The media is out of hand


New Member
Forestal's posts are what they are..his posted opinions. Take them for that, and only that.

The continued outrage, and constant discussion of these posts "legitimize" them. If you ignored them, for the most part (as I do with Nutsack) relegates them to a minor nuisance...if not just a flat out embarrassment to their own cause.

I am more disturbed by the threats of violence towards Forestal...or anybody on here. When even the most ..ahem..."Christian" of you are advocating a murder based on a political discussion on an internet forum...those are the religious extremists that need to be tagged.

They're the ones just one degree of separation away from being Al-Queda.


New Member
Kerad said:
Forestal's posts are what they are..his posted opinions. Take them for that, and only that.

The continued outrage, and constant discussion of these posts "legitimize" them. If you ignored them, for the most part (as I do with Nutsack) relegates them to a minor nuisance...if not just a flat out embarrassment to their own cause.

I am more disturbed by the threats of violence towards Forestal...or anybody on here. When even the most ..ahem..."Christian" of you are advocating a murder based on a political discussion on an internet forum...those are the religious extremists that need to be tagged.

They're the ones just one degree of separation away from being Al-Queda.
I'm just sick of him bashing our armed forces because of the mission they were sent to fight. :shrug:


New Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
I'm just sick of him bashing our armed forces because of the mission they were sent to fight. :shrug:

I understand. And I don't think he really means to bash those that just do as they're told. Forestal's just a bit rough around the edges when it comes to this political chat thing. Yes...I have read some things that I was , Like "Dude...chill it down a notch."

I don't advocate a bunch of what he says. But, if he is just spewing out opinions, and he's new to the game, he'll learn to tmepre it. channel it into legitimate discussion.

I hope he is youg. We need more young people who actually pay attention to politics, and the news of the world. Beats those teeny-boppers that only follow Paris Hilton and Brinety Spears all day.


New Member
Red Karma: "Stop lying. You are forestal."

No, I am not forestal. But you are an ignorant pussy.


Dancing Up A Storm
hvp05 said:
You'll still bring the :popcorn: , right? I've got the :buddies:


That's not a bad offer!

We all(conservatives of sound mind, liberals, if we have to :eyebrow: ) could meet at one of the local establishments and hash out our plans.

Gosh, think of it - left vs. right - a debate for the ages! Available on!

Somebody on this board has to have a video camera; we could really do it some justice! :wench:


New Member
Red Karma: I love how you retards categorize everything by democrats and republicans, it's so much more than than...but your head is wrapped to far around NASCAR to understand that. deeeeee

:killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme

This is my new favorite red karma recieved. I'm n ot the one on here saying one political party is the enemy, not al-Qaida. You are a moron. Moron, moron, moron.

Are you the same one who said I know nothing about NASCAR? Gee, what a stupid thing to say. I challenge you to debate me and then say I am partisan. I am not partisan, you are. You know why, because you choose to labvel any Democrat as an enemy to America! All I want in this country is what's best for our country, and that is not one party or anotherl. In fact, I have slammed other Democrats for not being strong enough in the face of terrorism or enemies to the safety of our country. I've criticized Mr. Kerry. I've criticized Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Clinton. All you do is beat a dead horse concerning anything a Democrat has to say and allow the actions of Republicans to go unaddressed (Foley).

Name yourself, squirreldick.


New Member
Penn said:
That's not a bad offer!

We all(conservatives of sound mind, liberals, if we have to :eyebrow: ) could meet at one of the local establishments and hash out our plans.

Gosh, think of it - left vs. right - a debate for the ages! Available on!

Somebody on this board has to have a video camera; we could really do it some justice! :wench:
Bill Orally vs. Keith Olbermann. There's the debate of the century!


I'm the Boss of Me
I shouldn't be judging others based on my own experience in life. There proabably are people joining the military today who do so with the complete understanding that some lame-brained politician may put their lives in jeopardy. From my perspective, I would only join if our national security was at risk.

I have friends who have gone and come back, and some who have just left, for either Afghanistan or Iraq. I wonder if I will ever see them again. It burns me to see somebody's sacrifice go in vain, and from my point of view, that is what I see happening now.

Severa said:
I'm going to say this in the nicest tone I can possibly muster:

I don't agree with you on many points, including Iraq and President Bush.
I don't agree with you in regards to the armed forces.
I pray every day for our President and for our troops, including my husband's cousin who currently serves in Afghanistan and our friends we met while my husband was serving our country in the Navy.

Our armed forces don't get paid near what they are worth (the most my husband earned in a year when he was in the Navy was $30,000 and that's when he was a sonar technician on a fast attack submarine) and to hear sentiments like yours, it stings a lot.

Rally against President Bush all you want. Rally against the war in Iraq all you want. But don't belittle our troops and their decision to enlist. Don't dismiss their decision to enlist at a certain point in time as 'ignorance'.

You can disagree with the war and our President and still support our troops. It's as simple as 'While I don't agree with this war, I pray for the safe return of our troops. I pray for the families of those who loved ones paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country'


I'm the Boss of Me
I don't hate our troops, but I do hate people who say I do.

LPGM2003 said:
You had posted this in another thread. Save money in Hawaii on 01-02-2007, 05:02 PM.

My question is, who served for you to be able to do this? Are you in the military? Is you girlfriend in the military? If she is, did she dump your ass for insulting her? I just want to know how you can be so hateful about our troops, yet you are taking advantage of a service available only to them?


New Member
AndyMarquisLIVE said:
Red Karma: I love how you retards categorize everything by democrats and republicans, it's so much more than than...but your head is wrapped to far around NASCAR to understand that. deeeeee

:killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme

This is my new favorite red karma recieved. I'm n ot the one on here saying one political party is the enemy, not al-Qaida. You are a moron. Moron, moron, moron.

Are you the same one who said I know nothing about NASCAR? Gee, what a stupid thing to say. I challenge you to debate me and then say I am partisan. I am not partisan, you are. You know why, because you choose to labvel any Democrat as an enemy to America! All I want in this country is what's best for our country, and that is not one party or anotherl. In fact, I have slammed other Democrats for not being strong enough in the face of terrorism or enemies to the safety of our country. I've criticized Mr. Kerry. I've criticized Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Clinton. All you do is beat a dead horse concerning anything a Democrat has to say and allow the actions of Republicans to go unaddressed (Foley).

Name yourself, squirreldick.

They won't. You'll find certain Republicans are the ferocious chickenpoop karmabombers. Internet tough guys. :bigwhoop:


New Member
BuddyLee said:
:bs: What was your excuse immediately following 9/11?
He was 6. :lmao:

My little sister asks to this day why 9-11 was such a big deal.

Forestal, did you wake up on the morning after 9-11 thinking of the terrible nightmare you had just had? Because I did.

I thought it was a bad dream, so as I went downstairs, I clicked on NBC4 as I always do. There it was, "ATTACK ON AMERICA: The Day After."

Did you spend days crying over the artocities that had been committed against our country? Did that sorrow turn to absolute anger. Anger that could drive you to kill? It did me, and if I had been 18 at that time, you damn well believe I would've enlisted. And that doesn'tr make me stupid or niaive, because I knew (just as every other American knew when watching George Bush's immedate reaction) that we weren't under attack, but at war.

In fact, I remember Buish's speech in NYUC with the bullhorn, and that memorable quote: "I can hear you, the rest of the world hears you. And the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon."
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Dancing Up A Storm
forestal said:
I shouldn't be judging others based on my own experience in life. There proabably are people joining the military today who do so with the complete understanding that some lame-brained politician may put their lives in jeopardy. From my perspective, I would only join if our national security was at risk.

forestal: just what the hell do you think IS at risk?

Our intent is, as far as I can tell, to stop the Islamic Fascists over there - before it gets a foothold on our shores.

Excuse me, upon rethinking that statement, I believe there ARE sleeper cells here already; but the CIA, FBI and other law enforcement agencies are keeping them at bay, watching them so intently, that they dare not make an overt move.

I think the Bush administration's intent is, that if we can achieve a modicum of democracy over in the Middle East, it would be an example to the rest of the neighboring states. That they do not necessarily have to follow in the footsteps of their fathers; there is a better way to get along with others.