The Truth about the Bible and Homosexuality!!! Score 10 points for Gay Christians!!!


Football season!
Lenny said:
There is no survival benefit to a natural mutation of the genetic material that leads to homosexuality.
Why must there be a benefit for any type of "mutation" to occur? There are plenty of gene "defects" which aren't passed through other generations but yet still keep popping up.


Lovin' being Texican
itsbob said:
But the Homosexuals want the world to know! Why??

'Cause they're recruiting among the curious, especially in the schools. Which is exactly why the normal population needs to aggressively discourage this activity.


Lovin' being Texican
SmallTown said:
Why must there be a benefit for any type of "mutation" to occur? There are plenty of gene "defects" which aren't passed through other generations but yet still keep popping up.
If there was such a thing as a "homosexual gene" it would be a threat to the species, as a non-procreative mutation, and would have to be eradicated to save the species. Unless and until we could 'cure' the deviation (like discovering insulin for diabetes) the mutation would be a threat.

Since there is no evidence of a homosexual gene, we're back to the "it's a choice" discussion. So let's now talk about the choice to be a homosexual not the genes for homosexuality.


Football season!
Lenny said:
If there was such a thing as a "homosexual gene" it would be a threat to the species, as a non-procreative mutation, and would have to be eradicated to save the species. Unless and until we could 'cure' the deviation (like discovering insulin for diabetes) the mutation would be a threat.

Since there is no evidence of a homosexual gene, we're back to the "it's a choice" discussion. So let's now talk about the choice to be a homosexual not the genes for homosexuality.
Make up your mind. First you talk about a mutation of an existing gene, now you're talking about an entirely new "gay gene"

So which is it?


professional daydreamer
SmallTown said:
Make up your mind. First you talk about a mutation of an existing gene, now you're talking about an entirely new "gay gene"

So which is it?

He has his head up his butt. If our genes didn't mutate, we would still live to be 900, we wouldn't get cancer, and babies wouldn't be born with deformities or mental retardation. There would be no midgets or giants. Everyone would have the same color hair, eyes and complexion.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Make up your mind. First you talk about a mutation of an existing gene, now you're talking about an entirely new "gay gene"

So which is it?
It seems it is now the dreaded "choice" gene.


This Space for Rent
The authors of the Bible are authorities in matters of faith. They
can be trusted when they talk about God. But they should not be
considered the final authority on sexual orientation any more than
they are the final authority on space travel, gravity, or the Internet.

Since they are not the final authorities on human sexuality,
since they didn’t even know about sexual orientation as we understand
it today, since Jesus and the Jewish prophets were silent
about any kind of same-sex behavior, I am persuaded that the
Bible has nothing in it to approve or condemn homosexual orientation
as we understand it.

If it says nothing about homosexuality, why does the author take such pains to try and demonstrate they did not understand sexual orientation back then? His argument is essentially that the 6 verses and other indirect citations against homosexuality deal with historical reasons that are not similar to homosexual orientation today. In other words, it doesn't matter because homosexual orientation back then was not about love but other things, and therefore, anything said by them does not matter since they did not understand what it would be today.

So... Which is it? It says nothing to condemn homosexuality or it says stuff but doesn't matter?

If you really read the entire thing, you would see many points the author contradicts himself by saying its not so, but then rigoursly defending it as if it was so in the Bible (and even hints out how its there).

Also, he uses the traditional concept of misleading people on Christianity and what the Bible says for Christians by making hay of Old Testament law. Anyone who really understands Christianity knows why there is a difference between the old and new.

I am hardly a practicing Christian, but even I can see the problems in the authors statements.


I am so very blessed
ylexot said:
A partnership does not make a marriage.
Nor does a marriage necessarily equate to a partnership.

If I were only allowed one of these scenarios, I'd much prefer to choose to be in a partnership where my opinion was valued and considered over a marriage where I didn't have an equal voice.

I think that all people want to have their voices heard and their opinion respected, in whatever medium works best for them - partnership or marriage.


Rocky Mountain High!!
By Birth or By choice?

SmallTown said:
Make up your mind. First you talk about a mutation of an existing gene, now you're talking about an entirely new "gay gene"
So which is it?

I truly believe we are born to be who we are. What I believe happens with gays is that they DO make a choice. That choice is what to do with the knowledge of who they are, to deny or to accept themselves as they are. They choose how they live their lives. So YES a choice is made, but it's not to choose homosexuality over heterosexuality. WHY on earth would someone CHOOSE to be ostracized? Hated? Ridiculed??

If it is a choice, when did any of you make the choice to be straight?? You didn't have too, because it is who you ARE. How can you think it is so different for gay people??

My best friend happens to be gay. We have had many discussions about this very subject. I personally have never questioned my own sexuality. And it never occured to me that she was gay for several years of a close friendship, and was floored when she told me. She was shocked that i didn't know. I accepted her for who she is. My friend and confidante. She has in no way affected who i am or who i am attracted too. Rottncop is not threatened by my relationship with her, because he knows my heart and so does she. I didn't have to CHOOSE to be straight, and she didn't CHOOSE to be gay. She just is and always has been. She DID make the choice to remain private in her relationships, and i have always respected her right to that privacy.

I also know a woman who is in the process of an ungly divorce because her son from a previous marriage has always wanted to dress up like a girl, from toddlerhood on. He has ALWAYS acted like a little girl. He is now 10, and STILL acts like a little girl. I'm talking about a TODDLER folks. You can't tell me this little boy will have a choice on being gay or straight. His former step father is homophobic, and terribly hateful towards this poor little guy who is only acting like his body tells him too. He is who he is.

Think about it people. Really THINK about it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
happyappygirl said:
I truly believe we are born to be who we are.
Good post. :clap: It happens that I know someone who consciously chose to be a lesbian and acclimated herself accordingly. But most of the gay people I know say they knew when they hit puberty, which tells me it's genetic, not choice.


Super Genius
Personally, I can only think of three scenarios on the origins of homosexuality:

1) It's a conscious choice. I doubt this one because, as has been pointed out, why would anyone choose to be ostracized like that?

2) It's genetic. I think that's possible.

3) It's an unconscious choice/mental illness. Again, I think this is possible. It could be caused by some chemical imbalance that could be genetically related. Who knows?

However, the bottom line is that none of those possibilities mean that they can be descriminated against. If it's a conscious choice, so what? People make conscious choices that we don't like all the time. As long as it doesn't infringe on my rights, that's allowed to happen. If it's genetic or mental, again, so what?


Lovin' being Texican
If you read my earlier posts I discussed the options for homesexuality in the same vein as ylexot. My point is that there is no gene for homosexuality. People aren't made homosexual in the womb. The choice to be homosexual is made by the individual.

Early in this century people may have been ostricized for making that choice but today they're praised and nurtured by the liberal left and those who want to be "inclusive" of all people. Problem is, those few who want to be 'inclusive" must become "intolerant" to continue to praise and nurture those who have elected to be homosexual. They become intolerant of the majority who don't want to praise and nurture those who elect to be homosexual. They become intolerant of those who don't accept their premise.


Football addict
Lenny said:
If you read my earlier posts I discussed the options for homesexuality in the same vein as ylexot. My point is that there is no gene for homosexuality. People aren't made homosexual in the womb. The choice to be homosexual is made by the individual.

Early in this century people may have been ostricized for making that choice but today they're praised and nurtured by the liberal left and those who want to be "inclusive" of all people. Problem is, those few who want to be 'inclusive" must become "intolerant" to continue to praise and nurture those who have elected to be homosexual. They become intolerant of the majority who don't want to praise and nurture those who elect to be homosexual. They become intolerant of those who don't accept their premise.
If it is a 'choice' and only a 'choice' then why would we have instances dating back the Roman times at least and perhaps the beginning of man? Why would someone choose to be that way over all we've been through in history? I believe it to be a bit of both. Some people choose to be gay while others have not a choice.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Lenny said:
They become intolerant of the majority who don't want to praise and nurture those who elect to be homosexual.
That's the problem with anything - a bunch of immature militants can't be content to leave things be and they have to jam this stuff down people's throat to the point where everyone's sick of it.

But then you have those on the other side who consider simply existing to be "jamming it down their throat". Hessian was disturbed when there was a gay couple on that race show he likes. To me, that's a simple "turn the channel" problem. Gay guys walking down the street doesn't constitute "jamming" unless they're sucking face, which is distasteful and inappropriate regardless of sexual preference.

Real jamming is when they start teaching "alternate lifestyles" to our kids in school. Or forcing people to hire gays, against their religious or moral whatever. Or making it a crime to object to homosexuality, like they did in Canada. That's the stuff we need to watch out for - the militant stuff - because it infringes on the rights of others.

But that's probably all a part of our changing culture: go overboard fighting for your rights, then back off as things move forward. But then you get the Jesse Jackson's of the world that don't realize they've won the fight, so they manufacture things to fight about. Crazy.


Lovin' being Texican
BuddyLee said:
Exactly! Have you ever been in the presence of a gay person?

In the presence of a gay person? Yes.
Friends with a gay person? Yes.
Neighbors with a gay couple? Yes.
Had a gay couple babysit my son? Yes (he was 18 months old, too young to recruit)
Any other stipulations to be qualified to speak to the subject?