The child


In My Opinion
Im a male lesbian and I would think that two mothers would be much less damaging to a child than bouncing from foster home to foster home.
I do however think that two fathers is just nasty.

Fat Momma

MMDad said:
If this were a family member, or even a close friend, your advice might be appropriate.

As a co-worker, your opinions or advice are inappropriate. If I were your supervisor and you tried to force your judgements onto this person I'd fire you on the spot.

I could not have said it any better than that. It is shame they felt the need to come into a public forum to discuss somthing that should not be any of their concern. This is a private matter and she should worry about doing her work and keeping her nose out of other peoples business.


Highlander's MPD
Fat Momma said:
I could not have said it any better than that. It is shame they felt the need to come into a public forum to discuss somthing that should not be any of their concern. This is a private matter and she should worry about doing her work and keeping her nose out of other peoples business.

It's a shame. I got a few messages with green dots from people who agree with me but they are likely scared off from posting in the forum because they'll get attacked by the freaks. I always wondered where most of the strange people went on a Friday night. Now I know, SOMD forums!


New Member
Dork said:
How can I tell her that she really shouldn't even think about this?
Wait until most of your coworkers are around then get up on a chair (make sure it doesn't swivel) and in a loud voice let her have it. If people try to look away, call their name and say: "C'mon *name*, tell her how effed up she is and that this is wrong." Circulate an email too. Be sure to include Human Resources. Keep bringing it up at lunch, on breaks and when ever you see someone. :yay: You're welcome.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I think Dork is p!ssed because he offered to do the fertilizing and the gal said that he was one of the reasons she went gay. :biggrin:
Mikeinsmd said:
Wait until most of your coworkers are around then get up on a chair (make sure it doesn't swivel) and in a loud voice let her have it. If people try to look away, call their name and say: "C'mon *name*, tell her how effed up she is and that this is wrong." Circulate an email too. Be sure to include Human Resources. Keep bringing it up at lunch, on breaks and when ever you see someone. :yay: You're welcome.
:smack: :lmao:


Well-Known Member
My OBGYN is a lesbian and has 2 adopted daughters. Those little girls are perfectly happy and normal because they have 2 wonderful moms. :shrug:


New Member
sockgirl77 said:
My OBGYN is a lesbian and has 2 adopted daughters. Those little girls are perfectly happy and normal because they have 2 wonderful moms. :shrug:

I really think it is love and not genitals that help when raising a child :yay:


Highlander's MPD
sockgirl77 said:
Love and smarts :yay:

Someone wrote this to me " I feel sorry for people like you." Please don't. I am glad Lesbians can find hapiness in their lives. They are born with some kinda defect and they should be able to pursue happiness like anyone else. Have you ever noticed that a lot of Lesbians are easy to spot? It's kinda like a kid with Down's syndrome.

Anyway, this is not about the Lesbians. This is about the kids. There is a reason that men and women get together and make kids. Animals seem to understand this concept, why don't you?

Most people in this country are against gay marraige and gay adoption but as the media keeps brainwashing on a daily basis, this will probably deteriorate.

Someone also said they had a lesbian gynocologist. If I knew my doctor was gay, he'd never perform a physical on me. His finger ain't going up my butt.

Society really needs to stand up and retain some morals. If not, who knows what is next! In 30 years, we will be accepting Pedophiles as good parents. It may sound crazy but think about it. Gays would have never tried to adopt 30 years ago.

Aren't there any normal people on this forum?


New Member
Dork said:
Someone wrote this to me " I feel sorry for people like you." Please don't. I am glad Lesbians can find hapiness in their lives. They are born with some kinda defect and they should be able to pursue happiness like anyone else. Have you ever noticed that a lot of Lesbians are easy to spot? It's kinda like a kid with Down's syndrome.

Anyway, this is not about the Lesbians. This is about the kids. There is a reason that men and women get together and make kids. Animals seem to understand this concept, why don't you?

Most people in this country are against gay marraige and gay adoption but as the media keeps brainwashing on a daily basis, this will probably deteriorate.

Someone also said they had a lesbian gynocologist. If I knew my doctor was gay, he'd never perform a physical on me. His finger ain't going up my butt.

Society really needs to stand up and retain some morals. If not, who knows what is next! In 30 years, we will be accepting Pedophiles as good parents. It may sound crazy but think about it. Gays would have never tried to adopt 30 years ago.

Aren't there any normal people on this forum?

Actually, in the animal world they do exhibit homosexual behavior :yay:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Dork said:
Someone wrote this to me " I feel sorry for people like you." Please don't. I am glad Lesbians can find hapiness in their lives. They are born with some kinda defect and they should be able to pursue happiness like anyone else. Have you ever noticed that a lot of Lesbians are easy to spot? It's kinda like a kid with Down's syndrome.

Anyway, this is not about the Lesbians. This is about the kids. There is a reason that men and women get together and make kids. Animals seem to understand this concept, why don't you?
If as you say it is about the kid/s then I ask is a child with no parents better off than a child with only one parent or is a child with one parent better off than a child with two people to provide support and love? And in the animal kingdom many animals eat their young, so what are you trying to say?
Most people in this country are against gay marraige and gay adoption but as the media keeps brainwashing on a daily basis, this will probably deteriorate.
Many in this country might be against gay marriage but the concept of a civil union for many is acceptable to them, explain that? And as to adoption the law in many areas allows for an adoption regardless of whether the adopting person/s are single, married or in a same-sex relationship.
Someone also said they had a lesbian gynocologist. If I knew my doctor was gay, he'd never perform a physical on me. His finger ain't going up my butt.
Have you ever asked your doctor what his sexual orientation is? Who knows you might have already had a gay finger up your butt.
Society really needs to stand up and retain some morals. If not, who knows what is next! In 30 years, we will be accepting Pedophiles as good parents. It may sound crazy but think about it. Gays would have never tried to adopt 30 years ago.
I seriously doubt if pedophiles will ever gain acceptability in this country. Pedophiles criminally exploit children and are the vilest criminals in our society that will always be pursued. Hell, they even get harsh treatment from other criminals when institutionalized. Your bigotry has your imagination running rampant.

Aren't there any normal people on this forum?
There are many normal people on here, just as there are many that are abnormally consumed with bigotry and unfounded fears.


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
If as you say it is about the kid/s then I ask is a child with no parents better off than a child with only one parent or is a child with one parent better off than a child with two people to provide support and love? And in the animal kingdom many animals eat their young, so what are you trying to say?

Many in this country might be against gay marriage but the concept of a civil union for many is acceptable to them, explain that? And as to adoption the law in many areas allows for an adoption regardless of whether the adopting person/s are single, married or in a same-sex relationship.

Have you ever asked your doctor what his sexual orientation is? Who knows you might have already had a gay finger up your butt.

I seriously doubt if pedophiles will ever gain acceptability in this country. Pedophiles criminally exploit children and are the vilest criminals in our society that will always be pursued. Hell, they even get harsh treatment from other criminals when institutionalized. Your bigotry has your imagination running rampant.

There are many normal people on here, just as there are many that are abnormally consumed with bigotry and unfounded fears.