Pete - Hypocrits is incorrectly spelled. Hypocrites is the correct spelling. Did you fall under the poorly funded "No Child Left Behind Act"?
Originally posted by Dixie
Hi Meme - It is a shame that you caught Sharpton, he did get a little off message but that's Al. You missed some worthwhile speeches from Carter, Clinton, Obama, and Reagan. I didn't miss your point though, I find Gilligan far more intelligent than Bush (although Bush is funnier)
No I am a poor victim of the GA public school system run by Jimmy Carter when he was Governor and then ignored when he was President so he could slip tongue to Yassir. It is so awful I should be paid a subsidy to make up for the difference between what I would make if I could spell and what I make now. After all it is not my fault that I can't spell, it is the State of Georgia, Jimmy Carter and the DNC.Originally posted by Dixie
Pete - Hypocrits is incorrectly spelled. Hypocrites is the correct spelling. Did you fall under the poorly funded "No Child Left Behind Act"?
To bad, your token spokesman Whoopi did!Originally posted by Shakezula
"Bush" is a damn funny name, but I don't base any opinion of him on reference to pubes.
You mean the act that the Democrats, the party of the downtrodden and the poor never introduced let alone passed?Originally posted by Dixie
"No Child Left Behind Act"?
Originally posted by rraley
I think that a man who was Yale-educated and from an affluent family and decided to enlist in the Navy and take one of the most dangerous assignments, displays serious bravery and courage.
Originally posted by Dixie
Awwww Pete! Name calling? Last resort of the truly desperate.
Actually it is not a last resort, and I am not desperate, I just like doing it.Originally posted by Dixie
Awwww Pete! Name calling? Last resort of the truly desperate.
So whereabouts in GA?
Funny the same question I have for Kerry when he votes to invade Iraq, then votes no on funding it after we are there ask a soldier about that.Originally posted by Dixie
What's the point of passing an act that's not properly funded? Ask a teacher about that.
bravoOriginally posted by Toxick
Actually name calling is the second to last resort.
The last resort is pointing out spelling errors.
Nope I was in the Navy and gone by the time I was 18. Avera is SW of Augusta.Originally posted by Dixie
At least you spelled what you called me correctly. Avera - what's that near? I was stationed in Savannah for five years. Ever hit River Street on Saint Patrick's Day?
Yahoo maps not working?Originally posted by Dixie
Never been to Augusta, it's kind of upstate isn't it? I was in the Navy and one tour happened to be in Savannah.