The Walking Dead


I only got into Walking Dead this season,...when they are stuck on the HWY. So,...does anyone think the Public Libraries will have the initial seasons on DVD?
I need to see how these relationships were formed.

There are powerful "LOST" similarities regarding the questions of rights, humanity, unity vs diversity, risk, morals/integrity...

I am very intrigued (although I suspect my family is generally stunned that I am interested.)


Netflix has it!!!


I read somewhere that during "Talking Dead" they adressed how Sophia ended up in the barn. As I read it, Otis found her and placed her in there prior to accidentaly shooting Carl. Supposedly Hersh didn't know she was in there.

And that would clearly make sense since Otis is now dead.


Football addict
Add me as another one who was completely shocked and I had the same thoughts... after the disclosure of the walkers in the barn, why didn't he tell somebody she was there??? Perhaps this question will be address during the next episode.


As far as them living safely... well... I thought they had a fence around the place?? A few episodes back they mentioned making sure the gate is locked. Do you think that would make a difference?
A meager difference. They're out in the middle of no where. Sure, they'll get the occasional walker but nothing they can't handle.

In the books, eventually...the farm becomes too much for just Hershel and family to handle. They get over-run and decide to join up with Rick and crew.


Well-Known Member
Never watched before until AMC had a New Year Eve marathon and I can't wait for Feb 12 for NEW shows . Was sad that the missing little girl turned into a "Walker" and had to be put down by Rick . Hershel & Family had to KNOW she was in barn however they let Rick & company thinking she was alive in woods . WHY ? Question for next year !


Never watched before until AMC had a New Year Eve marathon and I can't wait for Feb 12 for NEW shows . Was sad that the missing little girl turned into a "Walker" and had to be put down by Rick . Hershel & Family had to KNOW she was in barn however they let Rick & company thinking she was alive in woods . WHY ? Question for next year !

I would guess that they knew, but only considered her 'sick' like the others and were afraid that if they told the Rick crew she was there that Rick et al would demand to stay longer, which Hershel didn't want at all.


Well-Known Member
Never watched before until AMC had a New Year Eve marathon and I can't wait for Feb 12 for NEW shows . Was sad that the missing little girl turned into a "Walker" and had to be put down by Rick . Hershel & Family had to KNOW she was in barn however they let Rick & company thinking she was alive in woods . WHY ? Question for next year !

According to their "Talking Dead" show, Otis found her and put her in the barn (prior to his event at the high school). Hersh didn't know she was in there.


Well-Known Member
Then Otis deserved to be " Walker Bait" so Shane could escape to save Carl !:whistle:

Otis didn't do anything "wrong"... From what I've read this is how the story "supposedly" went...

After the accidental shooting he found the lil' Walker roaming free and did what they've done with the rest, put her in the barn. I think it was supposed to be timed so he didn't know about Sophia and he and Shane had already left for the high school...

It's been awhile since I've read through it... maybe they will do webisodes for Sophia (and explain what she went through before being place in the barn), like they did in the first season for the "bicycle girl", that'd keep people happy while waiting for the second season to pick up again.


Lawful neutral
I missed that one episode of The Walking Dead where they show us how the zombies keep everyone's lawns so freshly mowed.