This Perfectly Sums Up What “Rights” Mean to Liberals


New Member
We have reason to believe that homosexuality is not a choice, agreed?

And, homosexuality is demonstrably not an improvement to the gene pool, agreed?

Wouldn't that logically make it a birth defect?

Anything that makes someone love someone else and that love is between consenting adults ,is not a birth defect ,no .
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New Member
Her "detail" was far from specific. "Just you all" to me means ALL of us on the forum. Which includes you, me, and everyone else.

I will try and break this down for you again. I thought you once said you were an educated man, but here we go.

And honestly I hate the bigots and racists on here because they've made this a part of my life, where it never was before.
No black person or Muslim person or gay person has ever brought bigotry home to me - just you all
. You make me ashamed.

I'm trying to figure out for the life of me, when she is CLEARLY talking about bigots and racists on here, how you take "just you all" to mean everyone on the forum. What college would have taught you that reasoning?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Anything that makes someone love someone else and that love is between consenting adults ,is not a birth defect ,no .

Anything that prevents you from producing spawn I would call a blessing..truly a gift from Darwin to humanity.


New Member you take "just you all" to mean everyone on the forum. What college would have taught you that reasoning?

Actually... it didn't take a college to teach me this. Probably somewhere between kindergarten and elementary school

According to Webster: Definition of "All"

: the whole, entire, total amount, quantity, or extent of

: every member or part of

: the whole number or sum of

Until someone wants to have an open discussion regarding race, I don't have any more time to waste on this.
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Well-Known Member
Anything that makes someone love someone else and that love is between consenting adults ,is not a birth defect ,no .

That's a socially-laudable answer, dripping with positive emotion and good sentiment. Not very scientific or logical. My cousin with Downs Syndrome loves and is loved, but is still not healthy. The woman I know born with Type 1 diabetes is in a happy marriage and is the rock of her family, but was born unhealthy.

I don't minimize nor dismiss the love, but that's really a scientifically pointless diversion.


New Member

Now, I've answered your question, please answer mine.

I don't think Chic Fil A should be forced to be open on Sundays, nor do I think a Baker should have to make a cake for a gay wedding. I do, however see those two things as different and understand the argument of the opposition. Chic Fil A is closed to all on Sundays. Not just one select group based on their sexuality.

I'm Catholic. I think practicing homosexuality is a sin. I also think engaging in sexual acts outside of marriage is a sin. I wouldn't want people to stop serving me because I had sex before I was married. In my house, and my religion, I teach because I was taught to hate the sin, not the sinner.


New Member
Actually... it didn't take a college to teach me this. Probably somewhere between kindergarten and elementary school

According to Webster: Definition of "All"

: the whole, entire, total amount, quantity, or extent of

: every member or part of

: the whole number or sum of

Until someone wants to have an open discussion regarding race, I don't have any more time to waste on this.

Thank you for those definitions. So are you now saying Vri thinks that every person in the universe is a racist? After all, that is the :whole, entire, total amount, quantity, or extent of: every member or part of:the whole number or sum of.

In other words, your point is pointless. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

If you want to have a discussion on race I will be happy to engage in that discussion. That is not what this was about.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Chic Fil A should be forced to be open on Sundays, nor do I think a Baker should have to make a cake for a gay wedding. I do, however see those two things as different and understand the argument of the opposition. Chic Fil A is closed to all on Sundays. Not just one select group based on their sexuality.

I'm Catholic. I think practicing homosexuality is a sin. I also think engaging in sexual acts outside of marriage is a sin. I wouldn't want people to stop serving me because I had sex before I was married. In my house, and my religion, I teach because I was taught to hate the sin, not the sinner.

I respect that answer a great deal, and agree with much of it.

The law in question would not make it ok to not serve you because you are a sinner. I have yet to meet a Christian who is not a sinner. I've yet to meet a Christian who does not understand that all people are sinners.

The point has never been to restrict service to people. The point has been to allow a business owner to choose whether or not to support an action through their own business. As you said, a bakery should not be forced to support a gay wedding. That is very far from turning away men because they are wearing a rainbow tee-shirt and an earring in the "wrong" ear.

I fully agree that my role as a Christian is to love my neighbor. That doesn't mean I have to support actions with which I disagree. Equally, as a society my Christian views should not be the basis for law - if someone else wants to get my business and support them, my religious beliefs are not the basis to stop them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Thank you for those definitions. So are you now saying Vri thinks that every person in the universe is a racist? After all, that is the :whole, entire, total amount, quantity, or extent of: every member or part of:the whole number or sum of.


I admire your effort. I don't have the patience to respond to tedious and deliberately obtuse accusations for any real length of time.

Just as you said, my original post was clearly addressing bigots and racists, not everyone in the universe and beyond. I think most people understand that, in context. Apparently there are a few folks on here who just enjoy being outraged and offended. And good for them! People need hobbies. :yay:


Not White House Approved
We watched "42" last night, about Jackie Robinson breaking into the majors. Great movie, btw. It's difficult to see the ignorance and downright nasty way people treat each other. What's even worse is to realize that nothing has really changed. There are people right on this forum, from the way they talk, who would absolutely forbid a black person or a gay person from using a public facility or socializing with them in any capacity. If they thought they could get away with it and if someone else would start, they would absolutely be screaming filthy names and horrible things at blacks and gays and Muslims and anyone else who isn't "them". How we can tell is that they do it on a lesser scale right here in the open on a public forum where they're anonymous for the most part but not really. You see them comment on internet stories all the time.

Quite simply, I hate those people and wish they'd die. Like, really die. Painfully. And I want to watch.

So if non-whites, non-heteros, and non-Christians are a little touchy, I can totally see why they would be. White hetero Christians outnumber them - all of them - so they are one rallying cry away from being, if not lynched then refused service and burnt out of their homes.

And honestly I hate the bigots and racists on here because they've made this a part of my life, where it never was before. No black person or Muslim person or gay person has ever brought bigotry home to me - just you all. You make me ashamed.
No, you've made this part of your life, no one forced you to read the threads, no one forced you to participate in the discussions, no one forced you to start this site and to continue to run it for all these years, no one brought this on you but yourself.

Also, miss high and mighty, I've see you post bigoted thing on this site so stop with the self-righteous indignation, its laughable.

While people may express their opinion we don't see anyone on this site acting out their opinion, if we did they would be all over the news and good ole Al would be down here protesting. Funny how tolerant you want others to be yet you are one of the most intolerant members here, if there is a opinion you don't like to hear, you put the member on ignore, if they continue to bother you, you ban them, how eff'ing tolerant of you.

Enjoy your perch, it's built on the hypocrisy you've posted over the years.


mama to two
No, you've made this part of your life, no one forced you to read the threads, no one forced you to participate in the discussions, no one forced you to start this site and to continue to run it for all these years, no one brought this on you but yourself.

Also, miss high and mighty, I've see you post bigoted thing on this site so stop with the self-righteous indignation, its laughable.

While people may express their opinion we don't see anyone on this site acting out their opinion, if we did they would be all over the news and good ole Al would be down here protesting. Funny how tolerant you want others to be yet you are one of the most intolerant members here, if there is a opinion you don't like to hear, you put the member on ignore, if they continue to bother you, you ban them, how eff'ing tolerant of you.

Enjoy your perch, it's built on the hypocrisy you've posted over the years.

Someday I will get some guts! :lol:

The one thing I disagree with vrai's comment about comments being brought into her life, and what she has to put up with it, etc., is really dumb. I always thought she got too personally involved, anyway, with what is said here. She is an owner/moderator and should be monitoring. Who monitors vrai? :shrug:


New Member
Did this mean you are good with the government forcing Chik-fil-A to open Sundays?

So you don't know what "Blue Laws" are (were) ? They were in effect so citizens could go and worship at what ever House of worship they chose ,it did not force anyone to open when they did not want to be open .So let me ask you a question ,was it all right to refuse service to blacks because of their skin color ?