Originally posted by Toxick
No. It's because you like, admire and tout Bill Clinton - an admitted Draft-Dodger - and out of the same side of your face, you decry Bush because he was in the National Guard, which you define as a form of cowardice and/or draft-dodging.
Joining the National Guard in 1968 was a way to get out of serving in the Vietnam War. I don't mean to say that President Bush was a draft-dodger and his form of avoiding that was was much more honorable than burning a draft card. I am making a contrast - one man decided to go to war, one decided he was going to stay here. That's a difference that I think should be out there. I think that the American people should know that there is a candidate running for president who has seen war, has killed the enemy, saved men's lives, and earned recognition. I am not demeaning the National Guard of today, which not only protects America but is also shipped away to Iraq to protect that nation.
As for Kerry first applying for a draft deferrment, I did not know that. While that may be something that people may frown upon, I still believe that he showed great honor in deciding to enlist in the Navy. But I do agree that it is not totally forthcoming to leave that out.