Were all together down here in Florida for the Easter holiday, and I got a chance to discuss the case with my sister-in-law who was at Sciavo's hospital as a nurse today, and she brought up a good point.
She said that Schiavo ended up in her current state due to a chemical imbalance brought about by various eating disorders. If there's one thing people like this have in common is that they have a very low opinion of themselves. They have a sense of self-loathing and are very sensitive to their appearance. Her feeling was that a person with this mindset would be very likely to see footage of someone wasting away in a hospital bed and say "I don't ever want to be like that!" It's her professional opinion that Michael Sciavo's comments are far more likely to be true than comments by the parents that Terry would want to be kept alive in that state.
I mentioned Ken's morpine issue to her, and she told me that Terry's mind is gone, but her body is still 100 functional, which means involuntary reflexes are still working. When her body is subjected to something that would ordinarily cause pain, her body reacts as anyone's body would. The fact that she can't be talked to or reasoned with, so whenever something is done to her, her body can make drastic reactions to any pain impulse from the nerves, so they use the morphine to deaden the nerves. For example, just the act of taking a blood sample or giving her an injection could cause her to go into spasms or to flip out of the bed, so the morphine allows them to work on her without any secondary physical injuries.
She said that Schiavo ended up in her current state due to a chemical imbalance brought about by various eating disorders. If there's one thing people like this have in common is that they have a very low opinion of themselves. They have a sense of self-loathing and are very sensitive to their appearance. Her feeling was that a person with this mindset would be very likely to see footage of someone wasting away in a hospital bed and say "I don't ever want to be like that!" It's her professional opinion that Michael Sciavo's comments are far more likely to be true than comments by the parents that Terry would want to be kept alive in that state.
I mentioned Ken's morpine issue to her, and she told me that Terry's mind is gone, but her body is still 100 functional, which means involuntary reflexes are still working. When her body is subjected to something that would ordinarily cause pain, her body reacts as anyone's body would. The fact that she can't be talked to or reasoned with, so whenever something is done to her, her body can make drastic reactions to any pain impulse from the nerves, so they use the morphine to deaden the nerves. For example, just the act of taking a blood sample or giving her an injection could cause her to go into spasms or to flip out of the bed, so the morphine allows them to work on her without any secondary physical injuries.