The View Hot Takes


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'The View' Bends the Knee, Formally Apologizes to TPUSA for 'Nazi' Smear

Following a commercial break on Monday’s show, “The View” had one of its hosts, Sarah Haines, read two corrections on the matter. Still, Goldberg, never being the brightest bulb in the drawer, persisted in accusing TPUSA of “welcoming” nazis. That led to a cease and desist order being issued on Tuesday, and it seems “The View” finally got the message.

On Wednesday, Haines once again was tasked with bending the knee, this time to deliver a formal and direct apology for the show’s behavior.

Never has a more insincere apology been given. You know that Goldberg is just off camera rolling her eyes. Heck, given she was the one who made the defamatory statements, why not make her read the apology? The answer is because she’s not sorry and neither are the rest of the people at the table. This was a move forced on the hosts by the network’s lawyers, most of whom were probably freaking out at the prospect of a major lawsuit.

That lack of care is illustrated by the fact that Farrah immediately quips that “they still invited Matt Gaetz, though, I would just like to note.” So is Gaetz a “nazi” now? That seems like a rather wild charge to make after just being forced to make an on-air apology. These loons couldn’t go even a single second without essentially doubling down on their smears. There’s no fear there, and there won’t be until they pay a monetary price.


PREMO Member

Madeline Osburn writes:

When Farah Griffin made her first appearance at the “Hot Topics” table last October, she began by desperately apologizing for serving in the Trump administration and bent the knee with nervous laughter to every insult her co-hosts threw at her.
She attempted to distance herself from Trump by noting that she was initially working under Vice President Pence. Co-host Sunny Hostin shot back, “So you’re not working for Darth Vader, but you’re a stormtrooper.”
Corporate media outlets called the exchange “embarrassing” for Farah Griffin, and it was, but not for the reasons they assume. What’s embarrassing is disowning your own previously held beliefs, convictions, and career’s work in exchange for seal claps, media attention, and the approval of Whoopi Goldberg.

It’s a pretty good bet that this move isn’t going to attract a lot of conservative viewers to “The View” to see the fireworks.



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‘Republican Economic Policy Never Works’: ‘The View’ Hosts Get Into Shouting Match Over Recession

“They’re saying it’s not quite a recession yet,” Farah Griffin explained. “Then we got this act, called the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022-”

“I think that’s great messaging, great messaging,” co-host Sonny Hostin interjected.

“I’m hoping it does that, I’m not confident it will. It is raising taxes and —” Farah Griffin argued before Behar jumped in to say that the tax hikes would be on corporations and those making more than $400,000.

“My fear though on corporations is that trickles down to job growth and the one thing — ” Farah Griffin continued before Hostin took over.

“Corporations aren’t putting money back into their employees, they’re taking the profits Alyssa and profiting it themselves. You know that, you know that!” Hostin said to a loud round of applause.

“Republican economic policy never works,” Hostin continued. “Other than to make wealthy people richer.”

Farah Griffin then said that despite Hostin’s argument, the economy is “not looking so good under Democrats” and that she fears the Inflation Reduction Act will lead to higher unemployment.

Behar then jumped in to say that “inflation comes and goes,” but insisted that it is “more important” to focus on climate change.


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‘Republican Economic Policy Never Works’: ‘The View’ Hosts Get Into Shouting Match Over Recession

“They’re saying it’s not quite a recession yet,” Farah Griffin explained. “Then we got this act, called the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022-”

“I think that’s great messaging, great messaging,” co-host Sonny Hostin interjected.

“I’m hoping it does that, I’m not confident it will. It is raising taxes and —” Farah Griffin argued before Behar jumped in to say that the tax hikes would be on corporations and those making more than $400,000.

“My fear though on corporations is that trickles down to job growth and the one thing — ” Farah Griffin continued before Hostin took over.

“Corporations aren’t putting money back into their employees, they’re taking the profits Alyssa and profiting it themselves. You know that, you know that!” Hostin said to a loud round of applause.

“Republican economic policy never works,” Hostin continued. “Other than to make wealthy people richer.”

Farah Griffin then said that despite Hostin’s argument, the economy is “not looking so good under Democrats” and that she fears the Inflation Reduction Act will lead to higher unemployment.

Behar then jumped in to say that “inflation comes and goes,” but insisted that it is “more important” to focus on climate change.

Yep, stick it to business and they save money by cutting employees.


PREMO Member

Whoopi Goldberg: Student Debt is the Reason People Can’t Pay for Gas or Food

The Administration is looking for excuses for the economy because polls show it’s the top issue for voters.

Goldberg said, “a person should be born with the “gift of higher education” if they want it.”

Sunny Hostin offered, “Biden could cancel another $300-350 billion in student loans and that he had already canceled $25 billion in student loans.”

In late July, Biden suggested pausing interest longer and paying up to 10K in forgiveness. Promises made by the Administration are having an impact on students. According to a survey, nearly 9 in 10 recent student loan borrowers hope Biden bails them out.


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‘The View’ Torches Biden For Going Back To ‘Remain In Mexico’ Policy: ‘He Did Break All Of His Campaign Promises’

But according to regular host Sunny Hostin and guest, actress America Ferrera, that is not enough – and both accused Biden of violating his campaign promises.

“One of Joe Biden’s first acts as president was ending Trump’s policy of keeping immigrants in Mexico, people seeking asylum. Biden says he’ll work with Mexico to make conditions more humane,” cohost Joy Behar began, asking Ferrera whether she thought that would be effective.

“No. You can’t make an inhumane policy humane,” Ferrera replied.

“What should he do?” Behar asked.”First of all, Joe Biden tweeted, ‘Donald Trump’s remain in Mexico policy is dangerous and inhuman and goes against everything we stand for as a nation of immigrants. My administration will end it.’ I’m disappointed in Joe Biden’s decision not only to allow it to be reimplemented but to expand on it. He’s actually including more people particularly Haitians and Jamaicans in this implementation.”
So basically, Joe Biden got away with calling Mexico a 3rd World sh*thole without calling it a 3rd Wold sh*thole.


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Whoopi Goldberg: Student Debt is the Reason People Can’t Pay for Gas or Food

The Administration is looking for excuses for the economy because polls show it’s the top issue for voters.

Goldberg said, “a person should be born with the “gift of higher education” if they want it.”

Sunny Hostin offered, “Biden could cancel another $300-350 billion in student loans and that he had already canceled $25 billion in student loans.”

In late July, Biden suggested pausing interest longer and paying up to 10K in forgiveness. Promises made by the Administration are having an impact on students. According to a survey, nearly 9 in 10 recent student loan borrowers hope Biden bails them out.

She's looking more and more like Jabba the Hut every time I see an image of her.

A large part of the problem in this country today is as a result of goods and services that were once only affordable to the well-off, are now accessible to people who've come to expect those goods and services are some kind of "right."

The Wizard of Id cartoon, many years ago, showed a scene where the king and the wizard were on top of a castle tower, with an unruly mob waving pitchforks and torches below the castle walls.

The wizard says to the king "the peasants are revolting," to which the king responds "yes they are."

Everybody didn't go to college in those days. Everybody didn't/doesn't need to go to college. Most people didn't fly in those days. Most people don't need to/shouldn't be allowed to fly. And so on, and so forth. If you're so inclined, you can provide your own examples.


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Whoopi sure isn't having any trouble buying food or ingesting it.
If a person is old enough to have children and they cannot afford to pay for their kids college tuition because they are still paying off their own student debt, how much debt did they have?


PREMO Member

Whoopi suggests God supports abortion, clashes with pro-life Hasselbeck: He gave us ‘freedom of choice’

Goldberg also argued that Jesus Christ's teaching of, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you," obliged her to not speak out against abortion lest she risk judging others.


That’s where Goldberg first countered, insisting that women, including those that abort, are merely exercising their God-given "freedom of choice," even in committing abortion.

"As you know, God doesn’t make mistakes," Goldberg insisted. "God made us smart enough to know when it wasn’t going to work for us. That’s the beauty of giving us freedom of choice," she added, apparently implying that abortion, like adoption, is a choice that God allows women to discern for themselves.

Hasselbeck protested, saying, "No," though Goldberg continued, mentioning that her "relationship" with God is "always choppy," seemingly explaining why she supports things many Christians do not.



Well-Known Member

Whoopi Goldberg: Student Debt is the Reason People Can’t Pay for Gas or Food

The Administration is looking for excuses for the economy because polls show it’s the top issue for voters.

Goldberg said, “a person should be born with the “gift of higher education” if they want it.”

Sunny Hostin offered, “Biden could cancel another $300-350 billion in student loans and that he had already canceled $25 billion in student loans.”

In late July, Biden suggested pausing interest longer and paying up to 10K in forgiveness. Promises made by the Administration are having an impact on students. According to a survey, nearly 9 in 10 recent student loan borrowers hope Biden bails them out.

Is she talking about the kids or parents .? Last I heard kids were still on hold for paying their loans, and parents weren't mentioned on the loan forgiveness, just the kids.

Whoopi Goldberg: Student Debt is the Reason People Can’t Pay for Gas or Food

The Administration is looking for excuses for the economy because polls show it’s the top issue for voters.

Goldberg said, “a person should be born with the “gift of higher education” if they want it.”

Sunny Hostin offered, “Biden could cancel another $300-350 billion in student loans and that he had already canceled $25 billion in student loans.”

In late July, Biden suggested pausing interest longer and paying up to 10K in forgiveness. Promises made by the Administration are having an impact on students. According to a survey, nearly 9 in 10 recent student loan borrowers hope Biden bails them out.


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