This Perfectly Sums Up What “Rights” Mean to Liberals


New Member
I think you are confusing points here...

My comments towards vrai were due to her high and mighty opinion and all encompassing backlash regarding what she thinks is racist rhetoric. The fact that she condemns these people in one sentence and then calls out others in the next tells the tale.

Our conversation was about people being quick with the 'Racist' label. People tend to forget that discrimination and racism are two totally different things. Racism is a BELIEF. Discrimination is an ACTION.

You sure do make a lot of assumptions about what other people are thinking. That's why YOU are called out here. Please don't make assumptions as to what I'm thinking.
Your comments on Vri’s post are exactly what you are doing here. You are making an assumption of what she is thinking without knowing. No where in these posts, has she said people are racist for stating facts. You again are making assumptions as to what her thoughts are. I read the same thing as you, and I am not seeing it that way.


New Member
You sure do make a lot of assumptions about what other people are thinking. That's why YOU are called out here. Please don't make assumptions as to what I'm thinking.
Your comments on Vri’s post are exactly what you are doing here. You are making an assumption of what she is thinking without knowing. No where in these posts, has she said people are racist for stating facts. You again are making assumptions as to what her thoughts are. I read the same thing as you, and I am not seeing it that way.

The very fact that she said "ALL OF YOU" includes me. This very fact DOES in fact give me the right to make an assumption as to the point she was trying to make. PERIOD!

If she has a specific point, about a specific person or group of people then she needs to either list them as such OR keep the blanket statements to herself. If she insists on calling out a group of people on a subject and does NOT want others to speculate on "what she is thinking without knowing" then maybe she should articulate a little better and not just finger point with broad accusations to back it up.

This is a public forum where people come to share their views and opinions. Don't come on here and spew something for the masses with little details or reasoning to back it up and then cry about being misunderstood and that people do not know what you are "really thinking."
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The way you took her posting is not how I see it. She is not speaking about me, although I have questioned the presidents competence. She is not saying you can’t say that a black person committed a crime, but to say that race had anything to do with that person’s reason for committing that crime is ridiculous.

What she, as best I can understand it is saying those people on here who would say a person, because of their color or religion is likely to commit a crime or do something bad are bigots. I agree with her 100%.

Yep. But notice how defensive some people got? I named no names, but a couple of our resident haters assumed (correctly) that I was talking about them. So obviously this isn't the first time someone has called them out on their bull####.


New Member
I do not think Christ would be changing water into wine at a gay wedding
... and that is the ONLY point here
.... providing a service at a Gay Wedding

WOW ,now you actually know what Christ will and won't do !It is statements like GURPS that lead to people being tested for drugs !!!:lmao:


New Member
I don't consider myself racist, I judge each individual on the way they are, the way they live,

To me Homosexuality is a sickness.

I don't hate all blacks , just those who are like a cancer in the community.

Sorry but yes ,you are really , really ignorant .


Well-Known Member
Isn't this also true of Christians who would be true to thier religion?

Deuteronomy 13:13-19

Deuteronomy 17:12

Deuteronomy 22:20-21

Leviticus 20:13

If, as you are trying to imply, you are only basing your information on what their religion tells them (Meaning the Koran) then what do you say to Christians who read the bible?

I would reply that no Christian I know is free from sin or does everything the Bible says. But I know of no Christians who are slaughtering 134 peoplle in a Church, or running Christians out of the Middle East., or stoning their wives and killing their wives. My only thought about apostate Muslims who do not agree with what the book says is start calling yourself something else. Reformed Muslim or some other name as the Christians who left Catholicism did. Lutherans, Methodists , Baptists., all got tired of the rules of the Catholic church and reformed under new names. Call yourself an atheist if you like, but if you do not obey the rules of the Church it's time to star looking for another. And of course no one obeys any rules of anything all of the time.


Well-Known Member
Yep. But notice how defensive some people got? I named no names, but a couple of our resident haters assumed (correctly) that I was talking about them. So obviously this isn't the first time someone has called them out on their bull####.

I stated I have no problem with a discussion about race, but that as soon as the discussion came up a white person is called a racist.

You did exactly what I stated. You called me and others racist for our views.
Because we answered your absurd post we are racist.

I am cool with that,. call me what you like I am entitled to an opinion you are entitled to yours.
If you want to call posters racist have at it.

Rdy to go does not have a guilty conscience and you have White guilt ---enjoy.


Well-Known Member
Do people think Chik-fil-A should be forced by the government to be open on Sundays? After all, that is a company choosing whether to provide a service based on their religious beliefs regarding working on the Sabbath and their beliefs on family.

Religious freedom isn't about the strawmen repeatedly posed here that says a company can say, "ew, you're gay so I don't like you so get out of my bakery". That strawman is an intentional distortion to work up the ire of the ignorant who fall for it. It's about the first amendment right to say "as a bakery, we choose to not stock groom-groom or bride-bride wedding cake toppers or service because those offend our Muslim beliefs", or "my pharmacy won't stock the abortion drug because it offends our sensibilities".

Is that the most lucrative business model? Of course not. So what?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You called me and others racist for our views.

Show me where, in my original post, I called you a racist. Or anything. Or even mentioned your name.

That's you self-identifying, friend, not anything I said or did.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but yes ,you are really , really ignorant .

We have reason to believe that homosexuality is not a choice, agreed?

And, homosexuality is demonstrably not an improvement to the gene pool, agreed?

Wouldn't that logically make it a birth defect?


New Member
The very fact that she said "ALL OF YOU" includes me. This very fact DOES in fact give me the right to make an assumption as to the point she was trying to make. PERIOD!

If she has a specific point, about a specific person or group of people then she needs to either list them as such OR keep the blanket statements to herself. If she insists on calling out a group of people on a subject and does NOT want others to speculate on "what she is thinking without knowing" then maybe she should articulate a little better and not just finger point with broad accusations to back it up.

This is a public forum where people come to share their views and opinions. Don't come on here and spew something for the masses with little details or reasoning to back it up and then cry about being misunderstood and that people do not know what you are "really thinking."

You are taking what she said completely out of context. The point where she said "just you all" was clearly in reference to the bigots she was speaking about, not everyone on the forums.

And honestly I hate the bigots and racists on here because they've made this a part of my life, where it never was before. No black person or Muslim person or gay person has ever brought bigotry home to me - just you all. You make me ashamed.
She did have a specific point about specific people. Bigots. You, yourself said you know who they are. You, yourself said you have identified the language which you know to be racist on here.
If YOU can make the identification, why do you need her to point the names out to you?
Her detail was pretty specific. Why the guilty conscience?


Well-Known Member
Why the guilty conscience?

He has no quilty conscience or anyone else here. Did you read his and Hijinx post. They clearly stated their dislikes in all races.

But, you keep driving that nail into anyones head that does not bend over. #######.


New Member
I stated I have no problem with a discussion about race, but that as soon as the discussion came up a white person is called a racist.

You did exactly what I stated. You called me and others racist for our views.
Because we answered your absurd post we are racist.

I am cool with that,. call me what you like I am entitled to an opinion you are entitled to yours.
If you want to call posters racist have at it.

Rdy to go does not have a guilty conscience and you have White guilt ---enjoy.

She has white guilt because she abhors racism? Where in these post did she call you a racist?


New Member
I stated I have no problem with a discussion about race, but that as soon as the discussion came up a white person is called a racist.

You did exactly what I stated. You called me and others racist for our views.
Because we answered your absurd post we are racist.

I am cool with that,. call me what you like I am entitled to an opinion you are entitled to yours.
If you want to call posters racist have at it.

Rdy to go does not have a guilty conscience and you have White guilt ---enjoy.

Very... Very well said. It would be very refreshing to have a discussion regarding race and associated issues. Sadly, you just can't get past the white guilt and the nay-sayers.

Her detail was pretty specific. Why the guilty conscience?

Her "detail" was far from specific. "Just you all" to me means ALL of us on the forum. Which includes you, me, and everyone else.

As for my conscience.... I am guilt free. I am quite comfortable with my views and perfectly able to stand behind what I think is right or wrong... racist or discriminatory. I know what it is like to live in an all black neighborhood... be "that white guy", and able to distinguish what is wrong and what is right when it comes to racial issues. Only experience can do that. Like many have said... walk a mile :coffee:


New Member
He has no quilty conscience or anyone else here. Did you read his and Hijinx post. They clearly stated their dislikes in all races.

But, you keep driving that nail into anyones head that does not bend over. #######.

If he doesn't have a guilty conscience, why is he upset about her post? What is it in her first post which is offensive to anyone who isn't a racist? Please, point that out to me. Quote it so I understand. I'm not sure what word you were trying to express after "over". It doesn't appear that it would relate to me.