The Meaning Of The Cross


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
so a torture device that has been made into the mother of all idols is going to determine where we spend eternity?

better read that book real close......

I think you are taking what is posted a bit too literally.

I am reasonably certain that what was meant is whether a person accepts salvation provided through the sacrifice by Jesus on the cross will determine where someone will spend eternity.

A cross is not a idol unless someone worships it. I do not. I worship Jesus who died for me on a cross and rose again as a promise of eternal life.


New Member
I understand your argument.

Since he's God, and he knows heaven is awaiting, was it really a sacrifice?

Thats similiar to a dieter "sacrificing" his diet for a chocolate chip cookie.

Now if the "story" was that Jesus sacrifieced himself to eternal damnation in Hell, so that the Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve could live without sin, that would have been powerful!

Powerful is the fact that he had a choice, and chose to be beaten, with a cat o nine tails, a crown of thorns placed on his head, and nailed, to the cross.

Well now let me say this, God sent his son Jesus to earth knowing he would die for our sin's. Jesus knew this, in saying that, he didn't have to die for our sins, he could have said, Hey Dad, you know what I was all for the sacrificing myself to save everyone, but after seeing a couple guys hanging on a cross the other day I changed my mind.. Sorry Dad I know you were counting on me but I just can't do it.

Instead Jesus knowing he would be sacrificed(gave himself for us) and God knowing his only Son would be sacrificed on the cross, allowed it to happen. God does have feelings, It even says it in the Bible Jesus wept, when Jesus died on the cross, the skies became dark, the viel(sp) of the tabernacle was torn in to.