The Duke rape case gets more interesting....


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
otter said:
PC gone bad..Coach resigned(probably pressured), school canceled lacrosse season. Can we say huge over-reaction?? Would be great if they could sue, but you can't get nothing from nothing.
Occasionally my cynical nature is humbled by actual human veracity and good will. This just wasn't one of those times.

If I were one of those players, I'd sue the school for presuming them guilty and ruining their season without just cause. I'll bet their parents are pissed as hell.


Football season!
FromTexas said:
Now we need Jesse Jackson and crew to show up and talk about how its a white conspiracy. There will be riots! :razz:
lets hope the tests were not done at the duke medical school :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

otter said:
DNA Testing Finds No Match In Alleged Duke Rape

:lmao: PC gone bad..Coach resigned(probably pressured), school canceled lacrosse season. Can we say huge over-reaction?? Would be great if they could sue, but you can't get nothing from nothing.

...not an over reaction at all.

This is Duke and they ascribe to a higher standard. I'm not going to be naive and suggest that there is no drinking or 'exotic' dancing going on at Duke at all. What I am simply saying is that this is one of those places that you do NOT do this, have parties that could end up embarrassing the school. And if you do put yourself or your team or coaches or the University in a position to be embarrassed, nothing, NOTHING had better go wrong or you WILL pay the piper.

These young men messed up by having the party and they made it worse by making the paper.


wandering aimlessly
No DNA match. So not only was she not raped, she didn't have sex in any way shape or form with any of the Duke lacrosse team.. Now I don't understand it at all. Not even covering up for having consensual sex fits. :confused:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
Occasionally my cynical nature is humbled by actual human veracity and good will. This just wasn't one of those times.

If I were one of those players, I'd sue the school for presuming them guilty and ruining their season without just cause. I'll bet their parents are pissed as hell.

"Mom, we had a party and were getting drunk and stuff and had a few dancers over and, well, we got in trouble and I think you should sue the Dad?"

Parents; "You are dead meat."

What's with this Johnny Cohran thing? This is a school, not a democracy, and further, it is a team you earn your way on, including it's codes of conduct.

Rule 1; Do not embarrass the University...or else.


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
...not an over reaction at all.

This is Duke and they ascribe to a higher standard. I'm not going to be naive and suggest that there is no drinking or 'exotic' dancing going on at Duke at all. What I am simply saying is that this is one of those places that you do NOT do this, have parties that could end up embarrassing the school. And if you do put yourself or your team or coaches or the University in a position to be embarrassed, nothing, NOTHING had better go wrong or you WILL pay the piper.

These young men messed up by having the party and they made it worse by making the paper.

This isn't Oral Roberts, SMU, TCU, or BYU. It also isn't Harvard or Yale. They aren't a bastion of ethical thought.

The school didn't react to the allegations, they reacted to the community and to the press. By over-reacting, the school gave validity to the charges and vilified the players. Not smart.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
THis is getting harder than it should be...

MMDad said:
This isn't Oral Roberts, SMU, TCU, or BYU. It also isn't Harvard or Yale. They aren't a bastion of ethical thought.

The school didn't react to the allegations, they reacted to the community and to the press. By over-reacting, the school gave validity to the charges and vilified the players. Not smart.

...that is EXACTLY what they did and will do. They could care less about the charges or the players; this is about image. Iamge. Image.

And why in the hell would you bring up SMU? They got the only NCAA death penalty ever for their cheating in football.


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
...that is EXACTLY what they did and will do. They could care less about the charges or the players; this is about image. Iamge. Image.

And why in the hell would you bring up SMU? They got the only NCAA death penalty ever for their cheating in football.
As a religious school, they should live up to the higher standard. I'm not saying they did, just that they should.

Duke hurt themselves with their over-reaction more than anything else. That's where I see a problem.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
"Mom, we had a party and were getting drunk and stuff and had a few dancers over and, well, we got in trouble and I think you should sue the Dad?"
What is the normal penalty for underage drinking and hiring a hooker? If it's suspension and forcing a coach to quit, then fine - they got what they deserved.

But the Duke spokespeople didn't say anything about drinking and partying - they specifically said that rape was a serious crime and the players must be punished. They didn't even bother to throw "if found guilty" in there - just presumption of guilt.

You are right about one thing - this is the risk you take when you pick up sluts off the street. Ask Kobe Bryant.


This Space for Rent
MMDad said:
As a religious school, they should live up to the higher standard. I'm not saying they did, just that they should.

Duke hurt themselves with their over-reaction more than anything else. That's where I see a problem.

Ah, only the religious ones should be held to a higher standard. I was never quite clear on that. Everyone's anti-Christianity themes make sense now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Where has Duke hurt itself?

MMDad said:
As a religious school, they should live up to the higher standard. I'm not saying they did, just that they should.

Duke hurt themselves with their over-reaction more than anything else. That's where I see a problem.



New Member
FromTexas said:
Now we need Jesse Jackson and crew to show up and talk about how its a white conspiracy. There will be riots! :razz:
:yeahthat: Where's Danny & Louis?? :confused: Oh wait, must've been a white chick. :ohwell:

Dubya's remote DNA Buster 2.0 (beta version) appears to be a success. :yahoo:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
What is the normal penalty for underage drinking and hiring a hooker? If it's suspension and forcing a coach to quit, then fine - they got what they deserved.

But the Duke spokespeople didn't say anything about drinking and partying - they specifically said that rape was a serious crime and the players must be punished. They didn't even bother to throw "if found guilty" in there - just presumption of guilt.

You are right about one thing - this is the risk you take when you pick up sluts off the street. Ask Kobe Bryant. far as I know, having your season canceled is normal and having a few kids kicked off campus is normal as well and firing the coach is normal. This is the only case I can think of, ergo, normal.

They said 'rape' in their statement because they want to project the image that they are not even playing around with this.

I am right about many things. Here's another one;

Do you suppose that over the coming months, as this thing unravels that, just maybe, we're gonna hear that the lacrosse team had been getting in trouble long before this 'incident' and that is part of why they came down so hard?

Pretty heavy handed all around, especially ditching the coach, if this is a one of and isolated incident.

We shall see.


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
The students don't feel their diplomas are worth as much. The school is concerned that this will hurt recruiting/enrollment. Enrollment = $. That hurts the school.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
They said 'rape' in their statement because they want to project the image that they are not even playing around with this.
So these kids have been suspended for a rape they didn't commit. I think that's wrong.

Duke decided to "make a firm stand" with innocent people. I haven't heard one person besides me and the lacrosse lawyers even mention that these guys might not be guilty. Everything in the news and from the school, not to mention the people that live in the town, has presumed guilt and found something sinister in the fact that the players wouldn't spew to the press.


But wait, there's more...
vraiblonde said:
Everything in the news and from the school, not to mention the people that live in the town, has presumed guilt and found something sinister in the fact that the players wouldn't spew to the press.
Whoa! :nono: Hold up there, Missy! I heard first-hand last friday a man at work say he knew the chic was a liar b/c "she's black and probably has a record, like all blacks do after they turn 18." Sounds to me he was on the la crosse players' side. :shrug:



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
crabcake said:
Whoa! :nono: Hold up there, Missy! I heard first-hand last friday a man at work say he knew the chic was a liar b/c "she's black and probably has a record, like all blacks do after they turn 18." Sounds to me he was on the la crosse players' side.
This must be "Bust on Vrai Day."

Let me repeat:

I haven't heard one person besides me and the lacrosse lawyers even mention that these guys might not be guilty.
Since I didn't hear your co-worker in NC make this comment, then I can still honestly say that I haven't heard one person besides me and the lacrosse lawyers even mention that these guys might not be guilty.

But thanks for lumping me in with the bigot. Midnightrider will have a field day with this tomorrow. :yay: