The View Hot Takes


PREMO Member

Nikki Haley Responds to 'Sunny' Hostin After 'The View' Host Accused Her of Hiding Her Ethnicity

“Sunny” Hostin accused Haley of trying to hide her Indian heritage. “The View” panelists were speaking about a potential 2024 White House race.

Haley responded to Hostin’s racist claim:

“It’s not the first time, and it won’t be the last time that the hosts of ‘The View’ come after me or that liberals come after me in … whatever way. They can’t stand the fact that a minority female would be a conservative Republican.”
“You’re not going to see her fired from that show. We’re not even going to see an apology from that show because they let liberals say that about conservative Republican minorities all the time, but yet nothing is done. Had this been said about a Democrat, all hell would have broken loose.”

Haley pointed out that Hostin’s name is not “Sunny,” while Nikki is, in fact, the name on her own birth certificate. She said:

“Sunny is not her name. Nikki is my name. It is on my birth certificate. It is an Indian name, and I embrace my Indian heritage. I have written two books that describe the struggles that my family had, what it was like growing up.”

Haley concluded by saying:

“When they go after something like your name or your looks, they don’t have anything else that shows your winning, and I’ll take that win all day long.”

Haley tweeted about Hostin’s comments shortly after:



Well-Known Member
Sunny is not her name, nor is it her attitude.
Also I might add that some may deny their ethnicity while others use it for their own gain.
Yes Sunny, You are using your mulatto ethnicity for your own gain, but while doing it you ignore your white ethnicity.


PREMO Member
ehar then interrupted Navarro, calling for women in the United States to show the same kind of unity in their opposition to abortion restrictions. “Well, we should be standing in solidarity in this country [against] men who are trying to control us with their abortion laws,” Behar said.

“Let’s not make that comparison,” Navarro responded.

“Why not?” Behar asked.

“Because those women over there are getting killed,” Navarro said.

Behar said the situations are not “equivalent,” but that American women need to “watch what’s going on in our own country,” where she claimed men are also “trying to control women.”



PREMO Member
But as they came back, co-host Whoopi Goldberg had an inexplicable attitude and sneer as she bashed DeSantis for his comments. “Well I mean, he's the president of the United States, that includes Florida. And you don't have to, you know, you don't have to agree with him about stuff, but these are his people, your people, our people. That's what you are supposed to,” she ranted.

The not-so joyful Joy Behar chimed in next to do a mocking little jig with her hands raised and suggest that governments preparing for a hurricane was something Republicans didn’t like: socialism. She also leaned on the intellectually vapid argument that firefighters and police are socialist programs:

BEHAR: Isn't it socialism when the government helps you?
SUNNY HOSTIN: That's what they say. Like social security and Medicare and Medicaid and things like that.
BEHAR: Yeah, and the fire department’s got to come and the police. I mean, socialism! [Raises hands and does a mocking dance]

Always vile “Sunny Hostin” (a fake name) chimed in to rhetorically ask, “what are we going to see from the individual mayors and what kind of leadership will we see from DeSantis?” She was just teeing herself up to suggest he’ll be good at organizing for the storm because he’s like a little dictator.

“DeSantis, in my view, he's like, you know, he likes to have like a little fiefdom. He likes to be in charge,” she ripped.

The most surprising comments came from co-host Sara Haines who took issue with the media’s politicized coverage of Hurricane Ian.

The View falls under the ABC News umbrella and Haines didn’t like how their information “packet” was framing DeSantis’s comments as “DeSantis praises Biden, praises Biden, praises Biden.” Her gripe seemed to be that the network was overhyping comments as some sort of victory for Biden and decried it as “clickbait.”

She also disapproved of how the media’s questions to FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell, during a White House press conference on Tuesday, boiled down to “did Biden call DeSantis? Did Biden call DeSantis?” “f we're going to say we're consistent and worried about humans and a storm and all coming together, the coverage of that should also show that,” she said.



Well-Known Member
Hopefully neither Trump nor Biden is running in 2024.
IMO both are too old to be President.

I hope for a younger man who is a Veteran, and has experience as the head of a Government.
One who know enough about economics to know that printing money with nothing to stand behind it is disastrous.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Hopefully neither Trump nor Biden is running in 2024.
IMO both are too old to be President.

I hope for a younger man who is a Veteran, and has experience as the head of a Government.
One who know enough about economics to know that printing money with nothing to stand behind it is disastrous.
I'm going to agree with this. And any of the perturbations of M, F, LGB (the T's bother me, those ****ers are crazy as bedbugs) B,W or whatever as long as it's a good quality person to actually run a government.


Well-Known Member
The greatest problem with America's Presidency is that anyone sharp enough to be competent is too smart to want the job.
Trump was the only one in recent history and look what they did to him.


Well-Known Member
The greatest problem with America's Presidency is that anyone sharp enough to be competent is too smart to want the job.
Trump was the only one in recent history and look what they did to him.
It's not that they're too smart, they're girly men.

Trump does not care what they did to him.. he's a man. He stepped in ring to win the battle and he will!


PREMO Member

Inflation Is Just A Republican Talking Point

“The View” host Sunny Hostin claimed on Tuesday that inflation was little more than a Republican talking point being used to distract people from the real issues facing Americans — like abortion.

Hostin — who just inked a multi-year, multi-million dollar deal to stay at “The View” for another three seasons — argued during Tuesday’s broadcast that Republicans were only talking about issues like inflation and illegal immigration because they had misjudged the debate about abortion in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade.



Well-Known Member
State governors have been trying to fix the problem, its the democrats in the Fed who keep telling them they can't fix it on their own. Then they have the DOJ investigate them.


Well-Known Member
The View is watched by idiot women who prefer watching other idiot women than getting any housework done. Women who have jobs are not home to watch it and women with a semblance of a brain have better things to do. The women hosts on the view are morons.


PREMO Member

Whoopi Says That ‘Everyone Is Now Starting To Suffer’ From ‘Systemic Racism’ Including White Women, LGBTQ

“So, I was very calm and measured on that [debate] stage,” Abrams said. “And he called me an angry black woman. He didn’t use — he called me angry and mad, I think. And then just today, George Will wrote a piece in the Washington Post about my ‘anger management problem.’ I’ve been accused of many things in my life, but nobody’s ever seen me that mad. I mean, certainly no one in public life.”

Abrams said she’s “so close” that they are pulling out every “racist and sexist trope” they can

Whoopi said she’s had “many run-ins with racists” as she challenged Abrams to say to Will, “Okay, prove me wrong.”

“But you know, women are not having this crap,” Goldberg added. “We’re not taking it. We don’t like it. We don’t like the way you’re talking to us. Black women don’t like it. White women don’t like it. Asian women don’t like it. Hispanic women don’t like it. … We don’t like it.”

“So you can call me an incredibly annoyed black woman, incredibly annoyed, because I don’t understand why I have to explain to you how my body works,” the host continued. “I don’t understand why you have to explain to me why you have a problem with American history. American history.”


Well-Known Member
I can see how Whoopi's body works.
She stuffs her face and it turns to fat .
She also has a fat head stuffed with brown stuff.