The Rittenhouse Incident


PREMO Member
Richie would later tell me that he saw what prompted the first shooting. A verbal fight escalated as the victim tried grabbing the alleged shooter’s rifle – twice. The second time, Richie told me, the victim came very close to getting his hand on the man’s gun, trying to grab it away from him. He may have actually made contact, but it’s unclear amid the mayhem. That’s when the shooter fired.

“I see the shooter run away, and then I run in to provide medical aid,” Richie tells me. “What I didn’t realize until afterwards is that the shooter ran around the car and stood behind me. I screamed at him to call 911, not realizing he was the shooter. He runs away moments later after pulling out his phone.”

We would find out later that the very first gunshot – the sound that appears to have prompted the shooter to turn around, that Richie recounted and that caused me to begin filming, was not from the man who has now been charged with first degree murder.
It came from an unknown gunman who fired a single shot into the air, according to video footage reviewed by The New York Times.

We Witnessed The Kenosha Shootings. Here’s What Really Happened


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Richie would later tell me that he saw what prompted the first shooting. A verbal fight escalated as the victim tried grabbing the alleged shooter’s rifle – twice. The second time, Richie told me, the victim came very close to getting his hand on the man’s gun, trying to grab it away from him. He may have actually made contact, but it’s unclear amid the mayhem. That’s when the shooter fired.

“I see the shooter run away, and then I run in to provide medical aid,” Richie tells me. “What I didn’t realize until afterwards is that the shooter ran around the car and stood behind me. I screamed at him to call 911, not realizing he was the shooter. He runs away moments later after pulling out his phone.”

We would find out later that the very first gunshot – the sound that appears to have prompted the shooter to turn around, that Richie recounted and that caused me to begin filming, was not from the man who has now been charged with first degree murder.
It came from an unknown gunman who fired a single shot into the air, according to video footage reviewed by The New York Times.

We Witnessed The Kenosha Shootings. Here’s What Really Happened
" Try to take a man's firearm..get shot for your trouble." - G. Washington (probably)


Power with Control
I would refer to them as Road Kill more so than martyrs.

One mans road kill is another mans martyr. Already saw the tearful interview with skaterbois girlfriend. I see some liberals refer to what happened as "White supremacist vigilante gunned down protesters...... "

So they WILL be martyrs to the cause.


This isn't going to be an easy case for Rittenhouse or the prosecution. Wisconsin is an open carry state, if you're 18 or older. You can open carry at 16 and 17 if you're hunting. The other problem Rittenhouse might have is that he was from Illinois, but the gun was a friend's who lived in Wisconsin. So the gun is legal, but Rittenhouse allegedly did not legally possess the gun in both cases, too young and not his gun.

But, does any of this demand he be charged with murder? Citizens in Wisconsin have the legal right to defend their property and businesses. It's not clear in Wisconsin law whether Rittenhouse's actions, being an Illinois resident, was legal. From the little bit I have read, Rittenhouse does have a right to defend himself, but do his alleged illegal actions that led up to him defending himself demand murder charges? It may boil down to convincing a jury of intent. Did Rittenhouse go to Kenosha with the intent of killing rioters? Can the defense establish that he was simply there to defend a business and got caught up in the riots?


the poor dad
This isn't going to be an easy case for Rittenhouse or the prosecution. Wisconsin is an open carry state, if you're 18 or older. You can open carry at 16 and 17 if you're hunting. The other problem Rittenhouse might have is that he was from Illinois, but the gun was a friend's who lived in Wisconsin. So the gun is legal, but Rittenhouse allegedly did not legally possess the gun in both cases, too young and not his gun.

But, does any of this demand he be charged with murder? Citizens in Wisconsin have the legal right to defend their property and businesses. It's not clear in Wisconsin law whether Rittenhouse's actions, being an Illinois resident, was legal. From the little bit I have read, Rittenhouse does have a right to defend himself, but do his alleged illegal actions that led up to him defending himself demand murder charges? It may boil down to convincing a jury of intent. Did Rittenhouse go to Kenosha with the intent of killing rioters? Can the defense establish that he was simply there to defend a business and got caught up in the riots?

there was a report that said he may have been part of a group that called the local sheriff's department hours earlier asking to be temporarily deputized to help protect local business. The sheriff refused. Not sure if this could help him in his defense. The other thing that may help is that video clearly shows him running to police in a surrendering position and they ignored him and in the last couple frames of one video I saw, it looks like he walked up to a police car and tried talking to the officer but was told to get away maybe. He clearly did everything right IMO. I would give $50 for his defense.


Just sneakin' around....
Citizens in Wisconsin have the legal right to defend their property and businesses.
This is where it will get heated. He wasn't defending his own property, he was acting as a militia of sorts with a group, pursuing the streets looking for something to defend. Whether or not 'self protection' flies is to be seen. In the more immediate instance, he was absolutely defending his own life and had a right to defend himself at that moment.


there was a report that said he may have been part of a group that called the local sheriff's department hours earlier asking to be temporarily deputized to help protect local business. The sheriff refused. Not sure if this could help him in his defense. The other thing that may help is that video clearly shows him running to police in a surrendering position and they ignored him and in the last couple frames of one video I saw, it looks like he walked up to a police car and tried talking to the officer but was told to get away maybe. He clearly did everything right IMO. I would give $50 for his defense.

Except that he was not old enough to openly carry a firearm, and it wasn't his firearm. But, I'm not certain if that can be used to justify murder charges. I still think it will boil down to establishing intent. My suspicion is, the charges get lowered to manslaughter, and some other misdemeanors related to illegally carrying.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
My suspicion is, the charges get lowered to manslaughter, and some other misdemeanors related to illegally carrying.

That ^. Between the high-powered attorneys he's getting, all the vidoe of the incidents that has surfaced, and the fact that all three of the guys he shot were basically just trouble-making street thugs with priors...and all three attacked Kyle in one manner or other.


This is where it will get heated. He wasn't defending his own property, he was acting as a militia of sorts with a group, pursuing the streets looking for something to defend. Whether or not 'self protection' flies is to be seen. In the more immediate instance, he was absolutely defending his own life and had a right to defend himself at that moment.

Given you can legally open carry, as long as it's not a gun-free zone (normally that's defined by there being a school nearby), I don't think there is anything that prevents a person who doesn't own a specific business from protecting it. I don't know if Rittenhouse being from out of state complicates things though. But, there is no doubt this will get heated no matter what direction it goes.


PREMO Member
Kyle's Extradition has been postponed

  • worked in Kenosha
  • was invited by the business he was guarding
  • Facebook has banned support for Kyle

Leftists are continuing to call Kyle a terrorist and white supremacist


PREMO Member
Kyle Rittenhouse Was Working as a Lifeguard in Kenosha the Day of the Shooting, Went to Clean Vandalism at School After Work

The statement says that by the final time that Rittenhouse returned to the gas station and “confirmed there were no more injured individuals who needed assistance, police had advanced their formation and blocked what would have been his path back to the mechanic’s shop. Kyle then complied with the police instructions not to go back there. Kyle returned to the gas station until he learned of a need to help protect the second mechanic’s shop further down the street where property destruction was imminent with no police were nearby.”

“As Kyle proceeded towards the second mechanic’s shop, he was accosted by multiple rioters who recognized that he had been attempting to protect a business the mob wanted to destroy. This outraged the rioters and created a mob now determined to hurt Kyle. They began chasing him down. Kyle attempted to get away, but he could not do so quickly enough. Upon the sound of a gunshot behind him, Kyle turned and was immediately faced with an attacker lunging towards him and reaching for his rifle. He reacted instantaneously and justifiably with his weapon to protect himself, firing and striking the attacker,” Pierce explains.

Additionally, Rittenhouse stopped to ensure care for his attacker, hardly sounds like someone who had went to the riot with intent to kill.
“Kyle stopped to ensure care for the wounded attacker but faced a growing mob gesturing towards him. He realized he needed to flee for his safety and his survival. Another attacker struck Kyle from behind as he fled down the street. Kyle turned as the mob pressed in on him and he fell to the ground,” his legal team says. “One attacker kicked Kyle on the ground while he was on the ground. Yet another bashed him over the head with a skateboard. Several rioters tried to disarm Kyle. In fear for his life and concerned the crowd would either continue to shoot at him or even use his own weapon against him, Kyle had no choice but to fire multiple rounds towards his immediate attackers, striking two, including one armed attacker. The rest of the mob began to disperse upon hearing the additional gunshots.”


The legal team says that “in a reactionary rush to appease the divisive, destructive forces currently roiling this country, prosecutors in Kenosha did not engage in any meaningful analysis of the facts, or any in-depth review of available video footage (some of which shows that a critical state’s witness was not even at the area where the shots were fired); this was not a serious investigation. Rather, after learning Kyle may have had conservative political viewpoints, they immediately saw him as a convenient target who they could use as a scapegoat to distract from the Jacob Blake shooting and the government’s abject failure to ensure basic law and order to citizens. Within 24-36 hours, he was charged with multiple homicide counts.”

Rittenhouse is now being represented by some of the best legal minds in the country at Pierce Bainbridge, with help from Nicholas Sandmann’s lawyer Lin Wood.

On Friday, his legal team obtained a several-week continuance of his extradition hearing to September 25th. The lawyers say that this is an attempt to slow the rush to assassinate his character and destroy his life.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Richie would later tell me that he saw what prompted the first shooting. A verbal fight escalated as the victim tried grabbing the alleged shooter’s rifle – twice. The second time, Richie told me, the victim came very close to getting his hand on the man’s gun, trying to grab it away from him. He may have actually made contact, but it’s unclear amid the mayhem. That’s when the shooter fired.

“I see the shooter run away, and then I run in to provide medical aid,” Richie tells me. “What I didn’t realize until afterwards is that the shooter ran around the car and stood behind me. I screamed at him to call 911, not realizing he was the shooter. He runs away moments later after pulling out his phone.”

We would find out later that the very first gunshot – the sound that appears to have prompted the shooter to turn around, that Richie recounted and that caused me to begin filming, was not from the man who has now been charged with first degree murder.
It came from an unknown gunman who fired a single shot into the air, according to video footage reviewed by The New York Times.

We Witnessed The Kenosha Shootings. Here’s What Really Happened

This story just shows how chaotic it was. The writer tries to rescue the 1st guy shot and people won't get out of the way of the car. Then they are punching him. Bunch of ignorants on the streets.


Well-Known Member
Can they come up with a basic story of what happened. 1st they were protecting a gas station, then a car dealership. Then the 1st incident took place in the car dealership, then its on the street. Then the story of something being thrown at the shooter turning out to be a plastic bag. How that was supposed to stop him is unknown. Unless there was no mention the bag possibly had a rock or brick in it. Now this story from someone on the street.

All which should be pointed out that there was a curfew in effect so none of them were allowed on the streets.


Well-Known Member
If FB has banned support for Kyle then I know I am on the right side in supporting him

What I do not understand is why people keep using Facebook and Twitter. I've read the reasons, "family, friends, etc." Still, you are helping them behave the way they do. MHO.
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