The Mixing Bowl...


I bowl overhand
czygvtwkr said:
If you know where Peking Chineese Resturant is then the mixing bowl is a stones throw from it.
And the food was ok, good for southern maryland standards I guess.
Who pissed you off to make you want to throw stones at them??


Football addict
CrashTest said:
Nope – “REAL” forums have moderators who delete off-topic posts.
I once visited one of those nazi forums...

...there were about five other members; everyone else got banned.


Well-Known Member
The saddest part about this and other forums is that the keyboard creates courage and it’s sad. Threads like this are just a bunch of playground bullies taking shots because they know they can’t be challenged. Everyone knows playground bullies are nothing but cowards. The only thing worse than a playground bully is an Internet bully. It’s pathetic.


New Member
CrashTest said:
The saddest part about this and other forums is that the keyboard creates courage and it’s sad. Threads like this are just a bunch of playground bullies taking shots because they know they can’t be challenged. Everyone knows playground bullies are nothing but cowards. The only thing worse than a playground bully is an Internet bully. It’s pathetic.

Most of us know each other in the dirt world and still act the same :lmao:


New Member
CrashTest said:
The saddest part about this and other forums is that the keyboard creates courage and it’s sad. Threads like this are just a bunch of playground bullies taking shots because they know they can’t be challenged. Everyone knows playground bullies are nothing but cowards. The only thing worse than a playground bully is an Internet bully. It’s pathetic.
:howdy: Do people kick sand in your face on the beach also? Were you shoved in the lockers at school? :killingme :killingme


professional daydreamer
CrashTest said:
The saddest part about this and other forums is that the keyboard creates courage and it’s sad. Threads like this are just a bunch of playground bullies taking shots because they know they can’t be challenged. Everyone knows playground bullies are nothing but cowards. The only thing worse than a playground bully is an Internet bully. It’s pathetic.

If you get invited to the lake, will you show up?


New Member
CrashTest said:
The saddest part about this and other forums is that the keyboard creates courage and it’s sad. Threads like this are just a bunch of playground bullies taking shots because they know they can’t be challenged. Everyone knows playground bullies are nothing but cowards. The only thing worse than a playground bully is an Internet bully. It’s pathetic.

The saddest part about this and other forums is that the keyboard causes people like CrashTest to post, and it’s sad. Threads like this encourage truth, justice, and the American way. Everyone knows forumites are beautiful, caring people. The only thing better than a forumite is a banana split. It’s sublime.


Football addict
morganj614 said:
Why were you still posting in this thread? :shrug: Why not pick up the telephone book and just call these places for all the info you want?

I'm here to talk to people I know and for the entertainment. So start tap dancing, I want to see the show :larry: :getdown:
:yeahthat: There are a multitude of individuals here whom are all here for different reasons. I bet most aren't here to be personal information assistants


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
CrashTest said:
The saddest part about this and other forums is that the keyboard creates courage and it’s sad. Threads like this are just a bunch of playground bullies taking shots because they know they can’t be challenged. Everyone knows playground bullies are nothing but cowards. The only thing worse than a playground bully is an Internet bully. It’s pathetic.

Why don't you take your own advice and stop hijacking your OWN THREAD? You can create a new one where all you do is p!ss and moan about how mean everyone else is. You're not exactly winning friends by sulking and pouting. And you're not going to, either.

Contrary to what you may think - as has been pointed out - many of us know each other in real life, face to face - and we talk the same way. It's not "bullying" or "cowardice". It's grown-up talk.

There *is* one thing worse than an Internet bully - it's an incessant Internet crybaby. An Internet bully can't hurt you at all, but an Internet crybaby wastes bandwidth and can seriously ANNOY you to death.


Well-Known Member
Queen Laqueefa said:
No, she is going to karma bomb you :lmao:

Do you really think I care about Internet Karma??

If she and her big Dyke friends have issues, meet me in person rather than run me over with your Internet Jeep and hit me with your Internet softball bat. Isn't that the courageous thing to do?