The Mixing Bowl...


Well-Known Member
It all comes down to this…

Why should I have to sift thru 20+ wise-ass remarks to find out what happened to the Mixing Bowl.

I don't need to see all the cute little moving faces. I just want to find out about the mixing bowl. Is it a requirement that one must go thru pages and pages of moving faces in order to get the info?


:Jeepin' in NC:
CrashTest said:
It all comes down to this…

Why should I have to sift thru 20+ wise-ass remarks to find out what happened to the Mixing Bowl.

I don't need to see all the cute little moving faces. I just want to find out about the mixing bowl. Is it a requirement that one must go thru pages and pages of moving faces in order to get the info?
You dont have to sit through it.

This forum is not for tight azzes, the rules are enforced, and our Mod does show up for work.

If you dont like it then: GET OUT!


Well-Known Member
Somdmommy said:
You dont have to sit through it.

This forum is not for tight azzes, the rules are enforced, and our Mod does show up for work.

If you dont like it then: GET OUT!

Then why is it that post #10 was the one that got on topic?

Why didn't the mods delete post # 2 - 9?

This place is unregulated and out of control. You can hate me for saying it but it doesn't change the fact that it's true.

BTW - I'm not going to "GET OUT" like you want.


:Jeepin' in NC:
CrashTest said:
You folks think a message forum is a chat room. Obviously you folks have never been members of an actual “message forum” where “rules” apply and they’re enforced.

Don’t tell me I’m a nube to SOMD and that things are different here in SOMD. That’s B.S. I’ve lived in SOMD longer than most of you folks and the only rules that don’t apply are rules to this forum because there are none.

The “major” internet forums have moderators who actually show up for work.

A “major”” internet forum works this way…

1 - Post off-topic and it gets deleted.

2 - Keep doing it and you get suspended.

3 - Keep doing it more and more and you get expelled.

Rules 1 thru 3 are how "real" internet forums work. Real internet forums do not tolerate off-topic posts or hijacking.

I know there’s not much room for rumor in those rules above but as I stated already, message forums are not necessarily for humor – they are for information. Chat rooms are for humor.

Leaving a forum unmodedrated like this one is not the fault of the members – it’s the fault of the moderators (or lack of). It’s kind of like leaving a class of 2nd graders without a teacher. In a short amount of time, the room of 2nd graders are gonna be out of control. That’s exactly what’s going on here.

:baby: Are there any medications you forgot to take today?

Why dont you go find a “major”” forum, delete all your :offtopic: posts in here, consider youself "suspended," never come back, and we will just tell everyone you got "expelled"


:Jeepin' in NC:
For Mr. CrashTest

The Definitive Forum Rules

No sexually explicit language, avatars or smilies.

No pornographic material or links.

No threatening your fellow forum members with physical violence.

No abusive or obscene karma comments.

No leaving karma and signing someone else's name.

No harrassing other members via PM.

No foul language. If you wouldn't say it in front of your mother, don't say it here.

No personal attacks. If you're having a heated disagreement with another member, that's one thing. But there's no need to bring their wife, mother, daughter, etc. into it.

No flaming the newbies. This should be a friendly and welcoming environment for new members, not a trial by fire.

Don't engage in copyright infringement by posting other people's news or graphics. Read more here.

Please do not advertise your business or service in our forums. If you would like to advertise on Southern Maryland Online, please contact our sales team by using the Feedback Form or visit the Classifieds.

We reserve the right to delete whole threads that get out of control rather than spend time picking through each post for deletion.
~I'm sure this one will be gone once Vrai comes across it. ~

We hope you enjoy the forums, as we enjoy providing them for you. But we have no tolerance for people who can't conduct themselves in a mature fashion.

:bawl: So we dont have the :nono: :offtopic: rule. If you dont like that then why are you still here. As you can see its not a rule so Shut Up About It and go find one of your "Major" Forums that does! :baby:


Well-Known Member
Wow – in your building of this empire you built in the rule about “no rule at all”.

Therfore, anyone who wants info is screwed.


New Member
CrashTest said:
It all comes down to this…
Why should I have to sift thru 20+ wise-ass remarks to find out what happened to the Mixing Bowl.
I don't need to see all the cute little moving faces. I just want to find out about the mixing bowl. Is it a requirement that one must go thru pages and pages of moving faces in order to get the info?

Why were you still posting in this thread? :shrug: Why not pick up the telephone book and just call these places for all the info you want?

I'm here to talk to people I know and for the entertainment. So start tap dancing, I want to see the show :larry: :getdown:


CrashTest said:
Then why is it that post #10 was the one that got on topic?

Why didn't the mods delete post # 2 - 9?

This place is unregulated and out of control. You can hate me for saying it but it doesn't change the fact that it's true.

BTW - I'm not going to "GET OUT" like you want.

Now you I like! :love: Welcome. :flowers:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
morganj614 said:
Why were you still posting in this thread? :shrug: Why not pick up the telephone book and just call these places for all the info you want?

I'm here to talk to people I know and for the entertainment. So start tap dancing, I want to see the show :larry: :getdown:
I think he should have started his own "informational" tread.


Well-Known Member
CrashTest said:
Then why is it that post #10 was the one that got on topic?

Why didn't the mods delete post # 2 - 9?

This place is unregulated and out of control. You can hate me for saying it but it doesn't change the fact that it's true.

BTW - I'm not going to "GET OUT" like you want.

Hey....I've got an extra life laying around the house if you want to come and get it.


Crashdummy said:
Wow – in your building of this empire you built in the rule about “no rule at all”.

Therfore, anyone who wants info is screwed.

Nah, there's always the truth in the thread, you just have to be able to understand it when it's given to you.


RoseRed said:
Did you find your truth?


It seems to be an endless quest I've yet to forfill.......

He, on the other hand, fails to see that no one knows what happen to the Mixing Bowl........



No Longer the Kid
Not to get to far off topic...but our FOLGERS coffee can here at work is finally I figured I would let the formites have the first bid...Please read carefully the bid block... TIA

FOLGERS coffee can muffler

Will fit any ricer race car
Will add 300 HP instantly
Will make car sound like a pissed off bumble bee
Will help you pick up chicks or d*cks....
Will make you want to sit in parking lots everynight and brag
Will help you add names to your kill list....
Will also make you a hip hop rockstar
Will make your ricer do wheeleys down the track
Shoot flames 3 feet out of opening

Dont wait, this product wont last :yay:

Starting bid is 50 bucks...

Bidding will end at midnight tonight :yay:

Thank you all, have a great day :yay:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Softballkid said:
Not to get to far off topic...but our FOLGERS coffee can here at work is finally I figured I would let the formites have the first bid...Please read carefully the bid block... TIA

FOLGERS coffee can muffler

Will fit any ricer race car
Will add 300 HP instantly
Will make car sound like a pissed off bumble bee
Will help you pick up chicks or d*cks....
Will make you want to sit in parking lots everynight and brag
Will help you add names to your kill list....
Will also make you a hip hop rockstar
Will make you river do wheeleys down the track
Shoot flames 3 feet out of opening

Dont wait, this product wont last :yay:

Starting bid is 50 bucks...

Bidding will end at midnight tonight :yay:

Thank you all, have a great day :yay:

Now THAT was informational. :yay: