evolution still happens ....
I'm confused .... are you implying that evolution could only happen once, or that it can't happen still?
You write... "evolution still happens"... then creation still happens too...
"are you implying that evolution could only happen once, or that it can't happen still?" Let me explain it this way.... man came from ape (or something), ape came from something, that something came from something, and that something came from something... and so on x's infinity. Until a "cell" appears out of no where and makes a totally new creature/species it is totally subjective. Labs have never made a cell (with no previous material) out of nothing...
Creation in the Bible does not attempt to justify or explain it in detail. It makes a very bold statement... "In the beginning... God created...." Going further we see the Spirit of God and then even further into the Bible we see Christ at God's side fashioning into existence what was spoken by God. Does this explain creation? No... it is by faith.
Now, science has not been able to reduplicate this "beginning" (i.e. out of nothing)
Both beliefs come to the essence of faith. If it is not faith, then make a cell out of nothing...