This is why I hate Apple


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The iPad I bought two years ago for $800 is now an obsolete piece of garbage. The OS is 4.3 and every one of my apps except Kindle no longer work because they now only work with 5.0. Would be great if I could get the new OS on my current iPad but...OFW too bad for me.

I will never buy another Apple piece of #### again and I'm glad Steve Jobs is dead. Hope it was as painful as dealing with his bull#### machines is. ####ing 99% hippie bastards.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
The iPad I bought two years ago for $800 is now an obsolete piece of garbage. The OS is 4.3 and every one of my apps except Kindle no longer work because they now only work with 5.0. Would be great if I could get the new OS on my current iPad but...OFW too bad for me.

I will never buy another Apple piece of #### again and I'm glad Steve Jobs is dead. Hope it was as painful as dealing with his bull#### machines is. ####ing 99% hippie bastards.

I think you should kick Tilted's ass, he goaded you into getting it.


New Member
The iPad I bought two years ago for $800 is now an obsolete piece of garbage. The OS is 4.3 and every one of my apps except Kindle no longer work because they now only work with 5.0. Would be great if I could get the new OS on my current iPad but...OFW too bad for me.

I will never buy another Apple piece of #### again and I'm glad Steve Jobs is dead. Hope it was as painful as dealing with his bull#### machines is. ####ing 99% hippie bastards.

You cant research products before you buy?? tisk, tisk....Sounds like your problem, not Apples!
I am sure Steve's family are pleased with your horrid opinion of their loved one.:coffee:


Well-Known Member
The iPad I bought two years ago for $800 is now an obsolete piece of garbage. The OS is 4.3 and every one of my apps except Kindle no longer work because they now only work with 5.0. Would be great if I could get the new OS on my current iPad but...OFW too bad for me.

I will never buy another Apple piece of #### again and I'm glad Steve Jobs is dead. Hope it was as painful as dealing with his bull#### machines is. ####ing 99% hippie bastards.

Yeah because all the current Windows programs work with all the old Windows OS. :rolleyes:



mama to two
The iPad I bought two years ago for $800 is now an obsolete piece of garbage. The OS is 4.3 and every one of my apps except Kindle no longer work because they now only work with 5.0. Would be great if I could get the new OS on my current iPad but...OFW too bad for me.

I will never buy another Apple piece of #### again and I'm glad Steve Jobs is dead. Hope it was as painful as dealing with his bull#### machines is. ####ing 99% hippie bastards.

:faint: I stay out of your way because I know you don't like me, but what you said is horrid. We have all experienced how far technology advances in a short period of time, and have paid the price. My hub says there are apps/downloads you can use to update your iPad. Sheesh!
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yeah because all the current Windows programs work with all the old Windows OS. :rolleyes:


Right, but Windows doesn't force a software upgrade, then tell you too bad, now nothing works because you don't have the most recent OS. Which, btw, you cannot get on your existing machine.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm now trying to update the OS through iTunes, which is bull#### for a couple of reasons:

1) You shouldn't need a separate computer to update another computer;
2) Now I have to upgrade my iTunes to the most recent version, which they change every month or so, so that I can connect and/or use it.'

I loathe Apple.


not impressed
I'm now trying to update the OS through iTunes, which is bull#### for a couple of reasons:

1) You shouldn't need a separate computer to update another computer;
2) Now I have to upgrade my iTunes to the most recent version, which they change every month or so, so that I can connect and/or use it.'

I loathe Apple.

Lol, give android a try and see how much whining you do

Ps iOS 5 can update without iTunes


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yes you can, read my post

"Updating my OS will delete all my apps, including the stuff I purchased."

I hate these people and will never buy their crap again. You shouldn't need a computer to update another computer and it absolutely shouldn't be this difficult.


Have you looked under settings -> general -> software update on your ipad? I have an ipad2 so maybe it's different :shrug: but I've been able to get each update through my ipad itself and it's running 6.0.


not impressed
"Updating my OS will delete all my apps, including the stuff I purchased."

I hate these people and will never buy their crap again. You shouldn't need a computer to update another computer and it absolutely shouldn't be this difficult.

And they will all synch back from your backup. Even if they don't you won't need to buy them again. How much did you drink tonight?


not impressed
Have you looked under settings -> general -> software update on your ipad? I have an ipad2 so maybe it's different :shrug: but I've been able to get each update through my ipad itself and it's running 6.0.

That's a feature that came with iOS 5, she didn't keep her's up to date.


not impressed
Okay, I'm sitting here looking at it. If anyone is drunk, it's Apple programmers, not me. I'm drinking licorice coffee (which is very tasty, btw).

I beg you to try another tablet. I'm tempted to buy it for you just to watch your reaction.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I beg you to try another tablet. I'm tempted to buy it for you just to watch your reaction.

I remember when I first set this ignorant thing up and what a PITA it was. I had to hook up to another computer, oh and it also had to have the most recent version of iTunes, which updates every week or so because apparently they can't get it right the first time. Or the 3,485th time.