By Birth or By choice?
SmallTown said:
Make up your mind. First you talk about a mutation of an existing gene, now you're talking about an entirely new "gay gene"
So which is it?
I truly believe we are born to be who we are. What I believe happens with gays is that they DO make a choice. That choice is what to do with the knowledge of who they are, to deny or to accept themselves as they are. They choose how they live their lives. So YES a choice is made, but it's not to choose homosexuality over heterosexuality. WHY on earth would someone CHOOSE to be ostracized? Hated? Ridiculed??
If it is a choice, when did any of you make the choice to be straight?? You didn't have too, because it is who you ARE. How can you think it is so different for gay people??
My best friend happens to be gay. We have had many discussions about this very subject. I personally have never questioned my own sexuality. And it never occured to me that she was gay for several years of a close friendship, and was floored when she told me. She was shocked that i didn't know. I accepted her for who she is. My friend and confidante. She has in no way affected who i am or who i am attracted too. Rottncop is not threatened by my relationship with her, because he knows my heart and so does she. I didn't have to CHOOSE to be straight, and she didn't CHOOSE to be gay. She just is and always has been. She DID make the choice to remain private in her relationships, and i have always respected her right to that privacy.
I also know a woman who is in the process of an ungly divorce because her son from a previous marriage has always wanted to dress up like a girl, from toddlerhood on. He has ALWAYS acted like a little girl. He is now 10, and STILL acts like a little girl. I'm talking about a TODDLER folks. You can't tell me this little boy will have a choice on being gay or straight. His former step father is homophobic, and terribly hateful towards this poor little guy who is only acting like his body tells him too. He is who he is.
Think about it people. Really THINK about it.