The Walking Dead


I missed last week's episode and see it is being shown again right now. Actually, my DVR jacked up the recording. I got the 1st 8 minutes and that was it.


yeah the old man gets on my nerves

[my friends tell me I am a bit Machiavellian in my outlook on life]

well he is gone now

[well I would have told Dale to STFU months ago, and capped what-his-name for poking my wife]


yeah the old man gets on my nerves

[my friends tell me I am a bit Machiavellian in my outlook on life]

well he is gone now

[well I would have told Dale to STFU months ago, and capped what-his-name for poking my wife]
The old man was wise - opinioned, etc.... I liked him.

I was shocked that the same walker that kid (who is really changing) was tossing rocks at was the one who killed him. My #2 son watches this with me and we had a huge debate over whether or not the kid in the barn should be killed. He thinks they should just do it.... gave his reasons and I think not... gave my reasons.
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The old man was wise - opinioned, etc.... I liked him.

He thinks they should just do it.... gave his reasons and I think not... gave my reasons.

IMHO Dale was dreaming for the old world ....

..... with no criminal justice, walkers everywhere ....... the bullies will FEED on the weak ....

he will bring his friends back ....

they should have left the kid to the walkers @ the state vehicle depot 2 weeks ago ........ or just cut his throat

now we will have to deal with Carl's emotional turmoil about having thrown rocks at 'that' walker .....

can we just get back to killing ####

I thought rick was spot on killing those 2 in the bar 3 weeks ago ..........

MAN up or eat a bullet ........... it is a Brave NEW World out there ..........


IMHO Dale was dreaming for the old world ....

..... with no criminal justice, walkers everywhere ....... the bullies will FEED on the weak ....

he will bring his friends back ....

they should have left the kid to the walkers @ the state vehicle depot 2 weeks ago ........ or just cut his throat

now we will have to deal with Carl's emotional turmoil about having thrown rocks at 'that' walker .....

can we just get back to killing ####

I thought rick was spot on killing those 2 in the bar 3 weeks ago ..........

MAN up or eat a bullet ........... it is a Brave NEW World out there ..........

:lmao: You sound like my son.



You were right.... Carl's emotional turmoil I got to the point where Carl was in the barn talking about it and dozed off. I will have to check and see if I missed anything after that tonight.


Well-Known Member
By implication...

In the comic Carl murders (shoots) and kills Shane. I liked Dale he was obviously a Democrat. :coffee:

...the heartless ones are conservatives?

No,...I disagree: I liked Dale, he harkened back to LAW,...what helps to keep us civilized. When an enemy forces us to disregard what holds our humanity together, and we replace law & morality with whatever is expedient,...we become progressive. Thus,...Dale was a Libertarian, and a moralist.

He was a bit of a sage, a mentor, counselor--and I did like him.

aside from this,...why does everyone feel it is necessary to wander around in the dark?


New Member
so how did the Bad Cop become a zombie? He didn't get bit.

A few shows ago didn't the characters say something about you can get the zombie disease from zombie blood splatter if you have an open wound??

I just love this stuff.



Lawful neutral
so how did the Bad Cop become a zombie? He didn't get bit.

A few shows ago didn't the characters say something about you can get the zombie disease from zombie blood splatter if you have an open wound??

I just love this stuff.


Bad cop become a Zombie? The bad cop is Shane but he's not a Zombie. Do you mean the 2 cops dead at the site they were going to drop that kid off at? I remember them saying they didn’t have any bite marks on them.


New Member
I wonder about Herschel, the old man. When's he going to get chomped on.

Who's going to get killed next week with that throng of zombies headed toward the house?


New Member
Bad cop become a Zombie? The bad cop is Shane but he's not a Zombie. Do you mean the 2 cops dead at the site they were going to drop that kid off at? I remember them saying they didn’t have any bite marks on them.

did you watch last night's program?


Lawful neutral
I wonder about Herschel, the old man. When's he going to get chomped on.

Who's going to get killed next week with that throng of zombies headed toward the house?

I hope Herschel doesn't get eated. I like him. Daryl has been getting on my nerves latley. I liked him for a while but now, not so much.