Pegster710 said:How do you know if this is recent video? I have not seen anything "dated"... This video could be from a few years ago and perhaps she isn't in that same state now... Could be why her husband has decided to take this course of action now. The fact remains that none of us really know enough about her or this case to make a judgement.
Most all of the video that you are seeing on TV is about five years old, and is distributed by the Schindlers. Terry's condition has deteriorated since then, and her cerebral cortex is just about gone. This is why Congress is backing off the supoena to have her come to DC to "testify." It would just make their arguments seem more rediculous.
I agree with Ken that starving her isn't right, but what choice is there? It's like the Maryland State Police saying that someone is "not disapproved" to buy a handgun rather than "approved." It's seemingly rediculous but legally necessary to protect against litigation. It's the same deal here. In an ideal World, she would be shot full of morphine and expire in minutes, but then that would be seen by some as killing her. By removing the feeding tube the hospital is seen as letting her die vice killing her. It sounds stupid but that's the way our legal system has become.
As for people who have been saying "we wouldn't do that to a criminal" or "in Florida you can't even do that to an animal", they are right. The fact that 19 Florida judges in six different courts, plus about 14 Federal judges, and close to 40 highly-competent, professional, physicians, have found that Terry Schiavo is not actually alive anymore should tell you something. If there was any chance, any chance at all, that someone had truly found any cognitive thought in her we wouldn't be having this discussion. The Schindlers can find all the quacks they want to say otherwise, but the fact is that this woman is brain dead, has no concious thought, and is merely an automatron. While many of us would like to believe that the human conciousness is some kind of unfathomable mystery, it isn't. Every thought you've ever had generates signals, and these signals can be detected and measured, and their source determined. The fact is that Terry Schiavo's brain isn't generating anything but core signals meant to keep the body functioning, which are the last signals to die in the case of oxygen starvation.
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