The richest pastors



Might doesn't mean right.

Can the Catholics buy salvation or buy God?

New International Version
for, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it."

It never really belonged to the Catholics because it belongs to the Lord.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica®.

Haggai 2:8 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.

Psalm 50:10 For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.

So if it already belongs to the Lord, you're only partially giving back to Him what is already God's.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
Can the Catholics buy salvation or buy God?

New International Version
for, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it."

It never really belonged to the Catholics because it belongs to the Lord.

THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica®.

Haggai 2:8 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts.

Psalm 50:10 For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.

So if it already belongs to the Lord, you're only partially giving back to Him what is already God's.

You are a false prophet and a squawking parrot


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#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Don't worry. I don't want you to join a cult. There isn't enough room in my house.

Full up already? guys aren't planning on doing anything stupid when your prediction for the end of days proves a little "off"....are ya?


New Member
Full up already? guys aren't planning on doing anything stupid when your prediction for the end of days proves a little "off"....are ya?

The tragic part will be when the Antichrist is in full reign with the Tribulation in force and Chuckt will be swearing it can't be because he is still here........better hope heaven is on-board with the Pre-Trib also.


Full up already? guys aren't planning on doing anything stupid when your prediction for the end of days proves a little "off"....are ya?

No. Those groups are in the Watchman Fellowship Cult catalog and there are over 2,000 cults listed.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
These are some interesting 'donations'

Bishops, etc. living in large homes are almost exclusively donated...not bought by donations and built just recently on tithings...

I would like to see this treated as a con game and have him charged.

The Archdiocese of Newark knew three years ago that one of its priests was "milking" an elderly parishioner for tens of thousands of dollars but took no action, allowing him to collect even more money from others for his personal use, a whistleblower clergyman contends.

The Rev. Alex Orozco, 37, allegedly accepted more than $250,000 in cash and goods from parishioners of St. Rose of Lima Church in Short Hills between the fall of 2012 and October 2014, when he transferred to a new post in Bergen County.

That largesse — including checks made out to cash, credit card payments, car purchases and at least $25,000 for a vacation home Orozco acknowledges he never bought — is the subject of an investigation by the Essex County Prosecutor's Office

Within days, he said, he drove to the archdiocese's headquarters in Newark and spoke to the Rev. Joseph Petrillo, then director of priest personnel, and told him the story. A day later, he said, he had a phone conversation with Msgr. John Doran, then vicar general.

In both discussions, he said, he made clear he believed Orozco's behavior was out of line, bordering on predatory.

To the priest's knowledge, nothing came of the complaint, he said. Orozco remained in active ministry at St. Rose, where he continued to accept or solicit money, according to parishioners.

One woman, a widow, told NJ Advance Media she gave Orozco more than $125,000 in 2013 and 2014. She said she has since learned of others who gave smaller amounts.

"This is so wrong on the part of the priest, but also on the part of the archdiocese. It boggles my mind in this day and age, when we're so sensitive to priest misconduct," Zech said, referring to the sexual abuse crisis in the church. "For any red flag the archdiocese has on priest misbehavior, it's got to be acted on immediately. If they haven't gotten that message, they haven't been paying attention the past 15 years."

Show me the money


Soul Probe
I would like to see this treated as a con game and have him charged.

Not all priests take a vow of poverty and are allowed to invest, inherit, receive donations, etc, but it certainly sounds at first glance as if this guy was taking advantage of a few people and should be charged accordingly. It depends on a lot of details that aren't mentioned in this article.


PREMO Member
yeah its co-inky dink ...

... since our pastor was rotated to our church, he has been back the his home country the Philippians several times
and suddenly the school is having funding issues [never had issues in the previous 4 yrs], the church he came from also had school funding issues ....


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
There are currently 414,312 Catholic priests.......I'm sure there is more than one bad apple.......

I'm sure that many good people are tainted by the actions of a few bad characters. The sad part of the recent saga is that higher ups ignored warnings and concerns. Money has a way of influencing certain people in terrible ways.


Thought pirate
Well now a couple hours passed
And I was sitting in my house
The day was winding down and coming to an end
So I turned to the TV
And flipped it over to the news
And what I saw I almost couldn't comprehend

I saw a preacher man in cuffs
He'd taken money from the church
He'd stuff his bank account with righteous dollar bills
But even still I can't say much
Because I know we're all the same
Oh yes we all seek out to satisfy those thrills

You know there ain't no rest for the wicked
Money don't grow on trees
We got bills to pay
We got mouths to feed
And ain't nothing in this world for free
No we can't slow down
We can't hold back
Though you know we wish we could
No there ain't no rest for the wicked
Until we close our eyes for good


So it is okay then.

Would you agree that the VAST majority of priests are honest, selfless, caring people only wanting to serve God?

Would you agree - in light of there being lots of dishonest protestant ministers - the vast majority are honest, selfless, caring people only wanting to serve God?

Would you agree that, of all the people that profess to be Christian, most are honest, selfless, caring people only wanting to serve God?

Would you agree that the few Christians that use Christianity dishonestly to benefit themselves does not paint a broad brush on the majority?
Would you agree that the VAST majority of priests are honest, selfless, caring people only wanting to serve God?

Would you agree - in light of there being lots of dishonest protestant ministers - the vast majority are honest, selfless, caring people only wanting to serve God?

Would you agree that, of all the people that profess to be Christian, most are honest, selfless, caring people only wanting to serve God?

Would you agree that the few Christians that use Christianity dishonestly to benefit themselves does not paint a broad brush on the majority?

I agree. I think most people are honest, selfless, and caring people regardless of their religious persuasion or lack thereof.

Knowing right from wrong should not require a bible or a koran.
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I agree. I think most people are honest, selfless, and caring people regardless of their religious persuasion or lack thereof.

Knowing right from wrong should not require a bible or a koran.

It really boils down to salvation that distinguishes the difference between believers and non-believers. It doesn't take a shrewd observer to see non-believers are just as capable of doing 'good' things as believers. This is for the reason God set the rule that you can’t earn your way into heaven.

But history has shown anyone is capable of doing evil things. Most choose not to.