Well-Known Member
There was NO DAMN reason why a horse needed to be eaten by Walkers ! I kinda LOST respect for the Show
And there's no reason to have two men kissing.....unless you are rubbing the gay agenda crap in people's face!
There was NO DAMN reason why a horse needed to be eaten by Walkers ! I kinda LOST respect for the Show
And there's no reason to have two men kissing
It should have been two women!
You DO know they didn't really EAT it, don't YOU?
I actually expected Darryl to shoot it and carve it up for steaks. Gotta be better than possum.
She should have just feed his spying a$$ to the Walkers to keep him quiet !:
There was NO DAMN reason why a horse needed to be eaten by Walkers ! I kinda LOST respect for the Show
Sure hope so, been pretty boring so far.
I agree especially since it already happened once. and I don't get how a non walker couldn't catch the horse, but slow walkers could.
And there's no reason to have two men kissing.....unless you are rubbing the gay agenda crap in people's face!
Were you surprised Daryl went in and had dinner with Aaron and his boyfriend?
I would think if ANYONE would be outspoken about gays, it would be the redneck, biker guy.... or maybe I'm just profiling.
Were you surprised Daryl went in and had dinner with Aaron and his boyfriend?
? After the kiss the show went off for us. Will stay off. They can have a threesome fudge packing night for all those people that care for that kind of thing.
So,people who continue to watch "care for that type of thing"? So you're into child murder,adultery,attempted rape,attempted sodomy,and cannabilism...
All that is in the storyline of the Walking Dead?I have never watched the show.
So,people who continue to watch "care for that type of thing"? So you're into child murder,adultery,attempted rape,attempted sodomy,and cannabilism,but you draw the line at two good people who love each other expressing it like every other couple does? What a hypocrite. If right is right and wrong is wrong,that is - but that isn't how you work. Not interested in a back and forth,I'm busy today and people like you don't speak reason anyway,but had to call it out. What a hateful,delusional,and misguided individual you are. Or maybe the squeaky wheel wants to get greased?
You need to chill. Is it any skin off your back that we have chosen to turn it off? No.
You sound like the hateful one. But, you gay lovers usually are.
I am 100% a gay lover. No shame in saying so. I support anyone who is a good person. I hope one day people like you can list your preferences the same as organ donors so you can avoid all gay EMS,firefighters,doctors,nurses,etc. You do,know these people are also the ones who touch your food in restaurants,and make your clothes,right?
Were you surprised Daryl went in and had dinner with Aaron and his boyfriend?
I would think if ANYONE would be outspoken about gays, it would be the redneck, biker guy.... or maybe I'm just profiling.
Maybe he was just hungry for spaghetti:
With all that slurping of his spaghetti, I'd say so.....
I said last week that there were many people very upset about the presentation of a gay relationship in the show, Homesick isn't the only one, there were 17000 plus comments and hundreds of replies to comments.... highly debatable subject in the show for sure.
I was more upset that a member of congress might be around in the post-apocalyptic world wanting to recreate a government. I was so disturbed at that thought, I nearly protested watching another episode myself.But now I hold hope that she'll get her face eaten off by a zombie.