The View Hot Takes


Well-Known Member


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
what a moron .... what does Cruz think he is going to accomplish

That was my first thought. I don't know why any of them would go on The View because it's not their audience and what kind of psycho wants to gab with those ignorant harpies anyway?

I have to believe this is all theater. They're simply actors playing a part. There is no reason - not one - why Ted Cruz would go on that show.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
F*ck ‘em. That smarmy wetback POS deserves neither a moment’s peace, nor a modicum of dignity while in public.

You want to be treated with respect? Act respectable. EZPZ.

You're like a little child saying cusswords to try and shock the grownups.


Well-Known Member
F*ck ‘em. That smarmy wetback POS deserves neither a moment’s peace, nor a modicum of dignity while in public.

You want to be treated with respect? Act respectable. EZPZ.
average trump hater3.jpg


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
That was my first thought. I don't know why any of them would go on The View because it's not their audience and what kind of psycho wants to gab with those ignorant harpies anyway?

I have to believe this is all theater. They're simply actors playing a part. There is no reason - not one - why Ted Cruz would go on that show.
Not everyone who watches a lefty show is a lefty, I watch MSNBC myself because I find it amusing. Every so often you have to get out of your comfort zone and at least try to expand your base, otherwise your just preaching to the choir.


Well-Known Member
That was my first thought. I don't know why any of them would go on The View because it's not their audience and what kind of psycho wants to gab with those ignorant harpies anyway?

I have to believe this is all theater. They're simply actors playing a part. There is no reason - not one - why Ted Cruz would go on that show.

There are probably lots of behind-the-scenes reasons. Like someone high up promises him a softball pre-taped interview on one of their other more serious news programs if he goes on the view first.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Not everyone who watches a lefty show is a lefty, I watch MSNBC myself because I find it amusing. Every so often you have to get out of your comfort zone and at least try to expand your base, otherwise your just preaching to the choir.

I'm not amused by hate and psychosis, I'm disturbed by it.