The Mixing Bowl...


No Longer the Kid
CrashTest said:
Do you really think I care about Internet Karma??

If she and her big Dyke friends have issues, meet me in person rather than run me over with your Internet Jeep and hit me with your Internet softball bat. Isn't that the courageous thing to do?

Your being an internet bully :ohwell:


I bowl overhand
CrashTest said:
Do you really think I care about Internet Karma??

If she and her big Dyke friends have issues, meet me in person rather than run me over with your Internet Jeep and hit me with your Internet softball bat. Isn't that the courageous thing to do?
Making fun of her Dyke friends??

You should take this offline and call her on your homophone..


New Member
CrashTest said:
Do you really think I care about Internet Karma??

If she and her big Dyke friends have issues, meet me in person rather than run me over with your Internet Jeep and hit me with your Internet softball bat. Isn't that the courageous thing to do?

Come to the forum Meet and greet this Friday. All us big dyke friends of Rosered will be there :yay:


professional daydreamer
CrashTest said:
Do you really think I care about Internet Karma??

If she and her big Dyke friends have issues, meet me in person rather than run me over with your Internet Jeep and hit me with your Internet softball bat. Isn't that the courageous thing to do?

I just looked at some of your old posts, and you've been whining about these forums from the start. Why do you continue to post if you dislike the forums so much?


New Member
CrashTest said:
Do you really think I care about Internet Karma??

If she and her big Dyke friends have issues, meet me in person rather than run me over with your Internet Jeep and hit me with your Internet softball bat. Isn't that the courageous thing to do?

Hi CrashTest.
Your posts can be fun, that's why I've read them. The forum has been great for me, tons of fun and information.
But, calling someone out (for real) is not within the limits of good form.
I've taken it, I've dished it out. I dished some to you with my 'fixed' post a few minutes ago, all in good fun.
Take it easy will ya?


CrashTest said:
The saddest part about this and other forums is that the keyboard creates courage and it’s sad. Threads like this are just a bunch of playground bullies taking shots because they know they can’t be challenged. Everyone knows playground bullies are nothing but cowards. The only thing worse than a playground bully is an Internet bully. It’s pathetic.

After lunch, by the swing sets, I'll be there. If you don't show I'll know you're a pussy.


CrashTest said:
The saddest part about this and other forums is that the keyboard creates courage and it’s sad. Threads like this are just a bunch of playground bullies taking shots because they know they can’t be challenged. Everyone knows playground bullies are nothing but cowards. The only thing worse than a playground bully is an Internet bully. It’s pathetic.
Give me your lunch money or I'll kick your ass. :burning: lol