The child


Highlander's MPD
Pandora said:
Here is a thought. What about a woman who smokes crack on a daily basis, gets locked up and she gives birth to a healthy child?

Do you think we should give parenting skills to the mother and help her raise her child with tax money? (If you do you need smacked) Or, maybe, we should let two willing lesbians that want to raise a child in a caring environment raise them on their own dime?

There are so many normal married couples out there looking for a baby to adopt. Why in the he** should they end up with a screwed up homo lesbian or gay couple?

Gay is not normal! It's an illness/defect. We need to accept this and do what is right! Our future depends on it.


Dork said:
There are so many normal married couples out there looking for a baby to adopt. Why in the he** should they end up with a screwed up homo lesbian or gay couple?

Gay is not normal! It's an illness/defect. We need to accept this and do what is right! Our future depends on it., they should be raised by a "normal" person, like yourself? :confused:


New Member
Dork said:
There are so many normal married couples out there looking for a baby to adopt. Why in the he** should they end up with a screwed up homo lesbian or gay couple?

Gay is not normal! It's an illness/defect. We need to accept this and do what is right! Our future depends on it.

Shut your ignorant hole.

:lmao: Look it's a Geek/Dork fight


off the shelf
Dork said:
There are so many normal married couples out there looking for a baby to adopt. Why in the he** should they end up with a screwed up homo lesbian or gay couple?

Gay is not normal! It's an illness/defect. We need to accept this and do what is right! Our future depends on it.

There are also more "abnormal" married couples out there that are screwing up their kids than "normal"....just because it's two woman/men doesn't mean that they are going to screw a child up any more or less than a "normal" couple

BTW....who made you the authority on "normal" anyway?


curiouser and curiouser
Fat Momma said:
hey, how's it going? How are things? Any plans for the weekend? You know the typical, "hey" :lmao:
Oh, I thought you were going to tell me a secret. :lmao: Things are good. :lol:


Lem Putt
Dork said:
A female person that I work with, who is a Lesbian is talking about how she and her partner want to have a baby or adopt. They are going through some kind of medically induced procedure to get pregnant but aren't having any luck. Their next step is to adopt. She's an OK person but I really don't know how to tell her that she shouldn't be doing this. To have a baby would be fulfilling to them but it's just wrong for the child they raise. How can I tell her that she really shouldn't even think about this. This poor kid will have issues and it's really not fair that these women put their wants ahead of this kids needs.

I don't care what these two women do, but I can't let them screw up a kid just because they think they need to have one. Why can't they just geta a puppy?
If this were a family member, or even a close friend, your advice might be appropriate.

As a co-worker, your opinions or advice are inappropriate. If I were your supervisor and you tried to force your judgements onto this person I'd fire you on the spot.