The Truth about the Bible and Homosexuality!!! Score 10 points for Gay Christians!!!


"The new thing that God is doing in our midst right now is to show us that homosexuality is not simply an act or acts of willful disobedience to God's law and commandments, but it is a state of being. It is an identity that God has given to some of His children. It is who they are. "


New Member
Pete said:
Not being a theologist, I would say God did NOT create "gay children", he created children with free will, some decided to be gay.

Stating "God created gay children" is tantamount to saying God created children that are murderers and rapists.

I don't have the energy to go any further...:coughgaspcollapse:

E, your a funny gal!!!


Scholars of all opinions have agreed that one verse of scripture is truly the "gospel in a nutshell"-- the beloved John 3:16: "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that everyone who believes in him may not perish but have eternal life (NRSV)."

The overwhelming love of God in Christ sweeps some specific prohibitions away, even though they are in the Bible. Do you believe that? Anyone here divorced? Jesus ruled out almost all divorce. Anyone here a woman? Well, Paul didn't rule you out, but he ruled you out of speaking in church. Anybody here eat pork? Specifically prohibited!

Look, the sovereign message of the Bible is God's redeeming, all-powerful love that overrides all else, and places specific prohibitions in the context of the time and place and situation in which they were written.


professional daydreamer
UrbanPancake said:
So do I. As long as its not used to support prejudice.

So you're saying it's okay to use the bible to condone homosexuality, but not to condemn it?


24/7 Single Dad
UrbanPancake said:
"The new thing that God is doing in our midst right now is to show us that homosexuality is not simply an act or acts of willful disobedience to God's law and commandments, but it is a state of being. It is an identity that God has given to some of His children. It is who they are. "
That's wonderful. I doubt if many (or any) on here would deny anyone the right to hook up with whomever they want to. Is this thread an attempt to convince us that homesexual marriage is OK?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
First of all, this would be the only place to put a religious thread that goes against traditional Christian what-have-you. There is to be no discussion of religion in the religion forum - eventually people disagree or get offended by someone else's opinion. UP's original post, for example, would have generated at least a dozen reportings and a few :slam:s.

This is not my rule so don't PM me about it. But I did agree to keep the Religion forum controversy-free so there you go.

Second, did anyone actually read the article? I found it very thought-provoking.
During a talk show in Seattle, I saw what might happen to me
and to millions like me if a genuine literalist gained political power
over this country. When I told the other guest, an independent
Presbyterian pastor, that I was gay, he said without hesitation,
“Then you should be killed.” A Christian brother sentenced me to
death guided only by his literal understanding of Leviticus 20:13
(“A man who sleeps with another man is an abomination and
should be executed”).
When I asked, “Who should do the killing, you church folk?” He
answered, “No, that’s the civil authorities’ job. That’s why we need to
elect more good men of God into government.” When I sat there in
stunned silence, he added. “I know it must be hard for you to hear it,
Dr. White, but God said it first and it’s our job to obey.”

Third, and last, if God loves us all, even the sinners, they why do humans pick and choose who THEY think God should and shouldn't love? "God loves everyone...except you, you, you and you."

Merry Christmas, Pancake.


aps45819 said:
That's wonderful. I doubt if many (or any) on here would deny anyone the right to hook up with whomever they want to. Is this thread an attempt to convince us that homesexual marriage is OK?

I'm not telling anybody or convince anybody of anything. It's just that Christmas is this weekend and when everyone goes to Chruch or goes to spend time with their families they should consider the true meaning behind the celebrations. That God created all of us in his image. He loves all of us so much that he gave his only begotten son for all of his creations to hold and share. Through Jesus birth he saved all of us without saying you can't come into my kingdom because your gay or black or whatever.
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vraiblonde said:
See, and I find that the most fascinating part of religion.

So do I. I think through history too many people have used religion as a scapegoat for war and hate, without reading and studying the passages that they use to hatemonger.


Cleopatra Jones
I hate to say it but I agree to a point. :dead: :lmao: My own personal views (and it probably has a lot to do with how I've lived my life) are to believe in a loving and forgiving God. I personally don't KNOW what's right and wrong. God has never spoken to me personally. I just can't stomach the fact that the majoirty of the world is damned. People make mistakes sometimes because they are weak and a lot of times because they are ignorant. We're all ignorant to God's will because all we have to go on is the bible which can be interpreted and twisted to one's own liking. Though I don't agree with a lot of things that people do and don't condone them; who am I to judge them?


pixiegirl said:
I hate to say it but I agree to a point. :dead: :lmao: My own personal views (and it probably has a lot to do with how I've lived my life) are to believe in a loving and forgiving God. I personally don't KNOW what's right and wrong. God has never spoken to me personally. I just can't stomach the fact that the majoirty of the world is damned. People make mistakes sometimes because they are weak and a lot of times because they are ignorant. We're all ignorant to God's will because all we have to go on is the bible which can be interpreted and twisted to one's own liking. Though I don't agree with a lot of things that people do and don't condone them; who am I to judge them?

preach sista...... can I get AMEN!!!!


I bowl overhand
UrbanPancake said:
I was banned from the religious forum. So this is the first place I thought of, and yes Homosexuality belongs in politics ever since our Government has taken in interest in banning relationships consisting of two person of the same sex.

Government hasn't banned relationships of the same sex.. they have just tried to define what Marriage is.. personally I could care less what your sexual prefrence is, and it shouldn't be "public" knowledge what your orientation is.

FOR example.. think of any "straight" teacher from school.. did they display their heterosexuality?? None of mine did.. I couldn't honestly guarantee 100% that they were hetero, they didn't display it for the world to see.. didn't make out with their partners in the school hallways.. didn't walk through the school holding their spouses hands, and DEFINELTY didn't talk about it in class..SO there was NO way to tell.. But the Homosexuals want the world to know! Why?? To force their way of life down our throats? WHy should a 6th grade student know what their teachers sexual preferences are? SO later in life he/she may think it's acceptable, to bring more to "their side"?
So bottom line is, now in our society we are expected to be closet hetero's while the the gays can prance and show off their lifestyles for the world to see... NOT that there is anything wrong with that.


New Member
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I bowl overhand
pixiegirl said:
I hate to say it but I agree to a point. :dead: :lmao: My own personal views (and it probably has a lot to do with how I've lived my life) are to believe in a loving and forgiving God. I personally don't KNOW what's right and wrong. God has never spoken to me personally. I just can't stomach the fact that the majoirty of the world is damned. People make mistakes sometimes because they are weak and a lot of times because they are ignorant. We're all ignorant to God's will because all we have to go on is the bible which can be interpreted and twisted to one's own liking. Though I don't agree with a lot of things that people do and don't condone them; who am I to judge them?

:yeahthat: AMEN sister.. what you do behind your closed doors is your business.. god will forgive most things.. and you should be able to pray to whatever god you want to.. How many people have died in this world in the last 5oo years due to religous differences??


vraiblonde said:
First of all, this would be the only place to put a religious thread that goes against traditional Christian what-have-you. There is to be no discussion of religion in the religion forum - eventually people disagree or get offended by someone else's opinion. UP's original post, for example, would have generated at least a dozen reportings and a few :slam:s.

This is not my rule so don't PM me about it. But I did agree to keep the Religion forum controversy-free so there you go.

Second, did anyone actually read the article? I found it very thought-provoking.

Third, and last, if God loves us all, even the sinners, they why do humans pick and choose who THEY think God should and shouldn't love? "God loves everyone...except you, you, you and you."

Merry Christmas, Pancake.

I read it, and there is zero chance a Biblical literalist would ever be elected. If one was eleceted through deception he/she would be impeached and removed from office at the first hint of executing homosexuals, forbidding the consumption of pork or any of the other litteral concepts.

His discussion is not to promote acceptance of homosexuality, that already exists, but it is to promote the legitimization of it through government sanctioned same sex marriages. The electorate in this nation just does not see it that was evidenced through 100% pass rate of the numerous state constitutional ammendments and anti-same sex marriage initiatives.

UP's sanctimonious Biblical angle is spurred by the recent liberal uprising against what they deem is the antagonist, the religious right. The problem is that they are wrong in my opinion. I feel a great deal of the "nay" votes on this matter came from ordinary Americans who are not especially evengelical. They just veiw homosexual behavior as deviant. They are willing to concede homosexual behavior, but not extend the curtain of legitimacy by allowing it to become "mainstream. Americans are tollerant of alternative lifestyles, just not always willing to allow them to become a social norm. Government has in the past legislated against many alternative social issues, just none of them ring the bell as loudly. Polygamy is against the law because it does not fit the societal norm but that law does not stop a man from assembling a harem. Homosexual marriage is another example of that no matter how loudly the ultra left screams.

I have oft said I do not care what 2 concenting adults do. I am tollerant within limits. My tollerance should not be misconstrude to mean whole hearted acceptance and a happy happy joy joy feeling about the issue as a whole. I also have no problem with "most" social benefits of marriage being extended to same sex couples. The only drawback I see to legitimizing homosexual marriage through government aknowledgment is in the area of adoption.

I know the arguments "What does it matter that the child has 2 moms or 2 dads as long as they are loved?" I don't buy it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
fttrsbeerwench said:
Discuss spirituality and religion in this forum. Post information about worship services and events. Looking for a particular place of worship? Ask your neighbors for opinions.

In what way? :confused: Actually that first line should come off.


24/7 Single Dad
UrbanPancake said:
Through Jesus birth he saved all of us without saying you can't come into my kingdom because your gay or black or whatever.
I've always had a problem with this. My belief in a loving, forgiving God is somewhat opposed to the christian teaching of Jesus being the ONLY way to heaven. Are all Jews, Hindus, Muslems, etc., comdemed to hell because they possibly never even heard of Christ?