You are so full of it.
I'm still "stuck" with my family.

I see them almost every weekend, and talk to my mother on the phone a couple times a week so as to keep her happy. It's my responsibility as a daughter to keep my parents happy, after all, they kept me healthy and alive for many many years.

It's the least I could do. :shrug: They take care of me, I take care of them. I spoke for my dad in the hospital when he couldn't utter a word, and since I'm his daughter, and know him so well since he's my FAMILY, I knew what he wanted by his gestures and his reactions. The first doctor kept saying my dad was "confused" and couldn't "understand" I had to tell him on numerous occassions, "no retard, my dad is half deaf and you're whispering to him, he can't hear you!".
I think there is an inherent bond between many parents and children, as well as siblings that is very different in scope than a "man and wife". It's like an intuition or connection, which I think Terri's family has with her. :shrug: