The Truth about the Bible and Homosexuality!!! Score 10 points for Gay Christians!!!


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UrbanPancake said:
I'm discussing Gods word and his truth towards homosexual christians.
Then this should be under *RELIGION*. End of story.

If you can't be civil discussing religion in the RELIGION forum, why should you get a free pass discussing religion in *any* other forum? And what's the point of booting you from one area if you just continue it elsewhere?


UrbanPancake said:
I don't deny Gods true meaning, I also understand that they are his children, as you are. Are you disgusted by Gods Chrildren?

If you are then you to take a good long hard look at yourself. You may not like what you see.

It has been proven that sexual orientation is set before birth, both hetero, and homo. I think you have much hate within you and you need to find out what it truly means to be Christian. Jesus said the most important commandment of all was love thy neighbor as you love yourself. I'm guessing you have broken that commandment with your ignorant ranting against me.
First you are assuming that I am a Christian. Second where did I say I hate or am disgusted? Third, It has NOT been proven that homosexuality is set before birth. Fourth, If I am a Christian and I am disgusted by homosexuality that is ok, humans are fallible IAW the bible. Fifth, you calling anyone "ignorant" is rich.
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Well-Known Member
UrbanPancake said:
You find Gods word corrupt?
No, I find your thoughts and views corrupt. I think that your need for attention is quite aggervating. One day you'll get the hint when you are finally banned from all of the forums.


sockgirl77 said:
No, I find your thoughts and views corrupt. I think that your need for attention is quite aggervating. One day you'll get the hint when you are finally banned from all of the forums.

I haven't been on here 4 weeks. So what attention am I craving?

I crave attention.....then why haven't I been on here for over four weeks? Explain that to me.

Explain to me why spreading the true meaning of God is a cry for attention? Explain to me why God would exclude his gay children, that he created from his love?

You say I'm the one without civilty? I'm discussing our Lord and Savior, and spreading the love that he gives all of us, but yet I'm uncivil.

I think you need to leave your judging to God.

Remember that he who has not sinned cast the first stone......
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24/7 Single Dad
elaine said:
You probably got bad karma for not posting this in the religious forum.
Naaa, it's because he's an azz the seems unable to realize that nobody here is interested in hearing his bizarre rantings on indefensible opinions that he thinks are absolute truths.


UrbanPancake said:
I haven't been on here 4 weeks. So what attention am I craving?

I crave attention.....then why haven't I been on here for over four weeks? Explain that to me.

Explain to me why spreading the true meaning of God is a cry for attention? Explain to me why God would exclude his gay children, that he created from his love?
Not being a theologist, I would say God did NOT create "gay children", he created children with free will, some decided to be gay.

Stating "God created gay children" is tantamount to saying God created children that are murderers and rapists.


Well-Known Member
UrbanPancake said:
Your so uniterested that you posted on here......
I needed my laugh for the day. Excuse me as I laugh at your ignorance. Find somewhere else to preach YOUR word!


Jack Truell. Retired United Methodist Bishop Jack Truell reflects on scripture, tradition, reason and experience. "God is revealing new truth in many areas of life. One which is increasingly clear is that He is speaking to us in the issue of homosexuality. I am aware that many people are uncomfortable even mentioning this matter and wish it would just go away. I am aware of that, because I have felt exactly the same way."

Even our clergy are seeing the new light, the sunrise that God has created to illuminate us into his true meanings.


Pete said:
Not being a theologist, I would say God did NOT create "gay children", he created children with free will, some decided to be gay.

Stating "God created gay children" is tantamount to saying God created children that are murderers and rapists.

State from the Bible precisely where is says that God hates Homosexuals...

State from the Bible where it says Jesus (who preached to the poor, and the prostitutes, and the sick) denounces and abandons homosexuals for there behavior.


UrbanPancake said:
Your so uniterested that you posted on here......
One last parting shot since I have long said you do not rate the privledge of conversing with me.

Simply because you "beleive" something does NOT make it fact. I "beleive" you to be a felching, scum sucking antagonistic wretch. I am sure you dispute that, but you cannot because your only criteria for something being "fact" is that the person who says it has to "beleive" it.


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"But our scripture lesson for today reminds us that God is ever ready to do a new thing. It further reminds us that the God we worship is not a static God, capable only of speaking to us from two, three or four thousand years ago. Rather, God is living, alive in this moment, revealing new truth to us here, now, in this year of our Lord 2000."


professional daydreamer
aps45819 said:
Naaa, it's because he's an azz the seems unable to realize that nobody here is interested in hearing his bizarre rantings on indefensible opinions that he thinks are absolute truths.

As much as I hate to admit it, I am interested. I printed the document he posted and I'll read it tonight and compare it to my research material.


elaine said:
As much as I hate to admit it, I am interested. I printed the document he posted and I'll read it tonight and compare it to my research material.

You will find it relevant. It speaks of Gods love, not his hate. I thought since it was so close to Christmas that we need to hear of his love in the anticipation of Jesus's birth on the 25th.


professional daydreamer
UrbanPancake said:
You will find it relevant. It speaks of Gods love, not his hate. I thought since it was so close to Christmas that we need to hear of his love in the anticipation of Jesus's birth on the 25th.

You probably should have reserved your karma for after I've looked at this. You probably won't like what I have to say.


Pete said:
One last parting shot since I have long said you do not rate the privledge of conversing with me.

Simply because you "beleive" something does NOT make it fact. I "beleive" you to be a felching, scum sucking antagonistic wretch. I am sure you dispute that, but you cannot because your only criteria for something being "fact" is that the person who says it has to "beleive" it.

That is why I posted the site, with information to back me up. If you didn't read it then you can't say it's something that only I believe, obviously I'm not the only one who believes in Gods word, or there wouldn't be so much literature pertaining to his love for all his children.

By the way faith is something you believe in.


Well-Known Member
Since you've managed to get yourself banned from the religion forum, maybe you should've posted this in the dating forum. :shrug: