financially support your kid. If you don't do it voluntarily our society has determined the law can force you in unpleasant ways.
3. If you don't make very much, you still have to pay but not very much. Your kid doesn't stop "needing" because you lose interest in paying.
4. If you lose your job or become disabled you can petition to modify your child support.
5. If you quit your job to dodge your child support they will not lower it.
6. If you do not pay you are in contempt of court.
7. If you are in contempt of court enough they will garnish your wages.
8. FCCA wage garnishment is NOT AGAINST the law. FCCA IS THE LAW.
9. If they garnish your wages they can take 50% of your disposable income. IF you are remarried or have another kid.
10. If you are single they can take 60%.
11. IF you are single AND more than 12 weeks behind in child support they can take 65%.
12. If you continue to dodge your support you go to jail in hopes that you are not so freaking dense you learn your lesson.
13. You are NOT a victim, you are a criminal.
14. You have no idea what the laws are.
15. You have a better chance of being elected dog catcher in Bum#### Egypt than you do of being elected delegate to the legislature.
16. All your problems could have been prevented IF you had paid as you were supposed to. You chose not to and despite your best efforts to cry victim you are not.
17. I have a mismatched sock drawer that is smarter than you are.