The Rev. Jerry Falwell is in gravely serious condition at a hospital in Lynchburg, Va


New Member
IMHO-repeat IMHO-
The Rev. Falwell will be remembered for what he was... a minister who politicized the Christian faith and polarized believers.

There is a difference between a man who holds personal views and shares them openly and a pastor who does the same. The pastor leads the flock, and their shepherd led them astray.

Those who subscribed to the Rev. Falwell's brand of preaching and supported it with their prayers, presence, and gifts, should think of the seeds they have sown.

"God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."

Is this the Gospel the Rev. Falwell taught? If you believe Jerry Falwell represented the teachings of Jesus Christ, you are reading a different New Testament than mine!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
In your...

MMDad said:
Osama's fatwah does not justify the way that Falwell used 9/11. As I said earlier, it wasn't the message as much as the timing:

...opinion it isn't justified. What the heck is religion if not an explanation for what happens in life? Hell, floods, pestilence, famines, wiping out whole cities, it was all because of Gods wrath against those not following the way.

What, we're annoyed because a preacher got all...preachy?


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
...opinion it isn't justified. What the heck is religion if not an explanation for what happens in life? Hell, floods, pestilence, famines, wiping out whole cities, it was all because of Gods wrath against those not following the way.

What, we're annoyed because a preacher got all...preachy?
That's all Fred Phelps is doing. Is it wrong for me to be offended when he spreads his "explanation for what happens in life?"

You might draw the line as Falwell appropriate, Phelps not appropriate. I draw it that neither was appropriate.

And I realize you don't want to get my point, but I'll say it again anyway: It's not what he said, it's the way he used 9/11 less than 48 hours after it happened.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Would I be wasting...

MMDad said:
That's all Fred Phelps is doing. Is it wrong for me to be offended when he spreads his "explanation for what happens in life?"

You might draw the line as Falwell appropriate, Phelps not appropriate. I draw it that neither was appropriate.

And I realize you don't want to get my point, but I'll say it again anyway: It's not what he said, it's the way he used 9/11 less than 48 hours after it happened.

...our time if I suggested there are, maybe, a few rather significant differences between a man whose sermons are 'GOD HATES FAGS' and 'THANK GOD FOR IED'S' and Falwells brand of preaching? Even if it is only a matter of degree, isn't it a fairly large matter of degree?


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...there. I have never seen you fly off at true psycho's like you do people who are you're own countrymen.

If Falwell is hate, WTF is Osama or Abindinajabajerkoffoffazz or the Dillweed in Syria or some Islamic holy man who says killing you and me is just peachy?

You show some perspective and I'll acknowledge it.


There are different degrees of "hate". One doesn't have to be the most extreme example of evil to spew hatred and intolerance and package it as "God's will".

Oh...and please point out where I "flew off" at Falwell.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Then you realize and illusion...

MMDad said:
That's all Fred Phelps is doing. Is it wrong for me to be offended when he spreads his "explanation for what happens in life?"

You might draw the line as Falwell appropriate, Phelps not appropriate. I draw it that neither was appropriate.

And I realize you don't want to get my point, but I'll say it again anyway: It's not what he said, it's the way he used 9/11 less than 48 hours after it happened.

...because I do get your point. All I'm responding to is the degree of anger and outright hatred this man apparently inspired and it just doesn't strike me as reasonable. That's not for me to decide. I'm just having a conversation about it.

Plus, I never argued that Falwell and his preaching on 9/11 were appropriate. I understand it as a matter of salesmanship; you make hay when the sun is shining, so to speak. I remember being put off by him in fact.

I just don't hate or condemn him for it or put him anywhere near Fred Phelps.


Lem Putt
Larry Gude said:
...our time if I suggested there are, maybe, a few rather significant differences between a man whose sermons are 'GOD HATES FAGS' and 'THANK GOD FOR IED'S' and Falwells brand of preaching? Even if it is only a matter of degree, isn't it a fairly large matter of degree?

Since that's exactly what I said, yes it would be wasting our time to try to convince me of what I already believe. You draw the line as Falwell acceptable, Phelps not. I don't, but it is still just a matter of where you draw the line.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I quoted you...

Kerad said:

There are different degrees of "hate". One doesn't have to be the most extreme example of evil to spew hatred and intolerance and package it as "God's will".

Oh...and please point out where I "flew off" at Falwell. post 55.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Is this thing working?

MMDad said:
Since that's exactly what I said, yes it would be wasting our time to try to convince me of what I already believe. You draw the line as Falwell acceptable, Phelps not. I don't, but it is still just a matter of where you draw the line. all? Hello!? Anyone in there?

I never said 'Jerry Falwell and all he ever said and ever did was acceptable'.

Oh well. I'm not gonna get very far if you're just presuming my meaning anyway.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yes there...

Kerad said:

There are different degrees of "hate".

...are and I don't ever recall you accusing our real enemies of hatred and intolerance.


Osama bin Laden

Jerry Falwell

Which one did you react the most negatively towards?

That's all I'm saying.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Kerad said:
THAT'S "flying off"??? :lmao: post. And no, it's not 'flying off' but it is a pretty strong rebuke to a person I sure don't see as hateful. Intolerant, sure, as to his faith, but hate's a strong word the day a man dies.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...are and I don't ever recall you accusing our real enemies of hatred and intolerance.


Osama bin Laden

Jerry Falwell

Which one did you react the most negatively towards?

That's all I'm saying.

You have got to be kidding.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BlackSheep said:
IMHO-repeat IMHO-
The Rev. Falwell will be remembered for what he was... a minister who politicized the Christian faith and polarized believers.
See and I, as a nonbeliever, see it differently. I would say that he gave the Christians a voice in politics.

Now you can say that religion has no place in politics, but I would rebut that by saying that *sex* has no place in politics - yet the gay rights groups are very powerful.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kerad said:
One doesn't have to be the most extreme example of evil to spew hatred and intolerance and package it as "God's will".
Intolerance, I'll give you - but "hatred" is too strong to characterize Falwell with.

And if you don't believe in God, why do you care what some preacher says? As the libbies like to say, if you don't like it, turn the channel. :jet:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And your answer is...

Kerad said:
You have got to be kidding.



Reaction? I've GOT to be kidding? Why, because of all your posts accusing Islamic leaders of hatred and intolerance and I must have missed them?

I get it; Jerry Falwell represents hatred and intolerance to you.


New Member
Okay then...

Larry Gude said:


Reaction? I've GOT to be kidding? Why, because of all your posts accusing Islamic leaders of hatred and intolerance and I must have missed them?

I get it; Jerry Falwell represents hatred and intolerance to you.

It's Captain Obvious to the rescue!!!

-Water is wet.
-Fire is hot.
-The Earth is round.
-Osama Bin Laden, along with every terrorist/violent radical extremist, should be captured/killed immediately...if not sooner.
-Sand is sandy.


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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I did always find him a little annoying, but Falwell to me at least gets credit for making the most insightful comment on the Cold War and nuclear arms race that I have ever heard before or since.

During a 'debate' at Oxford - more like a presentation on arms reduction held by the students, which I watched on TV in the 80's, Falwell mentioned there was a vast empire on the planet that had the power to rain down nuclear destruction on every man, woman and child in the United States. And yet, for one very good reason - not one person in the United States ever went to bed at night afraid of this nuclear nightmare.

He received a chorus of boos and catcalls, and he smirked a little, because he had them right where he wanted them.

He said the reason is because that 'empire' - was this empire - the BRITISH empire. Yes, he reminded them. The British had the nuclear capability to completely destroy the United States. In fact, they had at one time been the United States most bitter enemy, and yet there was absolutely zero danger of these weapons falling on the U.S. because the nuclear problem was not a problem of weaponry but of diplomacy. We were safe from the Brits, because they were our allies and friends. The Soviets were not a danger because they had nuclear weapons - they were a danger because they were our enemies. You destroy your enemy by making him your friend.

Admittedly in lieu of our present situation with Islamic fundamentalism - I don't see that strategy working. But I was incredibly impressed by this insight and I never heard this comment ever remarked upon by anyone.