That is what everyone is telling me but crap.... after being outside all day yesterday, I couldn't keep my eyes open 1 more minute.... so I'll have to catch it on the recorder.
That is what everyone is telling me but crap.... after being outside all day yesterday, I couldn't keep my eyes open 1 more minute.... so I'll have to catch it on the recorder.
All that is in the storyline of the Walking Dead?I have never watched the show.
Hey hypocrite, if you don't have anything to contribute, you're trolling. According to you anyway.
You must be really bored today. I saw what you posted in another thread, as well. Shouldn't you post your comments in the people will bitch about anything thread? Have a great rest of the day BK!
Of course you did, because that is what you do. You have to know what each of us say..to try to hold it against them later maybe, I dunno. You have this sick obession with all here. Just, please stop.
Two things about Carol
1, she needs to see the hair cut lady in a big way, her hair is a mess and 2, her answer to every problem now seems to be "kill 'em". I could say more about others, but I'll keep quiet until everyone has seen it.
? After the kiss the show went off for us. Will stay off. They can have a threesome fudge packing night for all those people that care for that kind of thing.
Two things about Carol
1, she needs to see the hair cut lady in a big way, her hair is a mess and 2, her answer to every problem now seems to be "kill 'em". I could say more about others, but I'll keep quiet until everyone has seen it.
Are you guys forgetting why carol got the boot from Rick in the first place?
I think that can be said for all of them except Rick and Carl. All of them are just awaiting their dramatic deaths.Cause she has ugly hair?
I think she's going to come to a bad end, something just tells me, not this season, but soon.
Is Rick EVER gonna win a fist fight? Jesus. He's now had his ass kicked by a drunk and a one-eyed man.
and got knocked out by a girl, although she is badass though.
Saw an article yesterday about them taking bets as to whether Rick or Daryl is going to get killed in the finale. I really hope neither. Father Gabriel or Nicholas would be fine by me.