I can not express how embarrassed I have felt this week to be a Republican, and I'm not alone. Clay County where I live is about 75% Republican, and the last Schiavo poll I saw yesterday was showing 80% opposed to the Feds getting involved in the case.
I listened to Rush last Friday when this story broke, and he was responding to questions about the case by saying he really didn't know any details and that he couldn't say one way or the other. Then comes Monday, and he's now an expert on all the BS that the Schindlers have been putting out, he now "knows" that Schiavo is not in a vegetative state, he now "knows" that Michael Schiavo was a bad husband, he now "knows" that there's been a "rush to judgement" on this, etc. And worse... this is all a plot by the Liberals/Democrats to further the abortion agenda!!! I was so pissed I actually called Rush's show and told his screener that he was making an azz of himself. I also told the screener that Rush shouldn't be buying into the BS that the Schindlers are spouting and feel that the Federal judge will see all this alledged injustice and order the tube reinserted. I told him the judge would look at the real facts and truth, and agree with what the other 15 judges have seen.
Then... along comes Sunday, and there's my senator, Mel Martinez, lying his azz off about the motivations for all this, even as Chris Wallace is showing him the Republican talking points memo that shows how the Republicans want to use this issue to make the re-election of Senator Bill Nelson next year more difficult. The Republicans, including Martinez, had never mentioned Schiavo before this last weekend.
Then comes Fox & Friends, and some woman claiming to have been one of Schiavo's nurses comes on with all kinds of allegations against Michael Schiavo, and I see the worst interview I've ever seen. They say that exageration is the mark of a bad liar, and this woman had that mark. She claimed that Michael had tried to murder his wife by injecting her with insulin, claims to have found an insulin injector hidden in the trash, that Terry was showing signs of being injected with insulin, etc. Then when asked for details she says she found five needle marks, which doesn't make sense as why would he poke her five times with an injector that gives one shot. Then she says she did report this to the police, yet the police never received any report and never did any investigation. This woman's story was so full of lies and embellishments I couldn't believe that anyone was buying it, yet she was given the star treatment on Rush and Hannity's shows!
The reason that all of these courts are siding with Michael Schiavo is not because of some Liberal attempt to secure and protect the power of the courts. It's because they're examining the facts and seeing the truth, rather than reacting to the BS the Schindlers are putting out. If Conservatives and Republicans are thinking this whole effort is going to make them look better, they are 180 out from reality. They are looking like crap.