maybe some answers to the questions
The difference between the two Xbox systems is the Premium system comes with a wireless controller, a headset for Live play and a hard drive. The Core, or less expensive version does not have the hard drive or the head set and comes with a wired controller. If you total the retail price of a hard drive, wireless controller and the head set, your talking in the neighborhood of $150 to $170. So the Premium system is the better route if your looking for the options it gives you.
The big deal here is the hard drive. W/o it you cannot save your progress, or most importantly, play the old Xbox games from the earlier console.
I was one of those who waited in line at Target. I got there at 3 a.m. I was told by an employee that they had 50 of the Premium and 32 of the lesser consoles. However, at 7:00 when they handed out the tickets, they had 16 of each system. I was number 32 in line.
I really wanted a Premium system, so it looks like I'll sell the Core system on ebay for double what I paid for it and wait for the Premium system to hit the shelves after Christmas.
Sitting in line through all the weather was all about the game. You play the game to win and camping out for four or five hours was all about the "winning" of getting a console. Honestly, I don't see the difference between what I did Tuesday morning and what I and thousands of others will be doing later this week when deer season opens. We'll all getting up before dawn and brave the weather, and for what to bag a deer. Some would call that crazy....