The GOP's TITANIC Shiavo mistake...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
However, and this is big, if the person appointed guardian and making the decisions neglects to provide all necessary and required care to sustain life such as food and water then Protective Services, by law, must step in and see that those services are provided.
UNLESS Florida recognizes the patient's right to refuse treatment. And since she can't refuse on her own, it would be the legal right of her next-of-kin to refuse on her behalf. Therefore, it's not neglect.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And anyway, Ken King, this is all your fault. The minute you change your voter reg to Republican, they all start going off the deep end. :mad:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And what's with all these stupid asses trying to sneak water bottles in to her? Hello?? She can't swallow! If she could, none of this would be happening.



Well-Known Member
The fact that this situation has ascended to the current level of government intervention is beyond me!

Enough already!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Airgasm said:
The fact that this situation has ascended to the current level of government intervention is beyond me!
Stunning! Pat Buchanan was just on Hardball and he said Bush ought to send Federal Marshalls in there to replace the tube and guard her until this case can go to the Supremes.

I was just speechless.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Stunning! Pat Buchanan was just on Hardball and he said Bush ought to send Federal Marshalls in there to replace the tube and guard her until this case can go to the Supremes.

I was just speechless.
Surprised we haven't heard from Mr. Kevorcian (sp)


Routinely Derailed
I agree, folks. Big goof. But we'll get over it. As for the mass hysteria, I have to admit that Ms. Schiavo's parents know their PR pretty well, and I guess they've got a hot lawyer. And I also think the Government and the American people are jumping on this bandwagon because the Iraq thing is dying down and they're bored. Well, I'll keep my attention on Iraq, thank you very much.


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
He moved his in laws in with himself and Terri for TWO years. There is not one allegation of any kind of trouble at all between Terri and Michael UNTIL the last few years. How in the hell do you live with your son in law for TWO years caring for your invalid daughter and then, some what, 5-6 years later start alledging ill motives, lack of care and even MURDER????
That makes sense. It seems like a personal battle beween the husband and the parents.

Airgasm said:
The fact that this situation has ascended to the current level of government intervention is beyond me!

Enough already!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Mr. King, are you stating that you hold that Terri Schiavo is not in a persistent vegitative state?
I don't hold that Florida law defines it at 765.101 (12) "Persistent vegetative state" means a permanent and irreversible condition of unconsciousness in which there is:

(a) The absence of voluntary action or cognitive behavior of any kind.

(b) An inability to communicate or interact purposefully with the environment.

I hold that even though I have never met her that from the few minutes of video I have seen she displays some conscious behavior. It might not be continuous or consistent but the definition doesn't hold that standard.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
And anyway, Ken King, this is all your fault. The minute you change your voter reg to Republican, they all start going off the deep end. :mad:
I would say that it is more of your fault as you continue to move to the left of center as if you are being assimilated into the liberal camp. I suspect it won’t be long until you, Gloria Steinman and Babs are screaming chants in the streets of New York as if you had always been joined at the hips. :moon:

When does your new registration card arrive or are you satisfied to be a RINO? :biggrin:


New Member
Ken King said:
I don't hold that Florida law defines it at 765.101 (12) "Persistent vegetative state" means a permanent and irreversible condition of unconsciousness in which there is:

(a) The absence of voluntary action or cognitive behavior of any kind.

(b) An inability to communicate or interact purposefully with the environment.

I hold that even though I have never met her that from the few minutes of video I have seen she displays some conscious behavior. It might not be continuous or consistent but the definition doesn't hold that standard.

What I see on t.v. is her mom positioning her head while her eyes just look anywhere. If mom tilts her head to the side you cannot see her eyes and it SEEMS she is looking at mom.


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
And what's with all these stupid asses trying to sneak water bottles in to her? Hello?? She can't swallow! If she could, none of this would be happening.

Maybe if they let one of those do-gooders feed her a big gulp, this whole thing would be over.

Can someone explain to me, since this is a life/death matter, why it isn't Federal and not state? If there is no consistancy, why not just wheel ailing Maw over the state line, pull the tube and collect the inheritance?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
morganj614 said:
What I see on t.v. is her mom positioning her head while her eyes just look anywhere. If mom tilts her head to the side you cannot see her eyes and it SEEMS she is looking at mom.
I've seen that too, can’t deny that some of it might be staged, but there is one that gets me, it is the video where there is a person hovering over her and all of a sudden what appears to be a smile comes upon Terri’s face. Reflex maybe, sporadic maybe, or just maybe it was a cognitive act on her part.


New Member
Ken King said:
I've seen that too, can’t deny that some of it might be staged, but there is one that gets me, it is the video where there is a person hovering over her and all of a sudden what appears to be a smile comes upon Terri’s face. Reflex maybe, sporadic maybe, or just maybe it was a cognitive act on her part.

Babies smile before they know why. I personally feel it was not cognitive. If it was, her parents would be putting all their video out there to prove she was cognitive.
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
morganj614 said:
Babies smile before they know why. I personally feel it was not cognitive. If it was, her parents would be putting all their video out there to prove she was cognitive.
You feel it isn't, I feel it is. Impasse has been reached. You can't convince me that I am wrong no more than I can convince you. I suspect that in a matter of a few days it will be all over with anyhow and Terri will be gone, hopefully she will find peace. It just sickens me that in this country we would allow the slow death in this manner when we afford murders better treatment when we execute them. I am also dismayed that with laws specifically dictating how life is to be protected there are judges acting contrary to those laws. We might not agree with or like the laws that exist but we shouldn’t just disregard them when following them does not achieve the result we desire.

The only benefit to all of this, in my mind, is that it has brought to the forefront the importance of having one’s affairs in order well before you find yourself in a predicament such as this.


I can not express how embarrassed I have felt this week to be a Republican, and I'm not alone. Clay County where I live is about 75% Republican, and the last Schiavo poll I saw yesterday was showing 80% opposed to the Feds getting involved in the case.

I listened to Rush last Friday when this story broke, and he was responding to questions about the case by saying he really didn't know any details and that he couldn't say one way or the other. Then comes Monday, and he's now an expert on all the BS that the Schindlers have been putting out, he now "knows" that Schiavo is not in a vegetative state, he now "knows" that Michael Schiavo was a bad husband, he now "knows" that there's been a "rush to judgement" on this, etc. And worse... this is all a plot by the Liberals/Democrats to further the abortion agenda!!! I was so pissed I actually called Rush's show and told his screener that he was making an azz of himself. I also told the screener that Rush shouldn't be buying into the BS that the Schindlers are spouting and feel that the Federal judge will see all this alledged injustice and order the tube reinserted. I told him the judge would look at the real facts and truth, and agree with what the other 15 judges have seen.

Then... along comes Sunday, and there's my senator, Mel Martinez, lying his azz off about the motivations for all this, even as Chris Wallace is showing him the Republican talking points memo that shows how the Republicans want to use this issue to make the re-election of Senator Bill Nelson next year more difficult. The Republicans, including Martinez, had never mentioned Schiavo before this last weekend.

Then comes Fox & Friends, and some woman claiming to have been one of Schiavo's nurses comes on with all kinds of allegations against Michael Schiavo, and I see the worst interview I've ever seen. They say that exageration is the mark of a bad liar, and this woman had that mark. She claimed that Michael had tried to murder his wife by injecting her with insulin, claims to have found an insulin injector hidden in the trash, that Terry was showing signs of being injected with insulin, etc. Then when asked for details she says she found five needle marks, which doesn't make sense as why would he poke her five times with an injector that gives one shot. Then she says she did report this to the police, yet the police never received any report and never did any investigation. This woman's story was so full of lies and embellishments I couldn't believe that anyone was buying it, yet she was given the star treatment on Rush and Hannity's shows!

The reason that all of these courts are siding with Michael Schiavo is not because of some Liberal attempt to secure and protect the power of the courts. It's because they're examining the facts and seeing the truth, rather than reacting to the BS the Schindlers are putting out. If Conservatives and Republicans are thinking this whole effort is going to make them look better, they are 180 out from reality. They are looking like crap.


The Pegster
Ken King said:
You feel it isn't, I feel it is. Impasse has been reached. You can't convince me that I am wrong no more than I can convince you. I suspect that in a matter of a few days it will be all over with anyhow and Terri will be gone, hopefully she will find peace. It just sickens me that in this country we would allow the slow death in this manner when we afford murders better treatment when we execute them. I am also dismayed that with laws specifically dictating how life is to be protected there are judges acting contrary to those laws. We might not agree with or like the laws that exist but we shouldn’t just disregard them when following them does not achieve the result we desire.

The only benefit to all of this, in my mind, is that it has brought to the forefront the importance of having one’s affairs in order well before you find yourself in a predicament such as this.

How do you know if this is recent video? I have not seen anything "dated"... This video could be from a few years ago and perhaps she isn't in that same state now... Could be why her husband has decided to take this course of action now. The fact remains that none of us really know enough about her or this case to make a judgement.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The guy who was her court appointed guardian was on Olbermann last night. He spent 30 days going over Terri Schiavo's medical and legal records, and spent countless hours at her bedside.

He says the videos are a fraud - that you can wave something in front of her face 100 times and maybe one time she'll happen to turn her head, and that's what the parents are showing, just that one time instead of the other 99.

Regarding the "smile", he says that's fraudulent as well. Says that she grimaces involuntarily and that's what's being mistaken for a "smile" on the video. The parents have taken hours and hours of video and clipped the parts that make her look like she's aware.

At the end of the day, 19 judges have ruled that she is in a persistent vegative state, based on her medical records and the testimony of people who have actually spent time with her. Now. If you want to say that 19 random judges are wrong about Florida law, that's your prerogative. If you want to believe the silly stories about the husband trying to murder her, even though there is no evidence and these allegations have no merit, that's your prerogative as well.

Just as it's MY prerogative to be stunned by your lack of common sense.