This is for you rraley


Well-Known Member
"On top of Iraq, we have lost 1.8 million jobs"

Interesting how that number just keeps dropping. It gets even lower when you no longer qualify it as "manufacturing" jobs, which is the correct way of phrasing that little factoid.

" and while there has been recent job creation, wages continue to stay below the rate of inflation "

Real wages have been a problem most of my life. They reached their peak in the 70's. This is not a "Bush" problem.

"Our long-term economic prospects, meanwhile, are degrading because of a $500 billion deficit. "

While I'm not crazy about a lot of Bush's spending, I'm kinda of amused at the late arrival, politically, of Democrats to this reality. Do you remember why the government shut down back in '95? Because Bill Clinton wouldn't commit to balancing the budget. Democrats refused to accept the concept that continued deficits were BAD. Clinton ran on a promise to balance the budget in ten years, then 7, then 9, then admitted he didn't think it was possible. While the Republicans fought to bring the budget under control, Democratic leadership repeated that they did not think running a permanent deficit was an evil.

So I find it strange that when it used to be the REPUBLICANS complaining about a deficit, it's now the Democrats.

Two things however, contributed to the job loss and deficit that George Bush CANNOT have his feet held to the fire over - the economy he inherited, and 9/11. Job losses, lost tax revenues and so on made it much worse. Simply put, during a recession you're GONNA HAVE a deficit, because you sure as hell can't tax your way out of it. If anything, you need to give tax relief to people who need the money, and tax incentive to the people making the jobs. I give George Bush the *credit* for improving a bad situation.


Originally posted by rraley
First of all, the Obama, Osama connections are downright mean.
I'm not trying to be mean... I'm just being honest. The campaign could have chosen anyone to be it's keynote speaker. I think it's crazy but It may have been pure political genius!

It speaks one of two things (subconciously)

One: Kerry will be in soft on or in bed with the terrorists.

Two: Look at how wonderful we are! We are friends with a guy whose name rhymes with the worlds biggest terrorist. We do not blame all Muslims for the attacks because Muslims are a peace loving people and War is bad.

To many options, for this to have been mere coincidence. :wink:
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Football addict
Originally posted by Kain99
I'm not trying to be mean... I'm just being honest. The campaign could have chosen anyone to be it's keynote speaker. I think it's crazy but It may have been pure political genius!

It speaks one of two things (subconciously)

One: Kerry will be in soft on or in bed with the terrorists.

Two: Look at how wonderful we are! We are friends with a guy whose name rhymes with the worlds biggest terrorist. We do not blame all Muslims for the attacks because Muslims are a peace loving people and War is bad.

To many options, for this to have been mere coincidence. :wink:

Obama to Osama. Sure most may get the name connection but it means nothing and should be treated as such.


The Smart Hooker
Originally posted by Dixie
I feel your pain Hessian - George Bush disgusts me every time he opens his mouth.

If Bush disgusts you so much then maybe you should switch channels or change the radio station everytime he comes on.



Originally posted by meme
If Bush disgusts you so much then maybe you should switch channels or change the radio station everytime he comes on.

No... I think she should watch! :wink:


Thanks for the advice Kain! It's a pleasure not to see his trademark smirk too!


Ooops sorry Kain, thanks Meme. Watch? but....there are episodes of Gilligan Island I haven't seen yet!


Well-Known Member
Edwards soundbites...

I couldn't be sure but did I hear Edwards praising Kerry for his consistency?...there were a number of lauding comments that I just couldn't believe...what kind of fantasy world had Kerry been projecting? Are hallucinagens standard issue at the doors of the convention?

"Decisive. Strong. Is that not what we need in a commander in chief?" (4 months and I'm outta here!)

"... We can build one public school system that works for all our children. ..." (If we do away with grades...everybody will pass right?) Here's a clue Edwards: The public school system is beyond fixing...It needs total replacement. duh.)

He said Kerry will "build and lead strong alliances and safeguard and secure weapons of mass destruction." (with the resounding help of our French allies right?)

Just for daughter (age 9) decided to play monopoly on the computer yesterday. We picked 3 AI competitors and she chose Dean, Edwards, and Kerry...I laughed out loud when Kerry hit "Income Tax" more than all the players combined.
(Edwards, Kerry...were the first to collapse in poverty):biggrin:
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New Member
I thought that Senator Edwards gave a wonderful speech last night, but of course, it is very hard for him not to; I just hope that Kerry doesn't choke here tonight.

As for the decisive quote, I believe that John Kerry will be decisive. The only difference is that he will think things through before actually doing something. You know, like think about dissenting views on WMD or considering that maybe there needed to be more troops on the ground in Iraq and that those troops should be trained for occupation as well as invasion. He may have seemingly switched himself on some issues (which I believe is debatable), but he showed decisiveness in Vietnam when he decided to face the enemy head on rather than run away (or join the Air National Guard). I think that a man who will ram his ship on a river bank in Vietnam knows what he's doing on national security matters.


The Smart Hooker

I don't think joining the Air National Guard is "running away." I served my time in the military and I think the Guard is just as important.


Hi Meme - It is a shame that you caught Sharpton, he did get a little off message but that's Al. You missed some worthwhile speeches from Carter, Clinton, Obama, and Reagan. I didn't miss your point though, I find Gilligan far more intelligent than Bush (although Bush is funnier :confused:)


New Member
Originally posted by meme

I don't think joining the Air National Guard is "running away." I served my time in the military and I think the Guard is just as important.

Yes, today it definitely is (after all the National Guard is no longer used to guard our nation; it is used to guard Iraq). But back in the 1960s and 1970s, joining the National Guard was considered a way out of service in Vietnam. So many young, drafted men tried to get into that branch, that they had to close it off to further admissions during the war. I think that a man who was Yale-educated and from an affluent family and decided to enlist in the Navy and take one of the most dangerous assignments, displays serious bravery and courage.


The Smart Hooker
Well Dixie,

Vote for whoever you want. My point being if you don't like what you hear then don't listen to it. Not sure how hard that is. :confused:


New Member
Originally posted by meme
Well Dixie,

Vote for whoever you want. My point being if you don't like what you hear then don't listen to it. Not sure how hard that is. :confused:

I believe that we should listen even more to people that we don't like to hear...that's the only way that we can learn to understand each other. When I listen to conservatives and Republicans, I keep an open mind, and I feel like that way I can understand where they are coming from. Maybe that's why I don't consider George W. Bush to be the next Hitler or Dick Cheney an evil spirit of the underground as many other Democrats who refuse to listen to the other side. Our nation is too polarized for our own good, and not listening to what those that disagree with us have to say exacerbates that problem.


All this drivel about the Guard. Do you hold a poor opinion of your party's golden boy the self admitted draft dodger who di di mowed to England? Or is it ok in that instance because he is a democrat? Bunch of friggin hypocrits. :duh:


New Member
Originally posted by Pete
All this drivel about the Guard. Do you hold a poor opinion of your party's golden boy the self admitted draft dodger who di di mowed to England? Or is it ok in that instance because he is a democrat? Bunch of friggin hypocrits. :duh:

I don't like that part of Bill Clinton, but the 1992 and 1996 Elections were not as central to national security as this one is. I mention the competing war records because it is the central purpose of the GOP these days to make John Kerry look weak. Well, a war hero in Vietnam is not weak.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
I thought that Senator Edwards gave a wonderful speech last night, but of course, it is very hard for him not to; I just hope that Kerry doesn't choke here tonight.

As for the decisive quote, I believe that John Kerry will be decisive. The only difference is that he will think things through before actually doing something. You know, like think about dissenting views on WMD or considering that maybe there needed to be more troops on the ground in Iraq and that those troops should be trained for occupation as well as invasion. He may have seemingly switched himself on some issues (which I believe is debatable), but he showed decisiveness in Vietnam when he decided to face the enemy head on rather than run away (or join the Air National Guard). I think that a man who will ram his ship on a river bank in Vietnam knows what he's doing on national security matters.
Didn’t Kerry have numerous chances to listen to dissenting opinions prior to him voting to authorize the President to use force in Iraq? And you think he would override the decisions of the JCS and area commanders with regard to the number of troops needed to support an operation? Decisive by running his “boat” aground and placing that equipment and his personnel in grave danger, going against the operational procedures and conduct for swift boat operations, and you think these things make him a great leader?

Sounds to me like you have described a micromanaging, non-thinking reactionary here.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by rraley
Yes, today it definitely is (after all the National Guard is no longer used to guard our nation; it is used to guard Iraq). But back in the 1960s and 1970s, joining the National Guard was considered a way out of service in Vietnam. So many young, drafted men tried to get into that branch, that they had to close it off to further admissions during the war. I think that a man who was Yale-educated and from an affluent family and decided to enlist in the Navy and take one of the most dangerous assignments, displays serious bravery and courage.
The Guard no longer plays a roll in the protection of our country? Provide your source because I know for a fact that the Guard is used significantly for air sovereignty issues and intercept duties as a major contributor with NORAD.

Yeah, he enlisted after being denied an education deferment by his local draft board. Also when Kerry took the swift boat assignment the duty was such that it wasn’t as dangerous as it became shortly after he got there and then he got the hell out as quick as he could.


Originally posted by rraley
I don't like that part of Bill Clinton, but the 1992 and 1996 Elections were not as central to national security as this one is. I mention the competing war records because it is the central purpose of the GOP these days to make John Kerry look weak. Well, a war hero in Vietnam is not weak.
I just love the way "hero" is slung about. When you look at his record objectively and compare it to the average Joe he was far from heroic during his 4 months. Face it, he had privledge, until you admit that there is no need in discussing it further.

Second National Security's prominence in this election does in no way mean the because GW went to the Guard he is not capable of doing the job he already has been doing for 4 year. What utter BS. John Kerry is weak because he is a panderer. When it comes down to making the hard decisions that might torque off some pissy European government or doing what is right for us and us alone I think he will flinch. I want to be #1 period, not #1 with considerations.

You are a hypocrit in that you continue to scratch the scab off the non issue of Bushes Guard service, yet you genuflect to an 8X10 glossy of Clinton everynight before you put on your donkey jammies and crawl between your ALGore sheets.

And another thing while I am on a roll. Having Obama deliver the keynote speech at the DNC is pure showmanship. Trot out the black guy and let mean old whitey see how litterate he is and rally the black vote. Since when has a state senator from the midwest ever had the clout in the DNC to be the keynote speaker at the national convention. You liberals call us bigots yet you play the race card like professionals. UFB I believe we have 1, ONE, UNO race in this country AMERICANS, some are better citizens than others but we are all equal...period, not equal with considerations.